Share your business plans/money making schemes...


Well-known member
I've been thinking today, & for the past few months that I need a way of making money (aside from having a job). I'm at college & unemployed at the minute & I can only put so much on eBay! I need a way to fund MAC/clothing habits ;)

Anyone out there found a genius way of making a few extra pennies or would like to share their stories of getting motivated to start a business. How did you find it? Was it successful for you?

Now I have no chance of starting up a business, I'm a skint 17 year old student, but still, nothing wrong with a little inspiration :p

Share your experiences :)


Well-known member
I've been thinking today, & for the past few months that I need a way of making money (aside from having a job). I'm at college & unemployed at the minute & I can only put so much on eBay! I need a way to fund MAC/clothing habits ;)

Anyone out there found a genius way of making a few extra pennies or would like to share their stories of getting motivated to start a business. How did you find it? Was it successful for you?

Now I have no chance of starting up a business, I'm a skint 17 year old student, but still, nothing wrong with a little inspiration :p

Share your experiences :)
the only thing that I think is a way of making some extra cash is perhaps asking people if they want you to do their make up? You could charge a small amount at first until you get more experiance - then you could charge more when you are ready to :) Personally i do my friends makeup but have never charged them - although they have said that they would pay for what i can do for them.


Well-known member
Sorry for bumping this thread, but I'm in search of a good business idea. I want to have an additional (maybe later it will be main) source of income. Thanks for sharing your experiences! And any updates and new thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Active member
What do you like doing actually? Maybe you should start with that?
There are so many businesses you can start today, without even going outside.
Digital world has to limits and most of the things can be done through microsoft teams calling only.
Just find what you like and learn to do it a little better than others.
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