The, I should learn to stay away haul


Well-known member
So, no pictures today because my camera is acting up.

So, I think that one of the MUA's at the MAC counter in the Bloomies a few blocks from home is just one of the nicest people I've ever met. So, combine that with the fact that all the new holiday collections have been coming out one after the other, and I've been spending way too much time in the store, and not to mention money. (And we won't talk about the LAST time I do my Pro store haul without getting my PPID. Because, that was like.. 400 bucks I could have saved.)

But, anyways, over the last few weeks I've picked up...

The Warm Eyes Palette
The Face Brush collection
The Basic Brush collection (for two of the brushes, I'm gifting the remainder to my Mum for the holidays)
Tango and Immodest Mattenes
The Softsparkle Pencil set
Warm Lipglass and Lustreglass
Dancing Light loose beauty powder
Skin Lure Studio Light
183 and 188 brushes
The five mineralize e/s duos
Red Romp
And probably some other stuff that I forgot. >.<

I need to stop. (But I really, really don't want to)


Well-known member
its a little painful but hey look at all the wonderful stuff you have now! and all of the looks you'll be able to do! i tell myself that MAC is an investment, that helps the pain a little. *giggles*