Are you the only one into makeup and beauty?


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In your family that is into make up and beauty? If so, How do you feel being the only one buying make up and wearing the latest trends?

I am the only one out of my family that loves the hell out of make up. I'm the one they come to, to do make up looks. Now I'm nowhere near the best at doing makeovers, but they seem to think so. I feel kinda odd as well, because I'm brown toned and the family I mainly keep in contact with are darker skinned. They fear make up to the point of only wearing clear gloss...

I'm happy to have confidence, but I still don't fully understand why there's a need for some darker skinned African American women to shy away from it?


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

alot of makeup lines don't cater to darker women of color. also, you don't see alot of makeup looks for darker skinned beaties I think the darkest toned model with good makeup looks i've seen is kenya moore. If you're more Blurple like Alek Wek, I don't think I've seen any everyday looks on her not many at least. I'd love to see some.


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

Yeah, but I have to say that I have well... a rather "blah" family, because I'm the go-to person for beauty, music, current events, pop culture, etc. It's no wonder why my creative side was never cultivated as a kid... it was actually discouraged, which is why I'm catching up now, LOL.

I too, am brown skinned I consider myself dark, even, but they all joke that my daughter and I are light skinned ( my daughter actually is, though, but anyway); I can only speak for the women in my family when I say that the reason why they shy away from color ( hell, buying cosmetics period) is because they think it's a "white thing", and don't see living breathing examples of women of color who wear makeup well, every day. I don't live near my family, so I can't be an example to them, but when I'm in town, I'm beatin faces, LOL! It's also hard to push a 30, 40 + year old woman into something new. I'd rather see WOC bare faced than looking like some damn clowns.


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

Alek is pretty fierce though with makeup.. i think darker sisters just need inspriation


Ghanain beauty
Foundation: Select SPF 15
Powder: Mineralize skinfinish Lose powder
Blush: X-Rocks from Neo Sci-Fi collection
Bronzer: as a countour only BOBBI BROWN in DEEP 4
Eyebrows: Spiked or Stud eyenrow pencil (stud is for darker complexion)
Eyebase: Paint in architecture
Eyelid: Samoa Silk
Eye crease: Charcoal Brown
Outer Crease corner: Brun
Highligter: Arena
Eyeliner: Blacktrack on top and Graphblack at the bottom
Lashes: Lancome Mascara Definicils in Black
Liner: Chestnut
Lipgloss: Revealing or plushglass in Ample Pink if you want a hint of pink…



Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

I also believe that they shy away from it because they see make up for lighter skinned black women to white women and other races. I even complained to my mother today when I picked up a M.A.C lipstick. I told her that most of their lipsticks ARE made for white women.Hell, I couldn't get a damn thing from the Heatherette collection. I mean their lipsticks were way...too pale for me!

I also have to agree with the Alek model being an inspiration as well as Kenya Moore. Kenya is beautiful and Alek is unique. Both are models yet darker complected women tend to look at Beyonce, Halle, and Rihanna for inspiration only because their name gets thrown around more in the media. Being dubbed as "beautiful", when it's all just their light color. It's a shame, but I can't blame darker complected women. They choose to like what they want.


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

I think that makeup has the unfortunate reputation of being frivolous, and only something "high maintenance" women use. I've seen this attitude in women from all across the color spectrum...I'm a white New Yorker myself, and I'd say a good 60% of the women in this city have the attitude that makeup takes time and they'd rather be the "laid-back type." I can't tell you how many times women have stopped me at a Starbucks to say, "Wow, that must have taken a lot of time. I'm ready in 10 minutes since I never wear anything more than Chapstick and eyeliner, bla bla bla"


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

^I agree. But, I'm always slightly shocked when my coworkers say they get up at 7:00 (same as I do) and they look like.....that. To hell with that "au naturel". Why would I want to walk around with the same look I wore TO bed?!?


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="<A href=""></param><param">"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Here's a good professional makeup look for dark skinned sisters using Iman products

YouTube - IMAN COSMETICS Red Carpet


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
^I agree. But, I'm always slightly shocked when my coworkers say they get up at 7:00 (same as I do) and they look like.....that. To hell with that "au naturel". Why would I want to walk around with the same look I wore TO bed?!?

I had to laugh at that!^^^^ You are so right on it!
Make up shouldn't be so damn serious as a lot of people take. I mean for us lovers and I love make up, but I can also put it on hold, if I needed to. Everyone can go natural and look just as good with it, just like the rest of you pretty gals
. LOL I think some people will naturally be scared of it or just think nothing of it.


Re: Are you the only one?

My mother only wears eyeliner to parties and sometimes she steals my powder when she feels she looks pale( My mother is light skinned). I would love to do a hair and makeup makeover on my mum, but she says she is too old.
I got my makeup love form my older sister. She has experimented with makeup, she learnt how to do it from magazines and i used to watch her ( there is 7 years between us) when i was little.
However i would say i use more bold colours. But thats mainly because i go raving a lot. My sister is queen of neutral ville lol!


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

Well for my family it's not an African American thing because I am adopted & my family is a mix of all races. When I was younger my Mom actually sold Avon for awhile & when I was around 16 she let me started giving me some products to use. But, I didn't really get into make-up/MAC until my early 20's & then it became an obsession LOL! So I am definitely the make-up girl in my family now & I don't really mind. Whenever my younger sister agrees to let me do her make-up she always starts out by saying "Okay, just don't do it as heavy as yours." LOL! I did a very soft look for her wedding in July & she loved it though:


But, speaking of African American women not being comfortable wearing make-up. Just the other day there were 2 walking by the counter & the one lady wanted to come over to the counter & the other one was like "You don't wanna go over there, they paint their faces up like Crayola crayons!" Me & my co-workers had a good laugh over it.


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

I don't actually think it's primarily a "black thing". How often do you see any woman walking around with bold makeup? You are all right, though. The reason a lot of dark-skinned women shy away from makeup they are unfamiliar with is because they don't have very many dark women out their wearing "noticeable" makeup outside the runway and editorial shoots.

People in my family all come to me for makeup advice, and I think I give good tips. I try to push my mother to try different colors other than her berry lipstick and her navy blue liner she's been wearing since the 80s, but she feels like anything more than that will look too clownish.

I have dark-skinned friends who'll look through magazines, see a pretty look a light girl is wearing, and dismiss the thought of even trying it because they think it wouldn't work for them.

I encourage people to expiriment... not just with makeup. Playing it safe is boring. I've discoverd so many hot looks and techniques just from trying something new that I thought would look horrid on me.
And hey, if it looks like shit, take it off, it isn't permanent.
I just wish more WoC would realize it!!!!

I recognize that Genevieve chick from those Nigerian movies. My mom loves watching them. Her makeup is nice.


Well-known member
Re: Are you the only one?

Ha yes I am the only one who wears and does makeup!
With my friends though it's different once they learned what to buy and how to apply it there was no stopping them. As far as family goes I the eyelash lady for weekend clubbing which is cool. In my immediate family we all have a niche Me Makeup my mom is fashion designer my older sister creates amazing jewelry my younger sister scapbooks and my lil brother plays football.


Re: Are you the only one?

My mom wore make up, but it was more of a "I'm going out, I need a little color on my face" kinda thing, not daily. She taught me how to use cake eyeliner (she was a PRO) and could literally do it with her eyes closed, on the lower waterline.
My five year old is a "lipgloss" (chapstick) fiend.

But, I'm the only person in my family that is really into makeup.


Well-known member
I'm the one whose more into makeup but my sister is coming up there. My sister only wears tinted moisturizer, liner, mascara, and lipgloss. She is starting to wear blush.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I'm definitely the ONLY person in my family into make up. I always have been. My mom would be the announcer when I would host make up and fashion shows in the living room LMAO [I'm getting emotional because I fell old and I miss the hell out of my mom]. I used to wear make up all the time in high school and I wore it well, so I ended up doing make up for the team [dance/drill] that I was on for the first two years of high school.

As a WOC I really don't understand why others don't grow some balls and try on some color! If anything, I think WOC can rock color better than anyone because our deep tones make them pop! I'm a sucker for purples, blues, and greens! My theory is that ANYONE can wear ANY COLOR, they just have to make it work for their own face and style.


Well-known member
i too i'm the only person i know ( family and friends) who wears more then gloss masacra, and eye liner. I think WOC are afraid of looking unnatural , but most of my class mate don't know i wear make up unless they have asked me about my "clear skin"


Well-known member
Luckily, I am not the only person I know into makeup. My family isn't in to it that much beyond nail and lip color... o and foundation. I remember my mother teaching me to wear red lipstick and red nail polish, because that looked like a "classic lady", lol. My sister is starting to come around and picks up tips from me here and there. She likes to try all types of makeup though, just doesn't do it on herself.

My friends on the other hand, are all into makeup but not as much as me. I have some pretty creative friends though, with most of them being dancers and trained in other art forms. But, I'm the only one who actively tries to perfect my technique and try new things.


Yes, the only ONLY person. I have one friend who's into makeup a bit, and I think her interest is growing a bit day by day. Other than that, most think I'm wasting my money and have too much "face paint". My mom thinks I wear too much, and I just smear on more and say "THERE'S NO SUCH THING!"

Haha, but it's funny. She used to (and still does a little bit) sell Mary Kay. And she used to drag me to her unit meetings and take me to client houses and parties and stuff and she wonders where my immense interest in makeup comes from? Uh, hellllloo. When I was 11 you dragged me all over the entire state of Maryland making up womens faces lol. But it's cool being the go-to chick. I'm by no means a guru, but in comparison to my friends and fam I'm like God

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