Ear candling - it's a bit hard to explain, but will give it my best shot.
A candle made of wax wound into a tube, to form a hollow tube, is placed on your ear canal and lit at the top. The wax will have beautiful therapeutic essential oils appropriate to what complaints you might have and assist in drainage.
The smoke travels down your sinal passages, and basically draws out the moisture and blocked garbage, like residue from past sinus infections, and sticks to the candle's inner walls. Ear wax will also come out as orange solid gunk (sorry it's gross, but I am trying to be informative). Every now and then the naturopath will remove the candle from your ear (there's no fear of you getting burnt, they don't burn it right down till it finishes), tap it onto a plate and they can tell you by what colour/consistency the solids appear to be what your main problems are. My last session, my naturopath told me I had lots of 'clumps' of solids, residue of several past sinus infections (she was right - I hadn't told her this though).
It is seriously good for getting the fluids to drain - I got to a stage where I could hear the fluid rolling around in my passages, like I was going to drown, and it took 2 candling sessions to get rid of most of it.
As a result, breathing is freer, head feels lighter and clearer, and your cheek/nose area may look a little deflated/thinner.
Apparently the ancient Egyptians practised it, some folk European people still do it. I'd got to the point where I just couldn't constantly be on antibiotics for my chronic infections, so gave this a shot and it was extremely effective.