People wanting your discount.....


Well-known member
Doesn't it piss you off when people, especially people who you don't even know or aren't even friendly with ask you for your discount? I swear when people find out I work for MAC they just come out of everywhere asking if I can "hook them up". A few weeks ago I was at the Dr.'s office & I was going to work right after my appt. so I was dressed up, had my make-up done & was wearing my MAC necklace. So the receptionist who I don't know from a whole in the wall goes "Oh you work for MAC?" I tell her that I do. And ten she goes "Yeah, you guys get a really good discount on the make-up right?" I tell her that we do, but I'm not aloud to discuss what kind of discount we get. She goes "Oh ok, well could I come by your counter one day & you can hook me up?" I explain to her that it doesn't work that way & we can only use our discount at MAC stores. By now I am really amazed at the set this girl. Then she goes "So, I could come to the counter one day & just let you know what I want & you could get it for me?" I tell her that I could not & that the discount was only for MAC employees & that I could get into trouble for that. She finally shut up after that. But, I just couldn't believe that this complete stranger had the nerve to ask me for my discount. Then just the other day My MIL calls me & wants to know if one of my Brother In Law's baby mamas could come see me & get a discount. I see this chick once in a blue moon! Like we aren't even friends in any regard. Yet she has the nerve to ask for me to get her a discount? People amaze me.

Share your stories of how people all of a sudden want to be your best friend when they find out you work for MAC or any other cosmetic line for that matter.....


Well-known member
^ Wow, that's pretty blatant, I can't believe those people! Especially from someone who is pretty much a perfect stranger. People will really stoop to some levels to save money...

Though... if someone close to me (like my sister) worked for MAC then I must admit, I'd be all over it! Haha. But really, unless it was a really close friend who I knew would be comfortable with it, I wouldn't have the guts to ask. Plus I'd just feel like it was kinda tacky.


Well-known member
I don't work for a cosmetics company but I am a buyer for a popular sporting goods company & people always are asking me for "free stuff", sporting event tickets, and of course my employee discount. I do find it irritating because people outright ask regardless of my relationship with them. Makes me really wonder sometime if I'm the only person that finds that rude because it always happens to me.

I'm so thankful there isn't anything I have to wear that shows I have a pro card either because I can only imagine the amount of requests I would get to let someone use that. I once was at a freestanding store & was waiting in line to check out, I had my credit card & pro card out ready to pay & some random girl asked me if she could use my pro card discount...

Are you serious??
If you know what a pro card is then you should also know the rules that you are required to follow to have one!!!!


Well-known member
My friend works at MAC and she lives 3 houses down and she stops by and we go out to lunch, shopping etc.....I have never ONCE asked her to get me anything at discount. Number one because I would never have her compromise her job nor would I want to ever make her feel uncomfortable. We talk about makeup all the time...what I should get, what she likes etc....But the word discount has never come up. I am sure she has thought about it...But I am sure she appreciates the fact that I have never put her in the position to have to address it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
My friend works at MAC and she lives 3 houses down and she stops by and we go out to lunch, shopping etc.....I have never ONCE asked her to get me anything at discount. Number one because I would never have her compromise her job nor would I want to ever make her feel uncomfortable. We talk about makeup all the time...what I should get, what she likes etc....But the word discount has never come up. I am sure she has thought about it...But I am sure she appreciates the fact that I have never put her in the position to have to address it.

You are a true friend Tish


Well-known member
Tell me about it. People who I consider "acquaintances" are always asking me for a discount. And if I say no, they get upset or pissed off.

The few people who are my close friends, actually never ask me for anything. Its really weird, but good. So it doesn't get in the way. I'll usually have extra items from gratis or EMS and when someone does something for me, or just as a thank you I'll give out like a lipstick or a shadow, but they never expect me to.

The funniest ones are "When can you do my makeup for free?" um yeah, I don't work for free. My kit isn't free either. When I go get my nails done or whatever, the ladies also always ask for a discount! wtf? They charge me full price for their service. Pfffft.

I dunno why people are like that, but I understand what you mean Nyla.


Well-known member
WOW that is downright disrespectful. I mean this girl didn't even know you Nyla. Geesh even I have manners and I know some nice MA's at MAC but I wouldn't dare ask them to give ME their discount *sigh*. Hmmm. I'm glad that you told her that you can get in trouble for that.


Well-known member
My aunt has a pro discount from being a model and she gladly lets me use her discount, but I have never asked to use it. She has always offered me the option and I am grateful for that. I only use it for my birthday as she and her twin sister (not my mother) pitch in money to buy me MAC and let me use the discount to get more for the money. Otherwise I pay full price. I can't believe how rude some people are over a discount, is it really worth embarassing yourself over?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I had people ask a few times, but I told them it wasn't worth my job.

That's a good way to put it too. I'll remember that one!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
That's a good way to put it too. I'll remember that one!

Yeah, most reasonable people won't argue with that. Hopefully, right? lol


Well-known member
that is just rude, especially since she was a complete stranger. I have been a professional photographer for 6 years so i get the Pro discount and only once has someone asked me to use my discount and of course i said no because i didn't feel right doing it


Well-known member
Wow, that's pretty tacky! "Hey, I don't know you.. can you get me discounted MAC and possibly risk your job?" Uhh.. right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Yeah, most reasonable people won't argue with that. Hopefully, right? lol



Well-known member
Omg! I'll have to remember that one as well Mac_Whore. Thats a good one!

When I was at Lancome, I made really good friends w/ the MAC girls. We would hangout out, outside of work and such, but I never asked for a discount. One time one for my friends, was buying stuff for herself and offered to get me a 187. But I never asked.



Well-known member
I don't work for any cosmetic company but I do work for a very large electronics retailer, and there isn't a day that goes buy that a customer in my store is asking me to give them my discount. God forbid I make the mistake and go shopping before or after work while wearing my "blue" shirt. Then there is always my mother calling asking if I can buy so and so something and they will pay me back. So irritating.


Well-known member
OMG that happens to me all the time!!! And it is so annoying because my close friends never ask me to use my discount, then some random bank teller or store clerk will have the nerve to ask like you are say "ok"...WTH!!! I think that is so rude and I'm sure to let them know how rude they are!


Well-known member
I agree with Tish, it's just not something you do. Not as a friend, and certainly not as a complete stranger.


Well-known member
Lord. I couldn't stand it when people asked me for my little discount when I worked at the zoo or Target. If I worked at MAC people would hate me for flat out telling them "No. Apply for a Pro card or a job and get it yourself. Keep it movin' shawty."

I get people asking me if they can use my name and ID because I work at a university and we get free tuition for any university system of GA institute's classes. That get's the (o_0) face.

Sure, you can take classes for free. It's called a "scholarship", look that up, crack that paperweight that's called a "book" open, and try again sped.

Just damn rude to ask you for your discount period. You could always tell them that you'll let them use your discount if they pay all your bills, since you'd be out of a job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Tell me about it. People who I consider "acquaintances" are always asking

When I go get my nails done or whatever, the ladies also always ask for a discount! wtf? They charge me full price for their service. Pfffft.

I dunno why people are like that, but I understand what you mean Nyla.

My nail technician asked me the other day, third time doing my nails - the cheek!
My bff asked me for her:
Sis in law
Mum in law
And get this... Her friends neighbour.
Needless to say i had words with said bff.

I have also had girls ask me for:
foundation samples, delivered to their door.
Five lipsticks posted out 80 miles to my uncles Sis in law when they have 3 stores in their city
Vex e/s by above so she can give it to her friend from abroad when she goes to visit her (I was the only one getting vex-ed

Sometimes it's not even discount, it's free friggin delivery. "when u next go to work can u grab blacktrack for me?"

I'm so pissed off just thinking abt it!

I just reply with "I'm not allowed to buy for anyone else, it's strictly monitored, I get a tiny allowance each month, or tell them how it's free p&p on website.