Shaving down there


Well-known member
Yes I 100% do...My husband prefers it clean and more importantly so do I..I might leave a slight bunny trail as he calls it...But for the most part Bare is my thing


Well-known member
Leave something there! xD I used to leave a little heart ahaha it depends, it's good to change it up a bit, some men like it all shave and others don't... others don't mind! My boyfriend doesn't care... I think you should do what makes you comfortable :)

I can't believe I'm talking about this here ahahaha xD


Well-known member
It varies from guy to guy really, I have guy mates who want it totally hairless because they think it looks nicer but then I have guy mates who want something there because they feel like pervos doing it with a girl who has nothing.

I personally shave it all off because I fell best that way and I think it's nice to make an effort, the Mr keeps himself in good condition so I think it's only fair I do too. Plus, (sorry if this is TMI) hair in mouth isn't a nice feeling and I wouldn't want to inflict that on another body.


Well-known member
My bf doesn't care, I usually have a little there but for the most part it is gone, especially in the summer.


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My current boyfriend likes me bald, which is just fine with me. I prefer to keep it all shaved off.

However, when I was in Japan.. most of the guys wanted hair there. My steady boyfriend at the time requested I grow it back in. I hated it, but he was so much happier after I started to look more like an 'adult woman'. His words. lol


Well-known member
I usually leave a triangle, but keep it trimmed really short. I don't like the look of shaved bare, but I do try to be nice and prevent hair in the teeth as much as possible.


Active member
Good point.

I'm totally shaved.
I could understand not wanting 'the look' of completely bare, but it sure does feel great. LOL

I think a thin strip or triangle would be attractive.

More hair = more odor = more gross.


Well-known member
I hate the growing back period of shaving it bare. So generally I keep very closely trimmed and shave around to clean it up a bit.

My bf loves it bare... but I really don't without waxing so I keep it the way I like it.


Well-known member
Wax that baby! She is trimmed but not bare I hate the bare look I feel creepy I know weird! I like her as close to bare as possible... And for all the ladies who haven't gone to get waxed do it it's not as bad as u think


Well-known member
I shave it allll off. Time consuming and itches like a bitch growing back in, but all my girl friends do it and every guy I've ever been with has wanted it bare, so.. I'd prefer to keep a little hair, but I don't know anyone else who does. I almost wonder if it's a generational thing..


Well-known member
for the most part i keep it bare. my hubby prefers it that way, i prefer it that way so it's win win!

however it's alot of upkeep to keep shaving! i hate stubble so i go through so many razor blades! sometimes if i'm lazy i'll let it grow back and have a neat triangle or landing strip. but i miss having it bare so shave it all off again!


Well-known member

i use to shave, then i tried a brazilian wax, fell in love. i think my man likes it bare. at least i like it better. it's cleaner for me (esp.when aunt flow comes to visit), and im sure he doesn't like to floss with hair either.
bare is better for when you're getting kisses down there too (for him i mean)


Well-known member
Completely naked down there, have been since I was about... 12 or 13? I've always loathed any kind of body hair, it makes me feel really dirty and eugh. Luckily I'm blessed with having barely any, but still.
I shave it off because I never really get razor rash... and I hate the pain of waxes - they make my sensitive skin violently angry too, it breaks into something similar to horrific body acne, even on my legs D: Plus I think I would hate having to grow it back in - my hair grows really slowly so that'd be a good 2 weeks before I was able to wax it again!
BF hates body hair as much as I do too, so he appreciates my constant obsession with maintenance xD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
so embarrasing, but how thehell to ppl draw triangles n shit down there?

With some intimate trimmers you get like patches and templates you can put down there and then you trim around it.

I can't be doing with that personally, if I'm shaving it all comes off because I don't see why I should leave a little behind, feels like I haven't done the job


Well-known member
I wish I could shave!

I like it all bare, and normally just get a wax (doesn't really hurt me much at all), but if a razor comes anywhere NEAR there (even on my upper thighs. Luckily there's barely anything there.) I immediately get a rash(?), hurting bumps that will last for almost a week or so. Best I can do without waxing is an electric trimmer, which still leaves some shorter hair, yet doesn't make me a hurty mess.

So, to sum it up...



Well-known member
heh.. I have always shaved but I guess I am used to it so I shave with a sweet razor and some shea butter conditioner.. works great and leaves me soft and smoooothy