Teen girl with a weird issue? o.O


Well-known member
I have a weird issue. It's embarrassing as hell, but I need to figure it out, so I'd like some advice!!!

I've tried masturbating and I haven't had much success. This is a problem that I cannot find an answer to on my own because:
I'm VERYYY single; probably not going to have a serious relationship anytime in at least the next 2 years or so. (There are about 50 boys at my school and I don't like any of the single/available/date-able guys!). But I still get some pretty intense sexual urges when I am alone.
I'm not old enough to be allowed to buy sex toys.
I reallyreallyreallyREALLY don't want to use my mother's vibrator. Ew. Just EW.

If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Ughhhh.


Well-known member
if you really want a sex toy could you buy one online with a debit card? that way you don't have to go into a store and be told you're not old enough! or failing that just use your fingers
generally i think you need to take your time and just try out different things to see what works for you. and don't getstressed overit and put too much pressure on yourself - if you think about it too much then it won't happen!

also maybe you could look for other things to use - like a back massager or one of my friends likes her electric toothbrush (not sure how she uses it though!)

and please don't use your mum's toy - ew indeed!

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
If you have a vivid imagination that'll help. Think of something you want to try. Don't put pressure or expectations on yourself. Use different pressure, different speeds, some girls like using the faucet method or rubbing up against something. Some girls like penetration with something and clit stimulation at the same time. You might want to read an erotic story or something too.

Just don't use food haha. I've read some embarassing stories where the food broke off and they had to go to the doctor to get it out.
I never had much luck with my fingers, either...definitely need a vibrator.

This is awkward, but I used an electric toothbrush for a LONG time until I was old enough to buy a vibrator. I know it sounds crazy, but it works!


Well-known member
Thanks so much everyone!!!! I feel less weird now haha

Hmm, I do own an electric toothbrush actually. Should I get a separate one to use as a vibrator or is there a way to totally clean and sanitize the one I use to brush my teeth? xD

Using my fingers just never does it for me. In a strange way, it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one with that problem lol!

LMAO @ Simply Elegant's story about the food! That would suck sooooooo bad. I feel bad for those people :/

Haha thank you LoveMakeup4Real! Thanks for the advice. And it's a bit late for abstinence for me unfortunately; I had sex behind a movie theater before school when I was 14 (which sucked btw!!!) and he pretty much broke my heart. There are loooong stories that go along with that, but basically I've learned many lessons the hard way (um, no pun intended). But it was one time, so not the end of the world I guess. And I guess I can "abstain" from real sex until I know I'm in love.


Well-known member
I used a hand held massager, which you can purchase at any store, CVS/Walgreens/Target/WalMart. They are fairly inexpensive too. And if you go the electric toothbrush route, use one seperate from your mouth one! Experiment and have fun! Remember you can develop an insensitivity to vibrational stimulation, but if you don't do it for awhile it'll be all good.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
Remember you can develop an insensitivity to vibrational stimulation, but if you don't do it for awhile it'll be all good.

For this to happen you'd basically have to be grinding against a jackhammer for two weeks straight.

You can overstimulate your nerve endings on a very short-term basis - the same thing that makes your clitoris or the head of his penis almost unbearable to touch after orgasm, or causes some women to get a slightly buzzy sensation around their vulva during masturbation - but after 5-20 minutes they will be as responsive as ever.


Well-known member
@ "grinding against a jackhammer for two weeks straight." LOL. Ouch!

But yes, I agree. I get numb sometimes and then after several minutes it's on again haha.

I'm sharing too much


Well-known member
Are you relaxed? For the longest time, I masturbated and couldn't orgasm because I was concentrating too hard, and I always ended up stopping right before orgasming, feeling really frustrated! Concentrating on reaching climax, as if it were a goal or an assignment, will only make it harder to get there. Relax and do what feels nice.

And really, masturbation does not have to end in an orgasm to be "a success," nor does sex. Orgasms are great, but half of the fun is getting there! I've masturbated for brief moments many times just because it felt nice, not because I wanted to reach an orgasm, and I've found masturbation and sex plenty enjoyable without an orgasm, provided I was just relaxing and enjoying it.

Also, yes, it CAN take a little while to figure out works for you. Contrary to popular belief, there's more to it than just rubbing your fingers in circles around the clitoris, just like there's more to cunnilingus than rapidly licking at a girl's crotch. Everybody likes different things, so just test all kinds of stuff out and find out what you do and don't like. Apply pressure, slap, press from different directions, so on and so forth. The major upside of this is that when you DO have a partner, you know EXACTLY what you like!

If you get a vibrator, you want to buy something reliable and body-safe. I cannot stress this enough! So many women buy the cheapest crap they can find because they don't know any better, then they never clean it or care for it improperly. Different materials/toys/etc. require different kinds of care, and MANY toys are super-porous, so they can hold bacteria regardless of how much you clean them and cause infections. Try reading sex toy reviews to find out what works well for whom and save up to get a high-quality toy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
For this to happen you'd basically have to be grinding against a jackhammer for two weeks straight.

You can overstimulate your nerve endings on a very short-term basis - the same thing that makes your clitoris or the head of his penis almost unbearable to touch after orgasm, or causes some women to get a slightly buzzy sensation around their vulva during masturbation - but after 5-20 minutes they will be as responsive as ever.

Thanks lara, that's what I meant. I didn't mean it was a days long thing, I should've been more specific. Though, when I discovered the hand held massager in my teenage hormone fueled years there was a weekend my parents were out of town and the numbness lasted a couple of days.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
Thanks lara, that's what I meant. I didn't mean it was a days long thing, I should've been more specific. Though, when I discovered the hand held massager in my teenage hormone fueled years there was a weekend my parents were out of town and the numbness lasted a couple of days.

very similar thing happened to me when i was about 16!


Well-known member
You can buy this attachment for the electrical tooth brush, to use as a vibrator. Also in terms of toys, since you can't get them your self: Do you know some one older, that you could get to buy for you?
And also i must agree, that reading can help. Even a film.
Try Jean M. Auel. There are passages in some of her books, that I know people have used
And maybe the film Shortbus.
And like people say, just take your time, and don't focus on the orgasm it self.


Well-known member
I want to second the personal massager--the ones you can get at stores like Brookstone. If you can't go to a sex shop, that would be your best bet I think. If you can't order online.

What helps me most when I'm alone is erotic stories and porn
The more turned on I get, the easier it is to have an orgasm. I also prefer clitoral stimulation to penetration. For me, penetration or fingering (I feel like this post is so obscene haha)--if I do it to myself--doesn't do anything at all for me.

I've never had issues with masturbation but I didn't always have orgasms during sex (in the beginning) so I think it's a matter of finding what feels good to you, what turns you on and being patient with yourself.


Well-known member
Lol, I just found this thread again after neglecting it for so long xD

I still have this problem, but I feel that I'm getting closer to solving it, especially with all the help I'm getting from you all :)

BTW, I finally got the nerve to ask my mom about getting a vibrator a few months ago. I don't have one yet, but I put it on my Christmas wish list, haha.

Okay, so I did something that was probably not the best thing to do, but IDK...anyway, I noticed one night that my mom hadn't logged out of her email, so I decided to check for online order confirmations and receipts since she was shopping for Christmas presents earlier that day. Turns out she ordered the vibrator on my wish list xD It's funny to me, but it makes me sooooo happy lol!!!!! (And BTW, I never check her personal emails and stuff from work. That's an invasion of privacy :p)

So I was wondering, does anyone own the LELO Liv vibrator? If so, what do you think of it?

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