Twilight Saga - books & movies


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Well - I think this is perfect for my summer vacations. This way I can just read and relax.....

Half N Half

Well-known member
I see. Well that's too bad that you don't enjoy the series. I honestly don't think her writing is very good, but I still find the movies entertaining.


Well-known member
I read the books a few years ago, and they were ok. I thought they were poorly written, but I fell in love with the plot line, so I devoured the books anyways, lol. When the first movie had come out I heard awful reviews on the movies, so I thought I would never see them.

However, my cousins made me watch the first two at their apartment one night, then the next day we saw eclipse. I think that if you read the books, you would appreciate the movies more. The first movie was my least favorite, but the films got progressively better with each addition to the series.

I would recommend them to people who can easily fall in love with a plot line, but not necessarily someone who loves reading for the language used by the author, if that makes any sense


Well-known member
I have a love-hate relationship with Twilight. It's really poorly written in my opinion. The reasons they "fall in love" are ridiculous and disturbing, too, when you think about it, and their relationship would seem pretty unhealthy in the real world (Obsession? Stalking her? Suicide if she's dead?). But, the story is just so juicy! I've read the whole series and want to read it again, no doubt. And I usually end up not liking the movies, but I just can't help but be intrigued enough to go see how it looks in action.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by westindiesangel
I have a love-hate relationship with Twilight. It's really poorly written in my opinion. The reasons they "fall in love" are ridiculous and disturbing, too, when you think about it, and their relationship would seem pretty unhealthy in the real world (Obsession? Stalking her? Suicide if she's dead?). But, the story is just so juicy! I've read the whole series and want to read it again, no doubt. And I usually end up not liking the movies, but I just can't help but be intrigued enough to go see how it looks in action.

yes this is why my husband really dislikes them! and he is also shocked at how the books make women rely on men so much. But i personally love them! sure the books aren't the best written things in the world, but they are easy to read, interesting characters and about vamps! i have always loved vampire books so seeing some take off so well is great

i really want to see Eclipse again at the movies... but tickets are crazy expencive! £8.60!! that's not even for a nice seat! when i went to a cinema in the states me and hubby were shocked at how cheap it was! then when we saw reclining leather seats we were even more impressed!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by westindiesangel
I have a love-hate relationship with Twilight. It's really poorly written in my opinion. The reasons they "fall in love" are ridiculous and disturbing, too, when you think about it, and their relationship would seem pretty unhealthy in the real world (Obsession? Stalking her? Suicide if she's dead?). But, the story is just so juicy! I've read the whole series and want to read it again, no doubt. And I usually end up not liking the movies, but I just can't help but be intrigued enough to go see how it looks in action.

I completely agree. I also happen to hate Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. I think they're absolutely terrible actors. But something about the drama of it all really draws me in. I made my boyfriend watch the movie with me, hahaha.

I can't wait to see how they manage to do the craziness of the next one. Edward chewing the baby out of Bella should be interesting.


Well-known member
I love the books , Eclipse is my fav ! I thought they ruined the first film they left so much out and Kristen Stewart cant act ... there is no emotion from her ! I hope they dont mess up Breaking Dawn i can just see them leaving so much out of that book
and um fingers cross stephanie finishes Midnight Sun !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dar
and um fingers cross stephanie finishes Midnight Sun !

That would be great, I would really love to see the story from Edwards perspective. I tried reading what she had on her website but for me reading is all about curling up on the couch with the book - I couldn't work out how to balance the laptop and a cup of coffee.


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Originally Posted by Susanne
So this book never will be finished and published?

maybe she will one day? i hope she does!


Well-known member
I'm a huge Twilight fan. Jumped on the bandwagon after the release of the 3rd book. Has anyone seen the trailer for the Twilight spoof, its called Vampires Suck. It's made by the same guys who made Scary Movie, Date Movie, Disaster Movie, you get the drift. I don't expect it to be good, but I like crappy spoof movies.


Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by m_3
I'm a huge Twilight fan. Jumped on the bandwagon after the release of the 3rd book. Has anyone seen the trailer for the Twilight spoof, its called Vampires Suck. It's made by the same guys who made Scary Movie, Date Movie, Disaster Movie, you get the drift. I don't expect it to be good, but I like crappy spoof movies.

The previews for that movie crack me up!! I don't think I'll see it, but my little sister has already mentioned she really wants to see it, so I'll just get a review from her!