MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


Well-known member
I was told I could B2M for the lipsticks - has anyone had any trouble doing that? I’m really excited for this collection! I adore those shadows!

You can b2m for them, they are in the normal packaging.

Although I'm going to b2m for one for the first time and I hope they don't give me any problems--mac counters/stores aren't all on the same page all the time.


Well-known member
Although I'm going to b2m for one for the first time and I hope they don't give me any problems--mac counters/stores aren't all on the same page all the time.
I worry about that, too. But then I just think Page 95.


Well-known member
I was trying to buy more stuff and the MAC site died on me! Now it's "currently being updated" and will be back shortly.


Now I have to wait to spend more money, which is actually making me want to buy more...because that's totally the normal reaction, right?!?


Well-known member
Did you mean Black Swan? I'm listening to you, I had the same thing where colors would be different when swatched on hand and eyes. I don't really like olive green colors, it usually made me look tired
Of course I'm going to see both anyways, but now I'm definitely going for Black Swan (tinge of blue!)

Float on by looks really teal on me, but I didn't get it because it doesn't stay at all. Fingers crossed I could see the blue in Undercurrent! (although I think I'm getting it anyway

Depends on ur skin tone, looks emerald green on my skin too!.. i was hoping for the teal with more blue but nopes... still VERY pretty nevertheless!


Well-known member
Got my shipping confirmation! Says I should get my package on Friday! I am so getting 2nd day shipping from now on! It's so worth paying the extra 5$ :dances:
If you havent seen Temptalias swatches of the piggys, they are pretty awesome! They are making me very excited for them. SO glad I decided to get both TFC & MN


Well-known member
Getting my box on Friday too! Can't wait!! (Wasn't there a black box smiley? What was the code?)

My plan is to go to my counter tomorrow &see the stuff &probably spend more money I shouldn't spend.


Well-known member
One of my boxes is confirmed to be here Friday too, yay! I placed a second order within a few minutes and that one is actually still in limbo, not sure why.

Yes there's a smiley! Here he is:

The code is : boxday : without the spaces. Here's a master list for anyone who loves the smilies (like me!):


Well-known member
Just saw more swatches of the lipsticks on Temptalia! And I wish so0o badly my lips were the same coloring as Christine's lol! The Courting Lilac and TFG actually show
up on her lips... whereas on mine.. not so much at all! I can defo say if you have pale lips those two lippies will be perfect but with my lip pigmentation it just didn't work
and they turned all kinds of "cherrier" on my lips

Happy Hauling everyone!! Hope everyone get's what they've been wanting!


Well-known member
oo, now I am interested: another MAC counter in Vienna?? where where where? (of course I am not in Vienna right now - they are selling it tomorrow?? darn!!!)

it's in douglas @donauzentrum!

i just got back! stuck to my list and got black swan, moonlight night (gorgeous!) and glamora castle.
glamora castle is nothing special but i'm a sucker for grey eyeshadows so i had to get it. it does have a greenish tint so i guess i don't have anything exactly like it.
the eyeshadows are really nothing special though. except for the pattern maybe
but other than that absolutely skippable.

i already have undercurrent so i just got black swan which is a pretty gunmetal with a little silver shimmer, love it! gonna wear this on nights out when i'm wearing smokey eyes.
i skipped all the kits and sets as always, but the bags are super cute!

my favourite item is moonlight night, can't wait to try it - blackened dark green sparkly goodness!

i didn't really take a look at the lip stuff because i have so much already but i did try the faerie glen. the color was kind of blah, maybe my lips are too pigmented? anyways, pass.

happy hauling everyone!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by caramel_geek

This is exactly what happened to me last year. I wanted the bags for the brushes, but just couldn't justify paying for those brushes. Sigh...

I bought 2 brush sets last year. Since I only use one bag, the other one is sitting there untouched and unpacked since last Christmas. I have virtually no use for the second. PM me if you're interested.

On topic: I kinda got un-invited to the preview party tonight because of safety reasons. *hangs head* Now I have to wait until Tuesday and I don't have any freaking time that day! It's the worst day in my schedule!! I start school before stores open and end school way after they have closed for the day, with no break long enough to go shopping. *grrrr* ... Sorry for the rant ...


Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Okay, I just have to say that Molasses is the BEST eyeliner ever for me. My first one is nothing but a little stump and I will start my one and only backup soon. Lord It Up is nice. I might start wearing that during the day and save Molasses for night. Lord It Up looks like a mix of Molasses and Spare Change. I love both of them. Thanks so much Erin for the swatch.


Active member
I hate how I keep reconcidering the blushes over and over and over again, first it's her blooming cheek, then I pushed that out of my thoughts again, then I was convidenced My Highland Honey wasn't for me, now I think it might be amazing... Also, seeing swatches of Deepest wish just made me pull out a darker shade of red lipstick and suddenly I find myself toying with the idea of getting this one as well because all of a sudden I find myself in love with the colour... Goodness!!
Can't this just hit the stores here already, so I can spend a huge amount of money and just be done with it???

Happy Hauling everyone, tell us internationals how it went!!!


Well-known member
I am doing a CP for a lovely lady here and now am thinking I'd like to get Black Line again along with Undercurrent but then was wondering how close Lord It Up is to Spare Change. I already have Spare Change and it's too light on me. Anyone know the difference if any? Thanks


Well-known member
I've been working on my daughter's costume for a couple of weeks; she is going to be Gene Simmons. I have almost the whole thing finished, except the black makeup is proving to be a problem.
So, I'm talking to my husband this morning, telling him how I need to figure a way to either use all black waterproof pencil or find some kind of black powder to set the black. He suggests running to Ulta or Sephora. That's sexy talk right there.

My thinking: hmmm, Nordstroms is close to that, a good excuse to go to Mac counter. I was going to stay away from this collection after the damage I did to VV, but... the pull is strong.

Then once I ceded to the idea of getting one thing, I was only going to get the Reelers and Rockers. Now I'm thinking I really want to see Twists of Tartan in person, and I want to look at one or two of the p/g's. I have plenty of Undercurrent.
I want to get 2 more of the Almost Noir p/g's though. I don't think there are any at my local counters. But I saw it on the site with the pearlglides from this collection. I guess if there aren't any today at my counter, I will order them.
I LOVE Almost Noir.

I hope it's a fun release day for everyone!