MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


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I went to Mac today. The only thing I was looking forward to was the pigments. I'm trying to cut down after a big haul from VV and Sephora FF. I left with:

Family Crest p/g
Moonlit Night p/g
Black Swan pearl glide liner- sort of regretting this because I already have Black Russian and they are nearly the same, BS seems more opaque so I will probably keep it

I actually liked the individual eye shadows, but didn't buy them because I'm annoyed that mac makes these jumbo eye shadow pans so they can charge more. I don't need like 3 grams of one eye shadow. If I'm going to pay $20 for eye shadow I will buy a more high end brands.

The palettes were really pretty, but I have like palettes from past holidays.


Well-known member

Thank you so much!
It's sad (for me) that they aren't alike


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I was disappointed when I swatched the Play It Cool palette...the colors looked dark on me. I wanted to love the palette and add more purple shadows to my collection, but it fell short for me. I do agree the colors looked beautiful in online swatches though!!
Im really happy with the Dashing Lassie palette I picked up
Yeah!! They look SO dark on me, it's so different from what I expected. And somehow, altered state and magic moor look.. almost brownish on my skin.
Maybe I'll get that violet eye bag instead.


Well-known member
look at that purple goodeness in TFC! It's such a beautiful color!
off topic...the wrong person won Project Runway! Grrrrrrrrrrrr



Well-known member
I think I might get some of the blush kits.....and some of the liners. I might get Highland Honey as well but that's about the only things I'm really eyeing right now. I guess that could change though! LoL


Well-known member
Crap you got me really scared! I was so iffy about this palette too but got it anyways. Guess I can just send it back if I dont like it.

Blahh I've been playing with the Play It Cool pallette... and I don't love it.
It might go back. I dunno. All the colours looks so BEAUTIFUL online, and I've been wanting purpley eyeshadows for ages but I just don't know about this kit.
The shadows are really small, the included brush is fairly useless, and the pigmentation isn't all that great on a few of the shadows.
That being said; I quite like Heather Bells and Hold My Gaze.
I was really looking forward to Altered State, To The Ball, and Magic Moor - but they just aren't doing it for me now.

I don't know what to doooo.


Well-known member
Oh my god. I just painted one hand with Style Clan.

I hate it. It is SO DARK. NC15 cannot rock dark nail polish without looking really goth.
I'm going to paint my other hand, leave it for a day and see if I can deal with it... but this might be going up on eBay.



Well-known member
So I hit the Mac counter this morning. I loved the new piggies. I got Later with the A&O collection so I only picked up Moonlight Night & The Family Crest. Gorgeous! I took my forest green & deep blue green piggies with me to compare the colors. TFC was the most similar to forest green, except forest green was more shimmery/shiny, and TFC was more sparkly and had more blue sparkles in it than forest green. TFC also had some black or carbon base to it that forest green doesn't have. The 2 are definitely in the same family, but different enough to justify the purchase to me. Also I tried TFC over french quarter greasepaint stick and it made TFC totally pop! I HAD to have it!!!

The eyeshadows didn't grab me as anything special, so I skipped those. I got black swan pearl glide liner. I was really surprised at how pretty it was, I thought it was just going to be a blah or regular gray/ gunmetal color. Boy, was I wrong!! It was anything but ordinary. The most gorgeous silvery black sparkly liner I've ever seen!! A must have!! I picked up most of the other pearl glide liners with the art supplies collection. So I passed on the rest of them. I highly recommend undercurrent to anyone that doesn't have it. You need this color in your life!!! Its the most luscious shade of green/blue with some gold sparklies in it. I bought a back up of it with the art supplies collection, so I'm set for a while on that one. That's all I got. I passed on all the sets.

I did get the tartan cloth bags with my purchase. I got 2, I love them!! Here's what they look like if anyone was wondering.


The same bags on the other side


Well-known member
Does anyone know if MAC will restock the pigments online? Has anyone seen A Tartan Tale book? Is it good? I'm wondering if I should wait for the pigments to come back and order everything online to get this book or not.

I checked the collection at the store today. I liked the pigments and the pearlglide eyeliners. They were sparkly and gorgeous!
The Family Crest and Moonlight Night were glorious! Which one should I get? One has gold sparkles and the another has teal sparkles. Or should I get them both? Undercurrent was beautiful! Just as Erin said.
It had the lovely gold sparkles which my Float On By doesn't. I swatched them side by side. They are still on my hand. The Faerie Glen was pretty, too. Erin, you're right, it showed as the lighter version of Hug Me on my hand. Wondering if it will show on my pigmented lips. The rest of the collection was OK. They didn't look must-haves to me probably I have bought quite a lot this year. The kits from chapter 1 were pretty. I really like the holiday packaging this year.
I still don't know if I get any except the brushes. I think I might have turned myself into a brush set addict. I got the one set in 2008, and another last year. I think they're great deal. They are cute, soft and full, and work fine to me.

Today was my swatching day.
I'm sure tomorrow will by my
day. LOL

Happy hauling, everybody!


Well-known member
Waaaah I didn't get a cloth bag!

Oh and why am I now obsessing over MHH? I swatched it today and it didn't look as warm as it did on she who mustn't be named. It was chalky and light orangey so I said meeehhh. So why do I want it? It looks like Ripe PeacH kind of!


Well-known member
Oh my god. I just painted one hand with Style Clan.

I hate it. It is SO DARK. NC15 cannot rock dark nail polish without looking really goth.
I'm going to paint my other hand, leave it for a day and see if I can deal with it... but this might be going up on eBay.

Anxious now! I'm NW15 and really looking forward to trying it out.
When I went to paint my nails earlier, I found out the brush was completely screwed up, bristles every which way, so I'll return it and get a new one tomorrow (hopefully) but now I'm worried about the color looking good on me.
Though, I do like the goth look on my nails sometimes, so we'll see.


Well-known member
Strbuks77, so you got the bags at the counter? Not at the MAC store? It's a very important question for me.
Did anyone get the bags at Macy's?


Well-known member
Strbuks77, so you got the bags at the counter? Not at the MAC store? It's a very important question for me.
Does anyone get the bags at Macy's?
they're at all locations. we give em out if people ask for em, or if they say they're buying a gift. we don't give em out to everyone because then we don't have em for the people that ask for gift bags.

but again, they are at all locations. there's actually a third, sheer plastic bag too.


Well-known member
^the sheer plastic one is the one I got when I went to my preview. I actually really like them- they seem fairly durable. I'll ask for a tartan print one when I go to get Sir Teddy tomorrow.


Well-known member
Strbuks77, so you got the bags at the counter? Not at the MAC store? It's a very important question for me.
Does anyone get the bags at Macy's?

Yes, I got it at the counter at Macy's. The manager said that they gave them out to people who bought from the Holiday Collections, so they don't give them out to everyone. I had asked about the postcards/booklets and she said they didn't get any yet, but they did have really cute tartan gift bags if I wanted a couple.


Well-known member
^the sheer plastic one is the one I got when I went to my preview. I actually really like them- they seem fairly durable. I'll ask for a tartan print one when I go to get Sir Teddy tomorrow.
Sir Teddy for Salina! Yay!

Is it true that Sir Teddy is only available at the stores not at the counters?