MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


Well-known member
Anxious now! I'm NW15 and really looking forward to trying it out.
When I went to paint my nails earlier, I found out the brush was completely screwed up, bristles every which way, so I'll return it and get a new one tomorrow (hopefully) but now I'm worried about the color looking good on me.
Though, I do like the goth look on my nails sometimes, so we'll see.
My bristles were messed up too! Weird. I'm still bummed about the colour - it looks so great in the bottle, and it looked really good for the first coat, which was much too sheer to really wear. I didn't get even coverage until my third coat, and then it was really dark. The red shimmer IS gorgeous though.


Well-known member
Thank you so much, Erin and strbuks77!
Now, which one should I choose: book (online) or bags (store)? Or both?

Sir Teddy for Salina! Yay!

Is it true that Sir Teddy is only available at the stores not at the counters?
If I had to choose, I'd go for the book, but maybe that's just me. I'm framing mine.

And yes- Sir Teddy! Though, my mom just called me and said she could pick it up for me tomorrow since I have classes again, but her voice sounded kind of sneaky which means I'll probably get it on my birthday in a month or so.
That's alright. It's not like I'm desperate to play with him like I would be an eyeshadow or something like that.

I'm really not sure on the store exclusive thing,.. That's what my MA told me today, but she also seemed a little confused about the whole collection.
All I know is they didn't get them.


Active member
would you guys actually recommend Deepest Wish for rather cool skin tones and not so much for warm ones too??? I'm a little confused, it doesn't look awfully cool to me, but probably I just can't see it...


Specktra Bestie
would you guys actually recommend Deepest Wish for rather cool skin tones and not so much for warm ones too??? I'm a little confused, it doesn't look awfully cool to me, but probably I just can't see it...

I think it could really work with either. It doesn't lean too much in either direction. It's a little warmer/ browner as a shade, but I'm pretty cool-toned and I like it on me.


Well-known member

Me too! I messed up anyway yesterday and forgot to get the green eye liner so I guess I'll go back for that and see if they have the bags.


Well-known member
Sooooo funny story... I was so desperate to get Undercurrent before they ran out that I didn't check my stash and... I already have it!!!!!! Just goes to show how much I use it !
I do really love it though, so maybe it can just be my back-up
If not, I may return it or pass it on to someone who missed out but really wants it!


Active member
I think it could really work with either. It doesn't lean too much in either direction. It's a little warmer/ browner as a shade, but I'm pretty cool-toned and I like it on me.
Thank youuu!!! I think I'll have to get it!
- maybe I'll have two TT hauls, because I feel like I will spend a looot of $$, and I would be like "WOOOOOT, girl have you gone CRAZY???"! That way maybe it won't feel like that much...

SOoooo, I actually found an eyeshadow that seems to be a hot pink that is quite close to HBC and I just went to try what it looks like on my cheeks (yup using an e/s as a blush!) - and I am soo surprised that it does not come out the blue-ish cold kind of pink I thought it would be on my skin AT ALL! It actually is really really pretty I think - of course the formula is different so maybe it isn't totally reliable, still, it's a surprise!
Can it be that both blushes are actually back on my list now??? ( I tried so hard to narrow it down, I crossed out all the eyeshadows now, but with the 2 blushes and Deepest Wish, I am back at spending more than I want too... wrgl)
I mean, I don't actually own any MAC blushes yet (sooooorry

Do I need to get HBC??


Well-known member
Well I recently made an order on MAC and I am/was quite apprehensive about ordering anything from this line. Reason being, I'm just now starting to get into MAC products, plus for some odd reason, I've never been a plaid person so the way it's advertised isn't catching my eye as something I'd have to have. My question is when you order 75+ on MAC, you get the Tartan book. What does that book include? Now, I could wait until my items get here but I'm far too excited for that!


Well-known member
Well I recently made an order on MAC and I am/was quite apprehensive about ordering anything from this line. Reason being, I'm just now starting to get into MAC products, plus for some odd reason, I've never been a plaid person so the way it's advertised isn't catching my eye as something I'd have to have. My question is when you order 75+ on MAC, you get the Tartan book. What does that book include? Now, I could wait until my items get here but I'm far too excited for that!

I haven't read anything for sure about this damn book!
Just that it's probably promo images.. And I swear I saw something about poetry being included? Has anyone gotten theirs yet? Mine is on its way today...


Well-known member
Whoa, I had a hell of a time catching up with this discussion! So awesome to see the swatches and read up on what everyone thinks about their goodies so far. I gotta say, I'm dragging my feet with this collection. There's definitely a lot I want, but for some reason I just haven't made the trip over to my Macy's counter yet. I think there might be something wrong with me haha...

I have no idea where to start! I'm going to stop by the store later tonight coz I need to do some seriousing swatching...

P.S. I miss the old emoticons!


Well-known member
Usually I am NEVER into the palettes from the MAC holiday collections, but man, I dig them this year! The regular collection was a bit of a downer, except the pearl liners, those are a MUST!

I got the Play it Cool and Twist of Tartan palettes AND the eye kit with the Teal piggie. I have the liner, but REALLY like the piggie:)

Now I have to go to an actual store for the Teddys...another MUST.

Anyone else feel like a sucker?


Well-known member
I haven't read anything for sure about this damn book!
Just that it's probably promo images.. And I swear I saw something about poetry being included? Has anyone gotten theirs yet? Mine is on its way today...
I'm curious about the Tartan book, too, ladies. Could anyone post the pictures please? I love to know more about a fairy, fox, and a noble black swan.
How big is the book? How many pages?


Well-known member
Sooooo funny story... I was so desperate to get Undercurrent before they ran out that I didn't check my stash and... I already have it!!!!!! Just goes to show how much I use it !
I do really love it though, so maybe it can just be my back-up
If not, I may return it or pass it on to someone who missed out but really wants it!
This is cute! Glad you found it.