Me too! I ordered it today - my first Urban Decay purchase ever! I'm feeling a lil sick though because last week I was so sure that I was going to cut back on my MU spending and then this week it's all gone to pot (yeah, the story of everyone on here!), I feel like a failure (and a pauper, seriously, I really can't spare the money so I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm usually so sensible!) I haven't even Peacocky'ed yet, since I want to see the collection in person (do you think anything will sell out by Friday?)
Five e/s and two l/g makes a cruel total of £109.50 and I want to get it below £100. Ladies, help me (please, kindly, thank you!) which of the the following should I cull?
Centre Stage
Plum Noir
Flaunting It