The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Elegant -- about ANTM -- thank heavens they are getting rid of that horrible weave on the blonde girl. That was a bad weave -- it looked like a cheap Halloween wig

I really think Monique is stunning and gorgeous -- how would it be to look like that??


Well-known member
I just came from my dancing class and swam for 30 mins.. and then logged on.. to see this:

I love manly men.. lolol. I wish they were all manly then life wouldn't be so complex.. most men my age have pot bellies, balding heads, bo, bad breath, or some other malady.. ugh. I love a man's hands... as important as nice legs -- with strategically placed hair.. lol. No baldy hands please. And no furry gorilla legs, or just as bad -- white pasty legs with a few black hairs sticking out

Elegant, glad you are finished strippin -- is this on the pole or off it? inquiring minds you know.. lol

C!.. I forgot to include plums, burgundies and some lilacs in my palette mentioned above.. and I always add a lovely dressy dress and heels as well as a wrap for evening.. makes my life easier to pre pack..

If you check out the LM ls gels before I do.. please let me know. I am working on some lip products but so different that they can't be called lipsticks, lip glosses or lip stains -- they do it all. .. but as you know this takes so much time and coordination I hope they work them out for next year..

going to sleep too.. my world starts @ 5.. nite all


Well-known member
Hi HG! Thanks for the packing tips! I will keep some of these things in mind for sure! And I will definitely let you know about the LM lipsticks - I might try to head over to Nordies today or tomorrow to see if they have them yet.

Elena - thank you - I will try that. I had copied them over to my computer yesterday before opening them - and it is weird that I can see the thumbnail (whole pic) but when I open it most of it is gone. We'll see what happens today. I also performed some virus scans/cleans on my laptop, so that might help.

Michelle, Nora - I remember those days for sure! They are SO little when they go off to older son started kindergarten when he was 4, and started 1/2 days. He came home after a week begging me to go a full day.........I was resistant at first, but he thrived. It's their first step away from you, and emotional indeed. But though they step away, they bring so much more back with them. Enjoy the summer, though, and make the most of it. My baby turns 18 today. And then leaves for college in another state.......we'll have our own little support group!


Specktra Bestie
Took me a while to catch up this morning. I stayed off the internet (mostly) last night, since I'm in the early stages of a cold and I wanted to see if I could fight it off (fail). I also took the evening to organise my makeup drawers, divide everything into nice little freezer baggies by colour. It's amazing, given how much I have, that I still want so much, but I can find little holes where I haven't quite covered every last micro-tone of the colour spectrum.
Oh my goodness -- I can't even imagine Junior Kindergarten
They are pretty darned cute though -- with those giant backpacks that look huge compared to their little bodies. It's going to be hard with my youngest. Since she is my baby, I'm sure I will be crying for weeks!!
It is so funny that we are both 4'11". I have never met someone my same height before! I always have on tall wedges or platforms!
I'm only a little bigger- 5'2". Most people seem to think I'm taller, because I wear big heels all the time. I can walk in them just about anywhere, too, as long as they're not stilettos. Compared to most people, though, I still find I look like a pipsqueak, even with the heels and platforms...


Well-known member
Oh well, I am truly doomed with all those lipsticks being released one after another. I was not a lippie person, in fact, in the last month, my l/s stash has doubled it size (I had 4, now I have 8
). The thing is, since I am moving on a small amount of them, I convince myself that it's ok if I get more! I will have to check out those Guerlain ones when I go grabbing something from the summer collection.Stay tuned in this make-up world is hard baby!


Well-known member
Katred, I always walk in heels everywhere, too. Too funny! When the adorable ballerina flats became all the rage, I could never wear them (my jeans/pants are always too long if I'm not wearing a huge heel). Thank goodness for wedges, because they are easy to walk in!

Cheryl -- Happy Birthday to your son! Wow, 18. I hope all goes well as he goes to college. You're right -- they do learn so much as they get older and are away from us. Have fun doing more shopping in San Jose!!

Sounds like we are all needing more make up storage and organization! I saw some cool containers on Beauty Look Book that Sabrina uses, but they were all sold out on the website. I am planning on depotting my shadows next week, so that should help!

Almus -- soon you will go from 8 to 48 lippies


Well-known member
Cheryl, wow! Your baby is 18! I'm going to guess that the feeling is a little bitter-sweet. Hope you all have fun celebrating!

I don't even want to think about my kids at that age, I'm having a hard enough time with them exiting their toddler years! (Michelle, my daughter's not far behind your baby, she'll be 5 in June).

Oh well... I would loooove to have a third, but DH will not even consider it. I have always felt like we're meant to have three, but he's at the point that he enjoys being able to go out and do things with them, and any time I even approach the subject, he responds in a firm, deep voice... "no more diapers"!

Michelle, I too don't know anyone else my size! Everyone has at the very least 2-3 inches in me! I do always wear heels, but usually lower heels to stay comfortable!


Well-known member
C! wish your baby a happy happy 18th.. wow what a glorious time in life !!

funny I don't remember my 18th.. lol. Mercifully old age makes memories blur..

Enjoy your products Almus.... you will be a full fledged addict soon.. lol.

katred, I know what you mean.. I am not too tall -- kind of in the middle between tall and short (5"6) and I think I may have shrunk a 1/4 inch.. lol. but I always used to wear heels... always. Big tall heels, stillettos, platforms, stilts... whatever. Now tho I am travelling so often to europe that I have two shoe modes == flat oxfords, loafers, ballet slippers or sneakers for day wear even with stylish business suits, At first I felt odd, but then the sheer pleasure of not having foot pain just got to me and I am gradually collecting some great flat shoes.. of course to dress up, I still wear my long tall sallies. But I still like talllllll men.. lol.


Well-known member
Congratulations on your son's 18th birthday, Cheryl!
Hahaha, I blame the Chanel ratonas for making me obsessed with lippies :) I'll be getting mostly lippies next week, BB Rich Color, Chanel Coco Shines, Dior Addict. I also want to check out the new Sublime Mascara.

I guess it's a good thing that I'll be hardly buying anything from Mac in the coming few months.


Well-known member
I just came from my dancing class and swam for 30 mins.. and then logged on.. to see this:

I love manly men.. lolol. I wish they were all manly then life wouldn't be so complex.. most men my age have pot bellies, balding heads, bo, bad breath, or some other malady.. ugh. I love a man's hands... as important as nice legs -- with strategically placed hair.. lol. No baldy hands please. And no furry gorilla legs, or just as bad -- white pasty legs with a few black hairs sticking out

Elegant, glad you are finished strippin -- is this on the pole or off it? inquiring minds you know.. lol

Speaking of the pole - I've heard that is really great exercise!

LOL!!!!! on the Man things!
oh, & no gorilla fuzz one the knuckles either (or back)...oh dear


Well-known member
^^ I once dated a guy in college who seemed like a nice guy . . . and then I saw his back
Eeeeew -- you just can "un-see" that. It was over. Done deal.


Well-known member
back on track.. off topic to on topic.. lipsticks in gel/gloss form are all the rage as we can see from so many offerings by so many companies.

in economics, this is called over supply.. this cannot be absorbed into the markets.. no matter how much they hype/pump products. and not $ 25-40 products either. I just ran some numbers.. so if you are hesitant about a product and really can't swing it now, wait.. it will be cco'd by Sept..

another big reason is that the ultra suede/bouncy/soft matte lip is heading up the charge on Fasion for Fall/winter 2011-12. Cosmetic companies are steppin on their own tails now.

as always,


(you do all know Meyer was an accountant and the real brains behind the mob.) Bugsy was the face and the heart/vision.. a real charmer. But Meyer Lansky was the bean counter.. lol


Well-known member
aww Elena, I love moustachios.. especially the big ALIVE animal looking ones like Tom Selleck's.. lolol.. David Letterman shot it once, and it's still alive. I wonder how it would feel to kiss someone with that much scratchy hair under his big shnoz.. lmao.

Yeah, hair on man's back is an instant turn-off for me, or a moustache :S


Well-known member
Yeah, I don't get why Chanel is releasing their Coco Shines so late. You would think they would have jumped the gun on that. I am still anxious to see all of them. And it will be interesting to see the new Chanel Rouge Allure formula that is coming out for Fall. Really needing to get that extra storage right about now


Well-known member
Wait, what's that? Another lipstick formula from Chanel?!

If it weren't so much fun chatting with all of you, I would definitely stop myself from coming on here!

Btw, has Karin been on this thread yet?


Well-known member
Nora -- There's a new line coming out called Rouge Allure Velvet:

Good thing none of us has enough lippies!


Specktra Bestie
Oh please deliver me from mustaches and back hair...

Ugh. I feel completely horrid tonight... Coming down with a cold. I never get sick, or at least almost never when it comes to cold and flu, but I just keep feeling worse. I'm actually more worried about TGE. He always jokes that he would have made a great cop because he catches everything.

Had the most horrifying people experience at the NARS counter today that I had to share. A couple of ladies obviously out for an afternoon shopping came over and were talking SUPER LOUD. I mean, I know things about their sons now that I don't know about my family. Anyway, it was clear that they new the guy who was working the counter, but they just decided to take advantage of this, treating him as if he was their personal servant. First they wanted to know where the new nail polishes were. Then, when he showed them the display with the Spring collection, they wanted to know why there weren't any pinks. Then, when one of them found Schiap, she interrupted him helping a customer to demand if it was new. Then she wanted to know why they had it. (I am not making this up.) He explained it was actually one of their most popular colours and her reaction was "Well, does that mean I should get it then?" They actually pushed a couple of people (not me!) aside looking at products. When he tried to serve me, one of them cut in front of me to ask him a question- no excuse me or nothing. He tried to ask her to wait while he served me and she didn't even listen! I pointed out that he'd been serving me and she moved aside, but gave me a dirty look, like I shouldn't be in her store. The poor guy was so apologetic to me... Honestly, I had nowhere I had to be and it was a sort of amusing spectacle, so I told him it was no problem. I'm guessing these ones are in the store frequently with their rich husbands' credit cards, so he felt intimidated.

I honestly don't know how people end up like that. I mean, I'll be direct about what I want in a store (which, 98% of the time, is to be left alone, although I appreciate a greeting), but I can't stomach that kind of sense of entitlement. MAUGH.

Sorry, just had to rant. I picked up a new lippie and shadow and he gave me a good size sample of one of the new illuminators. fun!


Well-known member
katred, ugh, nasty/loud/demanding customers.. I am glad I am not in sales.. I would be homeless and on the street. But you made a nice purchase and got some nice goodies.. enjoy!

Feel better.. a cold is a nasty thing to have

I might be the only one who actually thinks some facial hair on men can be attractive... (note some and Can).. but not Mario of the Mario Bros or Tom Selleck's dead possum on face thingie.. I was kidding about that.

nora, Bonitinha -- most of the Fall/Winter ls will be either velvets, suedes or soft mattes... the marketing is making the industry insane.
I was trying to give an overview of the market again so that no one feels left out if priorities are redecorating a house, college tuition, or a new car.. in my case I am refurbing a new house.. and have sold mine but am buying an apartment hopefully when market hits bottoms.. next winter I think. It's just a way for me to communicate some of what I know other than products/colours... mu should be fun and not cause us undue stress -- life takes care of that

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