New Aqua Liner


Well-known member
my favourites are the white and the green. but the purpley shades are looking nice too! can't wait for swatches to start coming out!


Well-known member
I have to wait until I get back from Atlanta to order anything else. I can't risk something showing up when I'm not here.

fleur de lis

Well-known member
[quote name="LMD84" url="/forum/thread/174765/new-aqua-liner#post_2111120"] my favourites are the white and the green. but the purpley shades are looking nice too! can't wait for swatches to start coming out!
[/quote] any idea when we'll get them over here?


Well-known member
@Lou: A bit OT but I never know quite what to do with white eye products (eyeliners, NYX jumbo pencil in Milk, UD 24/7 liner in Yeyo, etc.). What's the best way to use them, in your opinion?


Well-known member
@Lou: A bit OT but I never know quite what to do with white eye products (eyeliners, NYX jumbo pencil in Milk, UD 24/7 liner in Yeyo, etc.). What's the best way to use them, in your opinion?
well i use milk jumbo pencil as a base to make pale pastel colours look bit more vibrant. then yeyo i use on my waterline to make my eyes look a little bigger and brighter (milk to too white for this!) and i plan on using this white liner on my upper lash line - might be pretty and you could add different glitter liners over the top of it :)


Well-known member
any good swatches of these? they look absolutely yummy!!

although i really shld be buying the UD anniversary palette instead as i have been lemming for tt for months..


Well-known member
oh i asked the guru makeup emporiam when they are getting these and they said within the next two weeks! hooray!! oh and they ship worldwide too! :)


Well-known member
I'm taking a trip to NY tomorrow and hopefully Mufe will be one of the places I hit. Hopefully, they will have the liners for me to play with and I may buy one even though I already have 2 on the way from Sephora.


Well-known member
Definitely let us know how they are. I've tried several liquid liners on my upper lash line, but they all seemed to really irritate my eyes and make them water, thus making the liner rub off and my makeup looking like a hot mess. I really want to like one though!


Well-known member
I got my Mufe liners in multi colored black and emerald green. I have to say I am really impressed. The differences between this and the Mac liners from Fab Felines? Much easier to use! These liners have a shorter, stiffer brush and the formula doesn't feel so...wet(?). Anyone who has the liner, do you know what I mean? It feels almost like leaked ink from a pen on your lids. These liners are lightweight. It's easier to control because of the shorter, stiffer brush and you can get a straighter line. Shade specific: The multi colored black is very pretty. The multi colored shimmer is very noticeable. I applied it and was scared at first because it came out so light, but then I looked at the tube and it said "shake well before use" and I was like "aaah". Definitely do that and you'll be fine. When the light hits it, it's gorgeous. The emerald green is alsmot identical to Mac's Treat Me Nice liner. It's not the dark green that I was expecting. Excuse me for forgetting what emerald means. It's still gorgeous, nonetheless and since the brush and formula are better, I'm not mad. If anything, it may be a tad lighter than TMN. Well, now I'm upset that I bought 4 of the Mac liners when I could have 4 Mufe's. I will buy them anyway. I prefer these. Maybe I'll give the Mac ones away. Once again, Mufe has Mac beat.


Well-known member
Well, now I'm upset that I bought 4 of the Mac liners when I could have 4 Mufe's. I will buy them anyway. I prefer these. Maybe I'll give the Mac ones away. Once again, Mufe has Mac beat.

How do you think they will fare for someone who's not very experienced with liquid liners, Shontay?


Well-known member
[quote name="dxgirly" url="/forum/thread/174765/new-aqua-liner/30#post_2112535"]

How do you think they will fair for someone who's not very experienced with liquid liners, Shontay?
[/quote] I'm not that experienced with liquid liners myself, actually. My thing was always pencils and gels. The Mac liners were my very first liquid liners. I think the Mufe liners are a good place to start because the brush is steady. I'm telling you, between these liners and the uplight highlighter, mufe is rocking my world.


Well-known member
Alright. Thanks sweetie! You're my MUFE guru.


Well-known member
Shontay, I'm so jealous you've gotten your order! Mine isn't due until tomorrow. Can't wait! And thanks for reminding us to "shake!"


Well-known member
oooh i bet you are excited to get your order today! please let us know what you think when it arrives!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Hey Shontay, how do their brush/application compare to that of Lancome Art Liner? the lancome is my HG as it applies like a dream but they don't come in many colours :(

Thanks for ur review :)


Well-known member
[quote name="Shadowy Lady" url="/forum/thread/174765/new-aqua-liner/30#post_2112845"] Hey Shontay, how do their brush/application compare to that of Lancome Art Liner? the lancome is my HG as it applies like a dream but they don't come in many colours :(

Thanks for ur review :)
[/quote] Shadowy Lady, I've never used a single Lancome product. Sorry I can't give you an answer.


Well-known member
Ok, got my Aqua Liner today! Shontay's review of the multicolor black one is right on point (this is the only one I got -- so far!). I think that most people will find these pretty easy to apply. I really like that firm, somewhat stiff applicator. I can see where this color is really going to be pretty in certain light, especially sunlight!

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