EYES Continued:
The next texture is sheen mixed with veins of micro sparkle. These shades include: Mineral Mode, Unsurpassable, Hint of Sapphire, Jades Fortune, and Rare Find (although that one is sort of a cross between all sheen and sheen + sparkle - its low on sparkle, but it still has a little). Now, don't be afraid of this sparkle. It's not glitter. It's a very fine and non-pigmeted silica of some sort. In fact it's pretty much harmless - it doesn't fall out, it's not chunky, it doesn't pick up huge, out of place sparks of light - it's more like you will see the sparkle in the pan and in a hand swatch but on the eye it sort of melts into the skin and gives a sheen, but a dimensional sheen, rather than a flat, smooth sheen like the first texture or the Mega Metals (which are even flatter and smoother, for reference). Actually these sparkles are the same ones you see in the Big Bounce shadows - the ones with more sheen like Luxury Touch or Trophy - it's probably the exact same ingredient but now baked, instead of suspended in cream.
Here's the amazing thing about this group of colors......the veining is laid out to one side in the pans - at least all the ones I looked at. Like streaks of veining running mostly down a single half. What does this mean? It means you not only can totally control how much sparkle you want to add to your basic sheen, you can also mix colors together or get 2 totally different colors out of one pan. Yes, these are secret ninja duos, you heard me right. Go ahead and mix them together for a more greyish color, or just use one side away from the veining and then the veined side separately. OR, use the non-vein side and then add a bit of the veined side in to control how warm or cool toned you want the color to be. These are frikken artistic treasures here. I am not kidding around - you will be able to get a huge range of color out of one pan of something like Hint of Sapphire, Jade's Fortune or Unsurpassable.
There's another element to all of these variables, and that's how you apply them - dry, wet or with a base. This is where me and my MA bugged the hell out. All the colors in this texture were pretty soft and pastel and a bit sheer when applied dry. They lost their sheerness when applied wet, but were still pretty subdued. However my MA busted out some Big Bounce shadows to experiment with as a base (He and I are bosom buddies over the fact we both adore those Big Bounce shadows in all their very weird, avant guard sheerness and bizarre texture.). OK, you know I've already raved over what a perfect modern base they are underneath the Crushed Metal pigments from Surf Baby, how you can build up wild duochrome effects with them, how they don't compete with the sheerness of the texture unlike other heavier bases, etc etc.
Well some sort of MAGICAL CHEMISTRY reaction took place using them as a base for these MESs. First we tried it with Unsurpassable. Unsurpassable looks kind of like murky shit in all our current swatches, you will agree with me. Just some weird greyish color. Well, these swatches lie like the forked tongue of Beelzebub. Over a neutral Big Bounce, suddenly it becomes the most dense, velvety, opaque, and brilliantly bright emerald green you have ever seen. Like Jealousy Wakes on steroids. Don't boo hoo if you didn't get one - just get Unsurpassable and a Big Bounce for a base. We both did a complete, mouth hanging open double take when we saw what we were looking at. Even applied wet, there was no way we would have ever thought you could get such a vivid color out of any of these. Unsurpassable is doubly gorgeous because you have that damn green and you also have the blue veining, which is an amazing violet, periwinkle shade - stick to the blue veins and you have a totally different and equally blinding and vivid color, or apply a layer of the green side, let it set for a few seconds, then lightly brush and blend some of the blue into it, bit by bit, creating a bluish green of just the right proportion for your desire on the fly. Or don't blend the blue layer in and let it just sit on top and voila, you have a duochrome effect. This shit is bananas.
It makes me feel like if I buy out this whole collection, I will never need to buy another damn eyeshadow in my life. I used to have some Shiseido shadows back in their 80's glory days that were tiny chips of many different colors that you could sort of fool around with and get different colors out of one pan.....This group of Semi-Precious shadows is the mega-level of that concept. You will be able to release all your creative desires with these shadows and I am not exaggerating at all. The more you are willing to experiment with new ways of playing, the more you will get out of them. Or just do a quick swipe and get a weird murky color - but even over-blended, these are so complex, they will still make your eyes glow. Honestly, this group of colors is not for the faint of heart, but if you are an experimenter at heart you are going to feel like you died and went to heaven.