WOC: Bloggers' Collection


Well-known member
Gorgeous on you!!

I got my Sonoran Rain and Jealousy Wakes today. I agree Jealously Wakes pulls a little bluer than I expected. Here's pics of the Sonoran Rain.



Active member
Well, good to know that Jealousy Wakes didn't just pull bluer on me too. I should have ordered Hocus Pocus when I had the chance :-/

Thank you!!!

I did a quick face using the Jealousy Wakes and the Sonoran Rain today. My application is a little messy because I was in a rush. I tried to pair the Jealously Wakes with NYX Eyeshadow in Oro to make it pop a bit more green.



Well-known member
I picked up JW and SR as well...here are my swatches...

Caqui is so gorgeous...I wanted to grab it but I have so many orange lips that I could not justify the purchase...



Well-known member
I wore Hocus Pocus on the lid and Dalliance in the crease. I really love dark colors on the lid. HP is effortless. I felt torn as to which shadow I'd wear today: HP or Jealousy Wakes, but HP won today. I'm going to be wearing these two a lot. Thankfully, JW is green on me and there's little to no fallout. I also wore Caqui gloss today and it's a must for all WOC.


Well-known member
^^ ahhh shontay you're making me impatient with Mac's slow shipping to Cali >_< lol! I have JW on it's way, and I'm so happy to learn that it's pulling green on basically everyone. I was afraid that it'd be too much like Surf USA, but that doesn't seem to be the case. YAY!


Well-known member
[quote name="UrbanSweetheart" url="/forum/thread/175438/woc-bloggers-collection/90#post_2134490"] ^^ ahhh shontay you're making me impatient with Mac's slow shipping to Cali >_< lol! I have JW on it's way, and I'm so happy to learn that it's pulling green on basically everyone. I was afraid that it'd be too much like Surf USA, but that doesn't seem to be the case. YAY!
[/quote] I've read a few comments saying that it pulls a little blue on people, but it's not that way for everyone. Hopefully, it will be green on you. I think most importantly, it's not teal. That's what separates it from Surf USA. I definitely prefer JW.


Well-known member

I was getting ready to take my makeup off and decided to snap a quick picture. This is SNS on the lid and HP in the outer V. It's not as vibrate because I applied at 5am this morning and I just got home about an hour ago. So it lasted basically all day. Sorry if I look tired long day at work. I reapplied ER for the picture.

I was getting ready to take my makeup off and decided to snap a quick picture. This is SNS on the lid and HP in the outer V. It's not as vibrate because I applied at 5am this morning and I just got home about an hour ago. So it lasted basically all day. Sorry if I look tired long day at work. I reapplied ER for the picture.
This is really pretty and I love the ER on you!


Well-known member
you look gorgeous!
& I love SNS on you.
How are you liking ER so far?

I was getting ready to take my makeup off and decided to snap a quick picture. This is SNS on the lid and HP in the outer V. It's not as vibrate because I applied at 5am this morning and I just got home about an hour ago. So it lasted basically all day. Sorry if I look tired long day at work. I reapplied ER for the picture.


Well-known member
@Projectdanielle Thanks!! I'm loving SR on you. Its so tempting to go back and buy more lippies but I know I wouldn't put them on but once lol

@UrbanSweetheart I'm loving ER so much! It was what I dreamed. Nice hint of a little pink to make my natural lips pop. I picture myself going thru it too fast, so I might go back and buy two this coming week. One for my mom because she loves it too. It's just something easy you don't have to think with when putting it on.


Well-known member
I just did a video of my haul of the collection and I am wearing JW and sonoran rain in the video if you want to see what it looks like on an NC50...doesnt pull blue at all on me. very true green and I love it. I did not take any still photos but here isthe video:


Thanks for the vid, bobbiedoll. You look beautiful;! JW looks great on you. It definitely does look green, perhaps cos you're NC as oppose to NW? Sonoran Rain looks lovely too. Thanks for the swatches. Oh and I love your hair lol.

Btw in your sig, the link is coming up youtube.come so I was getting an error message until I finally noticed itand removed the "e". Just letting you know.

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