The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Anneri - good luck. Thanks for your recommendations too, I'm going to hunt down Byzantine Mosiac just because of the collection. I like watching historical fiction movies, or myths & legends like LOTR but I don't read the books. On the other hand, I love reading those for young readers like Narnia but I don't enjoy the Narnia movies. Maybe I should go read all the Narnia books, which I never read as a child. It's a shame you don't have all the different flavoured donuts. There are a few chain stores selling them and I like them because they are sweet and chocolatey but I don't eat them often.

Lou - Thanks, I thinking when to wear them out for the first time. Probably when I watch Lion King, the musical next month! It will be the first musical I'm watching. I like musicals but never had the chance to watch any in theatres, only on tv.

Michelle - I like the Australian tv series of Merlin very much. I only have series 1, 2 and part of 3. There is series 4 now but I'm not sure if they are continuing with the show. There is a good balance of drama, humour and romance, and the actors are all good-looking. Not sure if you have heard of it or if it is shown widely.


Well-known member
Well, I haven't been here in a while.

Celebrated my birthday on the 16th, did some shopping and did even more shopping on the 17th. Got a lot of makeup. Birthday gifts makeup wise were Benefit eyeshadow in Where There's Smoke, the trio with High Beam, Benetint, and Posie tint, and Urban Decay Naked lipstick. Then I did my own shopping and got a Sephora #29 blending brush (and loved it so much that I went to get a second one yesterday), ELF powder brush, and a five drawer storage thing. So much easier for makeup storage! Also got a blazer from Charlotte Russe that I've been waiting to go on sale for ages. Unfortunately, it was XS and the last one on clearance. :| I'm normally a M or L. But hey, it fits my arms so as long as I don't button it, it actually fits.

Then I went to Charlotte and basically went on a MAC craze. I've only bought so much MAC at once on my birthdays and Christmas. Most of my MAC before was from swaps. got Angel and Vegas Volt lipstick, Satin Taupe eyeshadow... went to CCO and got Lazy Day lipstick and Fold and Tuck lipglass. I got excited when I saw Lazy Day since I got into MAC late and missed that collection. They also had Viva Glam Gaga lipglass which is one of my favourites. I don't know why I didn't buy a damn backup.

But yeah, now that that's over, I'm back to my normal miserable life, hah.


Well-known member
greetings and salutations to all the Chanel Ratonas!!

Funny, but I have missed you all and all the comments which inspire or teach -- I have been flooded with work, and personal issues which are still unresolved. It has been a very rough month for me.

ssaemblog.. don't say your life is misserable.. you are young, healthy and it doesn't seem as if you have major problems.. trust me, life is full of very very difficult moments and your life sounds easy.. at least from your post.

annieri.. best of luck on your move and new life !! If I think I know where you will be working, you have hit it big !! Enjoy and thrive and thanks for the book info

msqq.. what lovely shoes! so classy and classic !! enjoy! I love my Ferragamo loafers.. and my big tall platform wedges.. but frankly the more I wear flats during the day the less sore my back is at night..I am trying to take it easy with this now as stress can cause me to run to ground.

Elena, sending
your way .. good thing about the weather, it changes!

C! So nice to see you and am glad all is well with you.. biggest hugs --


Well-known member
Hi everyone! It's been a while, but I wanted to pop by and say hi :)

Anneri - that's sounds awful about your place! Thank goodnes you have something for September. Stay safe! Jerome and I are doing the exact same thing right now - we need to move out by next Thursday (AHHH!), and we'll be staying with his family for the month of August. Thankfully there's no one shady there! Just not a whole lot of space with 8 people in a 4 bedroom house! We also found a place that we love for Sept. 1st - just waiting to be approved, and hopefully we'll hear back from them tomorrow saying we got it! :)

Astrid - that's crazy! It's tough to live without electricity for too long, isn't it? I'm glad everything was resolved and you're able to get back to your routine!

MissQQ - Love the shoes!! So elegant and classy, and they'll go with just about anything. :)

Sam - Happy belated birthday! :) Hope you're enjoying all of your goodies!

HG - We missed youuuu! Hope you're doing well and are able to get some 'you' time in there soon :)

Life is starting to settle down - I was hired at a private all-girls school as the French teacher for September, Jerome and I have found a place, we've decided to stay in Toronto for the next few years to get our experience and plan/have our wedding before going abroad, the camp/research project I'm directing is over half-way done and everything is running smoothly (fingers crossed!!), I'm done all my course work and certification that I needed to get done this summer, and once August hits both Jerome and I finally get a bit of a break to enjoy together for a few days!

Hope everyone is happy and well :)


Well-known member
I'm a child abuse victim every day of my life, haha. Physical, verbal, you name it. It's not easy just because I made one post about my birthday one day out of an entire year. I deal with screaming, slamming cabinets, and all that "fun" stuff every single day and yes, it's been reported in the past and nobody does jack about it here and no, I can't go anywhere else. So since I live my life every day, and know what happens, I think I can say my life is pretty miserable, haha.

Trust me.

I know that post wasn't meant to be rude but I've read that same bit from other people over and over again so I have to clear that up.


Well-known member
Anneri, first, your new avatar is so cute! Thanks for the recs on the books - your passion really comes through in your descriptions! It's a marvelous pasttime - getting lost in someone else's imagination! Things are starting to happen for you!! Good luck with the move and the 'choosing'........

Michelle, yes, Sonic happy hour is quite fun! Good thing they're not just up the road! Ha!

HG, so glad to see you back! I hope things are going better for you - I pm'd you, and then came back and read posts - and Jenn and I said almost the exact same thing about 'you' time!!

Jenn, sounds like you're on your way too! I'm glad things are sorting themselves out! Your new position sounds great!

Happy belated birthday, Sam! Sounds like you got some great birthday goodies!

Hi Elena!

Big hi's and hugs to Winthrop, Nora, Elegant and Kate!


Well-known member
My name is Freddie. ._. Hahaha.
Unless there's a Sam here with a birthday close to mine too.

If it is me we're talking about here, thank you. :p
(I backtracked to look for other bday posts lol)

If not, never mind. ._.


Well-known member
Welcome back all! Good to see everyone again!

Freddie -- I am sorry to read what you wrote about what goes on in your daily life. I hope you have someone you can turn to -- and I wish you happiness once you are able to get out on your own.

Cheryl -- the bad thing for me is Sonic is just up the road from where I live LOL "Danger Zone"


Well-known member
Jenn.. thank you so much for your well wishes.. you are a so sweet
I just got a pm from C! and she mentions some me time too.. and I know you are both right -- I am working on it.

C! just pm'd you.. thank you again for just being you!

Michelle.. nice to see you again! Enjoy Sonic.. lol

cutie, Elena, Almus and all I might have missed -- big hugs to you

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I looked at Sonic frozen zone and drinks menu - they have so many varieties! Want to try the iced latte, mocha and java, maybe they are as good or better than starbucks. I don't drink hot coffee but weirdly I like cold ones. It's nice to have Sonic just up the road, they have so much food and drinks.
Do they operate 24 hrs? I can see why it is "dangerous" to be close by.

Hi HG! Welcome back. Very happy to see you here again. Hope that work is winding down and the personal issues aren't stressing you out. I get a lot of aches and backaches are very hard to deal with so I stick to flats most of the time. I saw their loafers when I was in the store. Definitely will consider them when my current go-to flats wear out.

Jenns - Have fun in August!

Freddie - Happy belated birthday and I hope the situation can improve and you can speak to people who are supportive of you.


Well-known member
msqq.. Ferragamo loafers are so so comfy and elegant.. I have a few pairs but I particularly love my kid and suede ones.. they fit like soft socks.. lol.


Well-known member
HG -- so you are a Sonic fan, too? I don't feel quite so bad if I get the diet concoctions . . .
Hope you are doing well -- sounds like life has been busy for you!

MissQQ -- yes, Sonic will basically do any flavor combo you like -- sodas mixed with flavors, slushes, shakes, you name it! They have a lemon berry slush that is delish. But I have to avoid driving by there LOL I'm not sure if they are open 24 hrs, but pretty close. We keep getting on food topics

We are heading to a weekend at a cabin by a lake -- I really should be packing . . .


Well-known member
Michelle, that sounds like a terrific weekend plan! I would love a lake cabin......

We're going to the beach in RI on Saturday - the weather is supposed to be perfect for the beach, so I'm psyched! It's going to be oppressively hot here in the northeast tomorrow and Friday - I have to be in NYC tomorrow when the heat index will be 105 - there are few worse things than waiting for your track to be posted in Penn Station when it's hot and muggy outside. Ick. The good thing is that the trains are almost refrigerated, so you cool off fast!

Sonic may be on the docket for today - a slush would be a nice lunchtime treat!!

HG, I hope the pinky gets better soon! It's amazing how such a small digit can give such big problems!

Happy day everyone!!


Well-known member
Cheryl -- have fun at the beach on Saturday! I hope you have a great time and escape the heat.

Lou -- there are lots of Sonic "copy cat" recipes online -- I bet you can find some and make them at home (like their Cherry Limeades, etc). But that kinda takes away from the fun of driving thru . . .

Today is our 15th wedding anniversary -- I can't believe it. Since we are leaving tomorrow to go on our little trip to the lake with the kids, we're waiting until August to go on a little weekend trip with just the two of us. I wish we were going to Hawaii right about now, but we'll settle on another lake retreat :)


Well-known member
Congratulations Michelle! That's a great milestone! I hope you have fun this weekend, and I know you'll enjoy your trip in August - what a blessing!!


Well-known member
Congrats Michelle! I hope you enjoy this trip and the next one

Hello everyone! I am very busy at work at the moment, but as usual, I always stop by and read a little bit the forums (I can't just stop doing that, no matter how busy I am!). I hope everyone is doing well. HG, it's great to hear from you =)

Here we are having a terribly hot summer. I am having serious problems when it comes to sleep-time at nights and well, that only makes me feel more tired in the morning when I have to face another day full of work. At least I will have some days off work in August and after, I'll be going to England for a short trip and I am planning on indulge myself on british cosmetics

Sending tons of e-hugs!


Well-known member
Thanks all -- it is fun to have a couple of little trips to look forward to!

Almus -- I hope you find some relief from the heat. I have major insomnia -- so I can relate to the sleep issues (no fun). Exciting about your trip to England!!

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