Chanel Spring 2012 collection


Well-known member
I am so sorry, I hope you feel better soon. Have you ever used a Neti Pot? It has stopped my recurring yearly sinus infection. Probiotics help, too.
Thank you -- I will have to try the neti pot. The doc I saw yesterday mentioned that also. I have been fighting colds since November, and this sinus infection has just about killed me off this week! Do you just get it at the drug store??


Hope you feel better. I also use neti-pot, make sure you used distilled water or boiled water because there is alot of stuff in tap water you don't want in your sinuses. Also I just bought a himalayan salt inhaler, it is better than a neti-pot since you don't get water in your nose, you just breathe in from your mouth and out your nose and it disinfects your sinueses. I recommend you order one of thes asap!!


Well-known member
Hope you feel better. I also use neti-pot, make sure you used distilled water or boiled water because there is alot of stuff in tap water you don't want in your sinuses. Also I just bought a himalayan salt inhaler, it is better than a neti-pot since you don't get water in your nose, you just breathe in from your mouth and out your nose and it disinfects your sinueses. I recommend you order one of thes asap!!
I haven't head of this before -- do you just order online? Does it just come with an inhaler, or the salt, too? (sorry, I am so ignorant about this). Thanks for the suggestions!


Well-known member
Hey ladies! Happy New Year!

I'll be honest, I haven't read past the most recent page of posts. Still waiting on the spring collection here, should be about another week me thinks. I did get a few things from MAC, especially from the Naturally collection. So far, I have Subtle Breeze blush (probably the same pink one you liked Elegant!). Also have Pillow Talk and Beach Sand lippies and I'm about to order A Perfect Day as well. I am also eyeing A Cloudy Afternoon and Twilight MES, but for now I'm holding strong! Feels like the old days hauling some MAC!

Michelle, hope you feel better. I hope everyone else is doing well and had a great holiday.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Hi Nora! Happy mac hauling! I look at the Naturally collection and like it too. I have Blonde but not Redhead which I wish I bought. But I don't reach for msf often now because I have too many highlighters and I am on a subtle diffused highlighter look lately, so I think I can pass. Perfect Day looks very pretty! I miss hauling mac too. I am trying to buy less makeup this year, especially from chanel because last year I bought a lot from chanel. And chanel did not give me a gift as a valued customer!
I'm going to try look at chanel's makeup with a discerning eye and only buy things that I really want and make me really excited when I see/touch them.

I saw the collection and bought Horizon and Flirt. Both were out of stocks but I've paid for them and will be getting them in a couple of weeks' time. Tigerlily blended into my skin so I passed it as it will probably require more work for it to show up. Charme and Paradis are beautiful, so I may go back for them. Great that they are perm! It's a pity my counter didn't get Superstition. I agree with those of you who said April is the most beautiful np out of the three. I like the pink too, but I have Morning Rose so that should be enough. The lightest shade in the quad (baked) is a glittery mess. It is pretty for the inner corners and centre of the eye for brightening, but too much as the highlighter under the brows.

I will definitely check out the pink blush! I need to go swatch all the lippies -- if I can ever get to feeling normal again. What about the blonde and redhead MSF? I didn't pick those up when they were released before (not sure if they are too shimmery??)
I ended up going to urgent care today because I felt so sick, I thought I was going to faint. So now I have to take antibiotics and use this inhaler thing for 10 days for a sinus infection. The doc said it would take 48 hours before I was feeling better :/
I hope your husband gets to feeling better, too!

Are you feeling better? Get lots of rest and well soon! I use a nasal spray daily for my nose allergy to relieve my stuffy nose and I also have this sea salt spray that is supposed to sanitise my nasal passage, but I don't use it much. I am having this sore throat/cough thing too but it is not as bad as last month's. I always get colds when my bad throat gets worse. I have Blonde and it is less frosty/shimmery than Soft & Gentle, but more frosty than the newer generation highlighters like EL Modern Mercury and Chanel holiday highlighter.

elegant - Hope your husband gets better soon!


Well-known member
Hope you feel better. I also use neti-pot, make sure you used distilled water or boiled water because there is alot of stuff in tap water you don't want in your sinuses. Also I just bought a himalayan salt inhaler, it is better than a neti-pot since you don't get water in your nose, you just breathe in from your mouth and out your nose and it disinfects your sinueses. I recommend you order one of thes asap!!

I am interested in this also. I've never heard of it. I also have the same questions as Boni. Where do you order it from?

I haven't tried the neti-pot even though I hear great things about it. The water in my nose thing icks me out.

I hope everyone gets to feeling better.

This has been a bad year for me and sinus issues. I pop a Claritin every morning but still have watery eyes, well for some reason mostly my right eye. Our weather has been weird, in the 60's one day, super cold and rainy the next, then back to warm again. I have never had allergy problems even though I live in the worst state for this. It only been the last few years. I'm blaming menapause. It screws up everything else in your body so it gets the blame deservered or not:)


Well-known member
Hope you feel better. I also use neti-pot, make sure you used distilled water or boiled water because there is alot of stuff in tap water you don't want in your sinuses. Also I just bought a himalayan salt inhaler, it is better than a neti-pot since you don't get water in your nose, you just breathe in from your mouth and out your nose and it disinfects your sinueses. I recommend you order one of thes asap!!

Bonitinha You can get the Neti Pot at almost any drug store or health food store. I need to get a himalayan salt inhaler!!!


Well-known member
^^ Hi Nora! Happy mac hauling! I look at the Naturally collection and like it too. I have Blonde but not Redhead which I wish I bought. But I don't reach for msf often now because I have too many highlighters and I am on a subtle diffused highlighter look lately, so I think I can pass. Perfect Day looks very pretty! I miss hauling mac too. I am trying to buy

Go run to get Cruel Gardenia Meteorites. They are a must for subtle glow. I think the best highlighter I have ever tried.


Well-known member
Hi Nora -- let us know when you get the Spring collection there. Enjoy your MAC goodies -- I need to have a look at my counter!

MissQQ -- I wonder what is up with Chanel not giving out any of the thank you gifts? I didn't get a gift or card. Hmmmph! Can't wait to hear what you think of Horizon blush -- it really is a fave of mine

Thank you -- I am feeling better this morning, thank goodness. I have had that sore throat/cough thing, too -- I have gotten it every month for the past 3 months. Hope you are able to get rid of your cold also! No fun.

Shaddowaddict -- I am going on the hunt to the drugstore to find the Neti Pot, like Jmarie suggested. I saw on the news that the whole country is having crazy weather patterns -- this is probably why we keep getting sick :/

Jmarie -- do you have a favorite pink nude color by change from Guerlain?? I was just looking at Sabrina's swatches of the new Burberry Tulip pink l/s -- haven't tried Burberry yet, but it looks very nice.

Sorry I keep changing the topic from Chanel -- ooops . . .


Well-known member
I didn't get a gift or card either, but tbh last year's Chanel calendar was the first "appreciation gift" I've ever gotten from any cosmetics company, so I can't really be upset with them for not doing it this year. I kinda feel like it's pretty amazing they ever did it. Glad you're feeling a little better Michelle. I would love to hear about your favorite Rouge G's too jmarie.

Did you feel like Eclosion would make us look tired a la Kaska Beige, Miss QQ?


Well-known member
I got a call from Nordstrom the other day and was given a $50 gc for being a valued customer. I went straight to the Chanel counter and ended up with Horizon blush. I was looking at Jasmin but it was too "soft" for me and the lipsticks were a little too drying....still SUPER happy that i got this blush for $8 =)


Well-known member
Wow, how fantastic is that?! Congratulations! Great choice too. I'm so glad you were able to get this blush for so little!!


Well-known member
I was shocked. In all the years i've shopped there I've never had anyone call and give me a giftcard. I pondered for awhile too what I should get and decided I wanted something fun that I wouldn't normally pay for....glad they still had the blush in stock!

Wow, how fantastic is that?! Congratulations! Great choice too. I'm so glad you were able to get this blush for so little!!


Well-known member
I got a call from Nordstrom the other day and was given a $50 gc for being a valued customer. I went straight to the Chanel counter and ended up with Horizon blush. I was looking at Jasmin but it was too "soft" for me and the lipsticks were a little too drying....still SUPER happy that i got this blush for $8 =)
Wow, how nice of them!! That is awesome :)


Well-known member
I didn't get a gift or card either, but tbh last year's Chanel calendar was the first "appreciation gift" I've ever gotten from any cosmetics company, so I can't really be upset with them for not doing it this year. I kinda feel like it's pretty amazing they ever did it. Glad you're feeling a little better Michelle. I would love to hear about your favorite Rouge G's too jmarie.

Did you feel like Eclosion would make us look tired a la Kaska Beige, Miss QQ?
I know, Chanel ruined me when they sent that calendar last year LOL Now I want a keychain like MissQQ's
You're right -- I haven't ever gotten an appreciation gift from any other cosmetic company before!


Well-known member
purplerinne - What an awesome surprise! Let us know if you like the blush on.

Nora -

Michelle doll - I hope you are better by now .(

MissQQ - Thanks for the well wishes for the hubs - he is doing fine now. Men can be really annoying when they don't feel well
That's a really great duo that you got - the blush & Flirt which I love. Too bad though that you have to wait.

Winthrop - Did you get Rose de Mai or Bagatelle?
I swatched MAC's Nebula pigment Sunday. It swatched a really pretty med./dark browned gray but then faded to just a light medium grey. It kind of reminded me of a tad lighter BB Fog.

Hello to all our other lovely Chanel peeps!

Agghhh...busy on a new work deadline


Well-known member
^^ I did but Rose de Mai is actually too warm on my eyes and makes me look like a sick bunny. Bummer. Pink e/s are hard for me. I love Bagatelle though, esp with Rose corail liner.

Thanks for the info on Nebula. Is BB Fog available or was that just in an LE palette? It's a warm grey? Good luck on your work deadline!


Well-known member
Gail and Elegant -- I got so excited when you were talking about Nebula -- I was thinking of the glossimer that was discontinued that I never bought. And then I saw you were talking about MAC, and of course, now I am intrigued . . .

Thankfully I am feeling more like a normal person now -- hooray! I hope your husband gets better soon, Elegant. I know what you mean -- normally my husband is the sweetest, but he is such a baby when he gets sick. I am like "deal with it" haha


Well-known member
^^ I did but Rose de Mai is actually too warm on my eyes and makes me look like a sick bunny. Bummer. Pink e/s are hard for me. I love Bagatelle though, esp with Rose corail liner.

Thanks for the info on Nebula. Is BB Fog available or was that just in an LE palette? It's a warm grey? Good luck on your work deadline!

Ahh man too bad about RdM. I didn't order it. But I am so happy that Bagatelle worked out for you. I think its lovely over RC liner ;)

No, I wouldn't say its a warm grey. But yes, Fog was in a LE palette way back. I dunno, I still may get it. It just bugged me that it faded right while it was on my hand.

Thanks on the deadline! Its going better than I expected so that's always a good thing ;)


I went to Nordstrom today to test the Horizon blush in person. It is incredibly gorgeous. Chanel has ruined me for all other powders. I ordered it (had a Macy's gift card) and cannot wait for it to arrive! Also picked up 2 of the MAC Naturally eyeshadows and the duofiber brush. I'm hoping to get to order the Guerlain Cruel Gardenia powder tomorrow (waiting for someone to agree to get it as a bday gift for me lol). I love days like today--so many pretty things!

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