MAC Early Buzz - news on products for 2012


Well-known member
I loved Archie comics but B&V's makeup never really looked like anything special to me. I hope this isn't the big Feb collection


Well-known member
Maybe we get some Archie make up too. :)
Yes, Archie makeup for the boys. Musn't forget about them.


Well-known member
I agree Betty and Veronica's makeup were never a big feature of the comics. I think this collection may be more a play off their personalities--Betty being the fresh faced, girl next door and Veronica being the sexy vixen.


Well-known member
I agree Betty and Veronica's makeup were never a big feature of the comics. I think this collection may be more a play off their personalities--Betty being the fresh faced, girl next door and Veronica being the sexy vixen.
I agree. I was envisioning pink lips and blushes for Betty and perhaps dark liner and red lips for Veronica? I'm stopping by the MAC event either tomorrow or Thursday. I'm curious to see what "Betty and Veronica" looks they create for people.

I'm hoping that they include fun lashes with this collection!


Well-known member
I've never eared of Archie's girls too but I guess I've already seen images of the girls... I feel like Mac often puts out collections that we europeans can't completely understand (such as wonder woman which is the typical american heroine and there wasn't the same hype here) but of course the most important thing is the product itself ^^


Well-known member
Ahh! I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but MAC is releasing an Archie's Girls collection next year?!?! I am nerding out right now, I used to love Archie's comics. I'm really excited to see what they do for Betty and Veronica! Edited to add actual article I guess I'll be stopping by the MAC store this week! I want a custom sketch, haha. 
Exciting! Can't wait to see the packaging.


Well-known member
OMG, this is the silliest thing I've heard this week. Love it!

Personally, I always rooted for Veronica.
I wanted to be Veronica, but I think I am more of a Betty. Looks like a fun collection and being a special packaging h00r, it will probably be $$$


Well-known member
I have no idea how I feel about MAC X Archie. I was never an Archie fan and I don't know if Betty and Veronica are very good female role models. I just know them as 2 girls fighting over a boy LOL (I could be wrong)

I would have loved to see a MAC X Manga collaboration... like Sailormoon is renewing a new season in 2013. That would have been totally awesome and mindblowing... :)


Well-known member
A Betty and Veronica collection just seems extremely random to me and I don't know why. I'd love an X-woMen collection. Storm, Mystique, Rogue, Jean Grey, Kitty Pride....sigh. It's all wonderful in my head. I doubt Mac wants to pay that Marvel price though.


Well-known member
I'm so with you two on this. I wasn't much of an Archie fan either for that very reason of chasing after Archie. But I'll get something anyway because it deals with comics.

But a manga/anime collection would be epic. I just picture bright, crazy colors all over the place. And an X-woMen collection. That'll offer a great variety of different makeup looks for sure.

A Betty and Veronica collection just seems extremely random to me and I don't know why. I'd love an X-woMen collection. Storm, Mystique, Rogue, Jean Grey, Kitty Pride....sigh. It's all wonderful in my head. I doubt Mac wants to pay that Marvel price though.


Specktra Bestie
I don't like how Betty and Veronica are always chasing after Archie, but I do find the collection idea sort of interesting. I'm curious because, as a non-expert, it kinda looks like they have the same kind of "makeup"- neutral eyes, red lips...


Well-known member
Ahh! I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but MAC is releasing an Archie's Girls collection next year?!?! I am nerding out right now, I used to love Archie's comics. I'm really excited to see what they do for Betty and Veronica! Edited to add actual article I guess I'll be stopping by the MAC store this week! I want a custom sketch, haha. 
I am really excited about this collection. I grew up buying comic books each week with my allowance and having a good laugh with Archie and his typical teen boy silliness. Love the art, it's very retro. I'm assuming this is the shop mac, cook mac; wonder woman, spring forecast and hello kitty follower, THEREFORE, I'm expecting quads, lol


Well-known member
I'm excited about the Archie's Girls collection this because it just sounds like fun and I think makeup themes and collections get so serious sometimes. I hope there will be come cool comic book style packaging and a cute and creative color story.


Well-known member
I have no idea how I feel about MAC X Archie. I was never an Archie fan and I don't know if Betty and Veronica are very good female role models. I just know them as 2 girls fighting over a boy LOL (I could be wrong)

I would have loved to see a MAC X Manga collaboration... like Sailormoon is renewing a new season in 2013. That would have been totally awesome and mindblowing... :)
OMG, Sailormoon would be amazing!


Well-known member
Haha, I'm watching an old episode of The Big Bang Theory and they made a reference to Archie Comics being for 10 year old girls. I
b/c I thought of this collection/thread and my BF looked at me like I was crazy.


Well-known member
Haha, I'm watching an old episode of The Big Bang Theory and they made a reference to Archie Comics being for 10 year old girls. I
b/c I thought of this collection/thread and my BF looked at me like I was crazy.
I was doing the same! Flipping through channels and I saw this part. Immediately thought of this thread.