Well-known member
I have one friend who loves makeup, but I don't think her collection is as big as mine is. My husband doesn't really care, because he figures if he doesn't bother me about my makeup I won't bother him about his video games, lol. I have a few friends who don't get it. One really seems to pick on me about it. She even asked me how I justified spending so much money on makeup. Of course this was after she and her husband spent thousands of dollars on IVF to have kids.
I dont mean any offence but I do not think that buying makeup can be equated to having kids. There is nothing that can be compared to having kids other than surgery for life-threatening issues or for your health.
I dont agree with you that you can say that she didn't agree with your spending on makeup when before she just spent money on IVF to have kids.
its not very nice to ridicule someone for having kids in any way or compare such material things such as makeup to spending on having kids.