I really hope there will be comparison swatches for Cream Soda blush. Somehow I feel it could be close to Supercontinental. Maybe lighter.
How many blushes of this color family with a satin finish can MAC release anyway?!
I know I don't need all of them, but I still want them.
I already skipped Easy Manner, and it feels like I committed a crime. I feel so bad for every blush I leave behind.
Kinda feels like not picking up a lonely puppy that's sitting at the side of the road.

How many blushes of this color family with a satin finish can MAC release anyway?!

I guess the sheen would still show on darker skintones. It's probably best to try these out for yourself if you canThank you Naynadine! I'm also C4 so I donno how it'd look on me, I bet it would barely be a highlight on me.