MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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I really hope there will be comparison swatches for Cream Soda blush. Somehow I feel it could be close to Supercontinental. Maybe lighter.
How many blushes of this color family with a satin finish can MAC release anyway?!
I know I don't need all of them, but I still want them.
I already skipped Easy Manner, and it feels like I committed a crime. I feel so bad for every blush I leave behind.
Kinda feels like not picking up a lonely puppy that's sitting at the side of the road.

Thank you Naynadine! I'm also C4 so I donno how it'd look on me, I bet it would barely be a highlight on me.
I guess the sheen would still show on darker skintones. It's probably best to try these out for yourself if you can :)


Well-known member
When does the Mac store usually get the new collections in to preview/pre sale before the release date?I called my store But they said they had no idea.i want to be there ASAP. Thanks girls!


Well-known member
But they said they had no idea...i haven't gotten much help from them at all when I call.i want to be there ASAP. Thanks girls!
My Macys told me this past weekend that they would get it this week but they didn't give me a date as to when it would be available for purchase. Hopefully they will stick to the Feb. 7th date.


Active member
I got an invite to the MAC Betty or Veronica private party. What is that all about?

lol As much as I love MAC, I know little about their collection parties.


Well-known member
I really hope there will be comparison swatches for Cream Soda blush. Somehow I feel it could be close to Supercontinental. Maybe lighter.
How many blushes of this color family with a satin finish can MAC release anyway?!
I know I don't need all of them, but I still want them.
I already skipped Easy Manner, and it feels like I committed a crime. I feel so bad for every blush I leave behind.
Kinda feels like not picking up a lonely puppy that's sitting at the side of the road.

I guess the sheen would still show on darker skintones. It's probably best to try these out for yourself if you can :)
Haha you were able to write down exactly how I feel
Those poor puppies can't be left behind right?


Well-known member
I really hope there will be comparison swatches for Cream Soda blush. Somehow I feel it could be close to Supercontinental. Maybe lighter.
How many blushes of this color family with a satin finish can MAC release anyway?!
I know I don't need all of them, but I still want them.
I already skipped Easy Manner, and it feels like I committed a crime. I feel so bad for every blush I leave behind.
Kinda feels like not picking up a lonely puppy that's sitting at the side of the road.

I guess the sheen would still show on darker skintones. It's probably best to try these out for yourself if you can :)
I skipped all the Glamour Daze blushes and it was so painful! I wish I bought the bright pink one...


Well-known member
Hopefully Cream Soda is different enough from Legendary? Or actually hopefully is similar enough... I deff DONT need more blushes but I cant help but want to buy them too!


Well-known member
Yes, I have both from the Vera collection. I really like them, but don't love them. The texture is a little bit... hm, stiff I would say. I prefer beauty powders and MSFs. They're definitely nice though, on one hand I do want them all in my collection, on the other I can't justify it, since I barely used the Vera ones.
That's the reason why I can't decide whether I'll get pearlmatte too!! You have a exactly same reason as me!!! I wasn't satisfied with the texture too after I got Vera's.


Well-known member
I really hope there will be comparison swatches for Cream Soda blush. Somehow I feel it could be close to Supercontinental. Maybe lighter. How many blushes of this color family with a satin finish can MAC release anyway?! 
 I know I don't need all of them, but I still want them. 
 I already skipped Easy Manner, and it feels like I committed a crime. I feel so bad for every blush I leave behind. 
 Kinda feels like not picking up a lonely puppy that's sitting at the side of the road. 
I guess the sheen would still show on darker skintones. It's probably best to try these out for yourself if you can :)
I skipped all the Glamour Daze blushes and it was so painful! I wish I bought the bright pink one... :cloud9:
I skipped Legendary and I regret it so much!! I've got Small Vanity and Easy Manner from GD but I know I would've been much happer with Legendary than with Easy Manner (I still like EM though). Booh. :(


Well-known member
I skipped Legendary and I regret it so much!! I've got Small Vanity and Easy Manner from GD but I know I would've been much happer with Legendary than with Easy Manner (I still like EM though). Booh. :(
I have Legendary blush , it's so pretty but I hope this Betty blush is more like Immortal Flower or Supercontinental which I didn't pick up but wish I had!


Well-known member
I skipped Legendary and I regret it so much!! I've got Small Vanity and Easy Manner from GD but I know I would've been much happer with Legendary than with Easy Manner (I still like EM though). Booh.
Aww. Legendary is a great blush, so if you can find one, snag it up! I bought EM and it brought out the redness in my cheeks so it had to go back! I'm hoping Cream Soda is similar to Legendary but different enough to own both.


Well-known member
Okay so uh, Veronica has ALWAYS been my girl so I'll need these:

All the damned Veronica lipsticks (that Ronnie Red is KILLING IT!)
All the damned Veronica lip glasses (Mall Madness, Strawberry Malt, Feelin' So Good)
Magic Spells pigment
Black Poodle pigment
Prom Princess Blush
Veronicas Blush pearl matte face powder

Good thing I just got a new job with higher pay because this haul is gonna put a dent in my bank account...


New member
Can some one please tell me how many iteams will this collection have I called Mac customer service and went to the store they show me 10 items but the very first post says more then that I'm confuse I want to get my list ready for feb thank you guys !!


Well-known member
Has anyone preordered yet? Are stores/counters taking the orders yet?

My favorite counter isn't take preorders but they did put me down for an event appointment on the 8th; I am probably going to try to bump it to early on the 7th to have even a modicum of hope of getting to purchase whats on my face.


Well-known member
Any tentative online (stalking) date suggestions yet please? I plan to get my three Snake shadows and 1 to 2 items from AG online then all the other items in store.