These are by invitation events at which invitees get to see and purchase new collection items, usually before they are launched for the general public. The events are well organized, and there are servers for the food & drink if you choose to indulge. I suspect requiring an invitation , requiring RSVP and requiring appointments helps with crowd control. For the Archie's Girls event my appointment is at 7PM. I will have preordered my goods, but they give you a sheet with a list of the collection items and you select what you want, as you peruse the products. They generally have photo ops and giveaways, and/or other activities related in some way to the theme of the collection. I'll make it a fun outing with a friend whom I've invited along...we'll probably grab dinner out, have lots of girl talk and buy some fun makeup. All-in-all, the MAC events that I've attended are well planned & well executed. Try it, if only once.