Can I just say how much I LOVE Karen's reviews and swatches?
I've managed to refine my list a bit and got reinforcement I want nothing from the Betty collection. I thought about getting the black pearlglide pencil but I have Black Russian which is black w/ silver and I love it. The Black w/ gold just isn't me.
It's still all about the Veronica collection for me
1) Spoiled Rich Eye Quad -- Gonna give it a try. Last year's Wonder Woman eye palettes really turned me off w/ the awful quality. I'm a sucker for purples and while I'm in love with MUFE #92, I've also come to be very fond of e/s palettes.
2) Lipsticks - Yep, getting BS, DLG and RR. Ronnie Red looks so ridiculously blue red that i gotta have it. Strangely enough I have no blue red MAC lipsticks at all. Don't like MAC Red, Russian Red looks like crap on me and I loathe how Ruby Woo feels.
3) Lipglasses - I need all of 'em, especially Strawberry Malt.
4) Prom Princess blush -- it's pink and as such I must have it
5) Designer Purple and Petrol Blue eyeliners - I need backups and Petrol Blue is one of the sickest MAC eyeliners I own. My current Petrol Blue is a sorry-looking stub.
I'm skipping the Pearlmatte powder from this collection because I already have Play it Proper beauty powder and my Salsarose blush looks close enough to the Frankly Scarlet used in the compact. I was going to get both pigments but...I've got Cinderfella which is such a sick silver glittery black which blends amazingly with any color.