MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
It's only 9pm on the West Coast so I'll be up for quite a while! I'm hoping it's tonight, but I'm pretty confident it will actually be tomorrow!


Well-known member
Girl, me too... Text me if I don't text you first. LOL!

I have to have Mall Madness!

UGGHH! MAC whyyyy do you put us through this anxiety!???? I have to go to sleep! I'll check at 5am when I get up I guess! Goodnight sweet Specktras!!


Well-known member
Just got home a few mins ago... Glad I didn't miss anything! Didn't mac send out a free 2nd day ship code? When does that expire? I'm thinking this will go up after it expires (similar to Marilyn).
The last day for free second day shipping was Saturday /:


Well-known member
Is there anyone who's going to stalk all/most of the night that I could give my number to? I have to sleep soon or else I'll be a zombie for class tomorrow. But if someone would be kind enough to wake me up if/when it releases I would be eternally grateful! :)


Well-known member
I'm going to bed. The percocet from my back surgery is kicking my butt. Hopefully I don't wake up to everything being sold out.


Well-known member
Anybody seen these yet?


Well-known member
Sooooo my internet decides not to work and i called my provider and its going to be down until wed afternoon when they come and check it out. My phone is so slowwww without wifi. Great f*kcing timing


Well-known member
Goodnight everyone. I have worked the last 5 days in a row, all 12hrs shifts which is not a normal or easy task. Excited
to be off finally and if all

goes well will see collection IRL 2moro afternoon. I sometimes forget to join in and at other times I overdo (self analysis is best). Lurking and stalking over for tonight for me. Fingers crossed

(not a coffee drinker but icon seems so appropriate) My postings never have icons so its apparent I am all prepping on DH's laptop

he is sound asleep)

Liz Aldrich

Active member
I'm confused.... Temptalia said it wasn't releasing online till the 30th. Does anyone know if her resources were wrong? It looks like everyone is hyped up on it releasing tonight online. I just joined, which mean it would take me forever to read every post. Someone keep me updated! I had it on my calender to pull an all-nighter tomorrow (11:35pm on the 28th right now for me), but if you guys are certain it releases sometime tonight please respond!