MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
i was hoping for a 9am release! hahaha oh well...keep waiting.


Well-known member
eh I got a snake email and when I click on shop now I get nothing on products page. Mac is messing with me but then only cus I let it :p


Well-known member
Just got the email that Snake is up. Maybe that means Archie will happen tomorrow at this time? I seem to get an email from MAC every day at this time.


Well-known member
girlllls, i received an email about year of the snake collection right noww, but when i open the page i only see the title i don't see the list of the products..

Nikki Taylor

Well-known member
No items found matching "snake".

  • Your search for "betty" returned the following results.

No items found matching "Veronica".

No items found matching "Archie's girls".