MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Come on MAC. I have class in an hour and I'm concerned it'll go up around that time. The class has 8 people in it and it's in a huge room, soooo we're all spread out. i can't exactly pull my phone out without everyone noticing.


Well-known member
YOTS is still not showing up on the website for me. I'm at work using my tablet, I tried looking in new collections and searching individual items. I don't even want anything from this collection but I need to figure out these kinks before Archie stalking tonight


Well-known member
YOTS is still not showing up on the website for me. I'm at work using my tablet, I tried looking in new collections and searching individual items. I don't even want anything from this collection but I need to figure out these kinks before Archie stalking tonight
Use site map at the bottom of the page.


Well-known member
Gotta love apple I'm on the iPad stalking while the iPhone charges lol then I'm switching to iPhone to charge my iPad... Also in bed
I just got the ipad mini *LOVE*!!!!!! Its soooo awesome - especial for stalking in bed


Well-known member
I signed up for an event on the 8th but catching up on the board over time has made me super paranoid that if I don't show up to at least three MAC counters/stores at the crack of dawn licking the glass and making obscene gestures with my hands, I'm not going to get anything. I just want FIVE THINGS. JUST FIVE. I'm also rethinking the event and trying to preorder so I can have something to leave with and the nice MA I signed up with has a sale.

Can't believe I'm drawing up week-long battle plans for a lipstick called Betty Bright.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm about to take my daughter to the rink - with both iPad and iPhone in hand! The phone is fine for keeping up to date with Specktra, but I can't get site map on the MAC site (unless I'm doing something wrong) and it would be a pain to do an order that way. I have a feeling this won't launch until later tonight, but I'll check while I'm there.


Well-known member
Come on MAC. I have class in an hour and I'm concerned it'll go up around that time. The class has 8 people in it and it's in a huge room, soooo we're all spread out. i can't exactly pull my phone out without everyone noticing. 
lol thats how i was this morning, but there is more peep in my class


Well-known member
Uh oh. Yeah, the hot part not so good. I have to silence mine for wee hour refreshing & typing.

Yep, hubs asked if this means I will up all night

<------ him - - -
<------- me
LMAO, the life of an addict.....uh, I mean enthusiast

I need a cooling pad, seriously.