MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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Now I want both palettes


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After seeing Lauren's swatches I was thinking about DLG but it reminds me a bit of Style Curve on me so I think I can pass.


Well-known member
Just when I decided to go with Magic Spells and not Black Poodle. Darn the swatch of Black Poodle wet is GOOD.


Well-known member
Thanks, lady! I don't use many of the MAC mascara's so I'm not super familiar with them all. (I do love the Extreme Black False Lashes, though!) I'll wait on trying the Opulash until another order. You saved me 17 bucks!


Well-known member
I just realized Spoiled Rich kinda looks like Sugarpill Poison Plum and the lighter purple might be like Mating Call e/s. Anyone know if these rreally compare? Maybe I can skip this quad. Perhaps I'll just go to the counter.


Well-known member
Just when I decided to go with Magic Spells and not Black Poodle. Darn the swatch of Black Poodle wet is GOOD.
Just as i thought. Looks just like later!
Thanks, lady! I don't use many of the MAC mascara's so I'm not super familiar with them all. (I do love the Extreme Black False Lashes, though!) I'll wait on trying the Opulash until another order. You saved me 17 bucks! :yaay:


Well-known member
Damn it ...her swatches are making me want Betty Bright and Boyfriend Stealer again!  Must.Resist.
Her swatches were amazing. I think Boyfriend Stealer looks freakin to die for on her. I can't pull off that color or Betty Bright. I think BB looks similar to Cut A Caper which is waaay too bright for me. It makes me look washed out.


Active member
Yes. I haven't seen it IRL, but i think anyone can pull this off. Have you tried reel sexy or vegas volt?
I liked the idea of Vegas Volt but found it a little too dark and, mostly, a little *too* orange. I'm thinking/hoping there will be enough pink in Betty Bright that it will be significantly more wearable for me.


Well-known member
My goodness, these swatches are amazing. My favorite so far.


Well-known member
Why that swatch made me want Girl Next wasn't even on my radar


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I'm NW15 NW 20 in the summer and for me it's a definite NO. Last summer I bough Vegas volt and nicki and they both looked terrible on me. Evertime I put it on, I wiped it off. I just can't pull off these warm colours, just looks strange. If you already own some corals and don't have a problem with them the maybe try it, I'm sure it won't be hard to swap it. If you get it try and keep all your makeup on the warmer side when wearing it.
Can anyone who's seen Betty Bright make a recommendation, please? Can a NW20 pull off this l/s well? TIA!


Well-known member
Found this link SO helpful..thank you for posting this!


Well-known member
OMG! thank you! DLG wasnt on my list before but now i kinda want it...


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Now that I see the swatches, I think I might pass up Betty Bright. I have two Viva Glam Nickis already and they seem so similar. I'm also worried Cream Soda won't show up on my skin tone, but the swatch is so pretty. Ronnie Red actually looks pretty. I'm checking my stash for Oh, Oh, Oh that color sounds familiar.