MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
i'm being so hopeful for this collection to come out tonight, i don't want to have more dreams in where i missed the collection and everything is sold out lol


Well-known member
I just took some nyquil. So I don't think I'll be able to stay up. Then work in the morning. Hope I don't miss it! :(


Well-known member
i wanted cream soda, but now i want rr and dlg as well. as for prom princess, i'm not really sure...any thoughts how it might work for an nc43/44?


Well-known member
I've already told myself I don't need cream soda.....I have Launch Away, Immortal Flower, Legendary (not opened yet) and Tipsy. That's enough corals right???