MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Unfortunately we have fewer purchase options in Canada. We have no ability for pre-sales or swatching (at least I don't), my local Bay counter gets perhaps 3 of most items and i ca't be at the Mac store at launch because it's during working hours. This is the reason I've been frustrated with Mac of late, at least as it pertains to LE launches.
My Bay won't allow early swatches anymore but they still let me see the product when it arrives. They also don't let you pre-order but they let me call the night before release and put aside what I want to look at, I don't have to buy it all.

All the women there are so incredibly sweet. I just love going there.


Well-known member
Can't believe it's not up yet, I got no sleep last night thinking about this damn collection thinking I would miss the launch lol. It's almost 7AM MST here and I've got class from 8:00-1:00... I'll be stalking during school. C'mon MAC!


Well-known member
Whew! I ordered BB, DLG, Comic Cutie, and the Brush Set from Archie's.. as well as other random Mac stuff and somehow I added the carry all case in there too
. Happy stalking to you non-pro members! I hope you guys are able to get everything you guys want!! Off to get ready for work... my usual 45 minute late self...


Well-known member
I'm afraid to leave the computer now. At least mac seem to be a little more solid with the 6 pm but I still don't trust them!


Well-known member
Ugh...I had a dream that to buy from the AG collection I had to go to the circus and climb a pole up to a tight wire, stand on top of it, and complete my order from there. When I climbed to the top all of the stuff I wanted was sold out, then I had to figure out how to get down.
Now I'm awake, grading a million papers, and ready for this thing to GO UP!!! Happy for you PRO peeps. :)

Ray Ray

Active member
Not yet as the p/m and some of the p/g are missing. I somehow doubt that they will pop up soon, but just in case, I'll keep stalking.
Are you still awaiting for the P/M?? If so can ya pls message me once avail. I need to catch some shut eye or ill def b a zombie in 2 hrs :/


LOL! I had a dream about the collection recently, too. The exploding heart finally exploded into a Flash page for the collection, but everything was Christmas ornaments!


Well-known member
LOL! I had a dream about the collection recently, too. The exploding heart finally exploded into a Flash page for the collection, but everything was Christmas ornaments!
Glad I'm not the only one dreaming crazy about AG! Although, I could get on board with some Christmas ornaments. ;)


Well-known member
I'm pro and the pearlmattes online are COMING SOON??? What the? huhuhu :( I want to finish my order now lol
It's been like this from the start. It's annoying, but it just means that we have to continue stalking.

Some of the p/g are missing too.