MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I placed my order BEFORE the PM's showed up....  I couldn't risk missing out on the other items I wanted... I paid for shipping yesterday for YotS, worried I'd miss out on SP.  Paid for shipping today with my AG order, worried I'd miss out on other items in my cart while waiting on the PM's to show up.  We know how long they can play with that "COMING SOON" crap!  I REFUSE to give MAC another shipping fee for a PM!  3 shipping fees in 2 days is too much to ask!  
  They played the game and lost with me.  No PM sale here MAC!  Now I am putting myself on a strict NO BUY until April collections!  
  Good luck with your hauls all my Specktra beauties!!!  
Lol I don't blame ya girl! What AG stuff did you get? I vowed to go on a nobuy till April as well. Now that I've seen the swatches of the Sephora Jasmine palette, not for me. So I can keep my vow. I've been thinking about getting Shell Pearl with this order. Should I? Only thing is I plan on getting the PMs from BB. And A couple of MSFs from ED. So I'm not so sure.


Well-known member
Just called MAC, they said it will definatly be up at 6pm EST BUT unless you signed up for that little heart shaped email notice that was on MAC front page for a while then supposably you wont be able to check out till midnight because that was the waiting list...
Lol I can feel my blood pressure rising already.


Well-known member
I guess we should still be able to place phone orders but that is bs. And idk how shipping fees go over the phone.


Well-known member
What's the point of signing up for emails when they never send them in time anddd a lot of us just stalk and not depend on Mac. This is really ridiculous.
exactly how I feel. I already get all the other e-mails from MAC so i thought signing up for Archie would be the same thing...?


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by MagentaMadness

Just called MAC, they said it will definatly be up at 6pm EST BUT unless you signed up for that little heart shaped email notice that was on MAC front page for a while then supposably you wont be able to check out till midnight because that was the waiting list...

Are you f'ing kidding am saying some NOT very nice things in my head right now.


Well-known member
Just called MAC, they said it will definatly be up at 6pm EST BUT unless you signed up for that little heart shaped email notice that was on MAC front page for a while then supposably you wont be able to check out till midnight because that was the waiting list...
that's a bit ridiculous... I didn't sign up cuz I thought it would be useless and didn't want spamming emails after the collection has already sold out.


Well-known member
Just called MAC, they said it will definatly be up at 6pm EST BUT unless you signed up for that little heart shaped email notice that was on MAC front page for a while then supposably you wont be able to check out till midnight because that was the waiting list...
LMAO. That's all.


Well-known member
Which browser does everyone use? I've noticed updates showing up faster than another browser but, varying. I'm working w/Firefox, IE, and Safari right now. Who knows which one will update the website for me first. Which one have you girls had more luck with?

(sipping on coffee....still not alert!)


Well-known member
Just called MAC, they said it will definatly be up at 6pm EST BUT unless you signed up for that little heart shaped email notice that was on MAC front page for a while then supposably you wont be able to check out till midnight because that was the waiting list...
WOW they must be NEW!

BC that is a whole lot of crock of ****!!!


Audrey C

Well-known member
I think I might have signed up for the mail thing, but who knows? I'm already on the list.

Honestly though, I don't know why they'd do that without at least telling people that it would give them a head's start. I suppose it could be possible, but unencumbered by knowledge, I call BS.


Well-known member
I guess we should still be able to place phone orders but that is bs.  And idk how shipping fees go over the phone.:mad:
I called back and I got a different lady telling me the same thing. She did say you can get around that through by ordering threw the phone THANK GOD


Well-known member
Wow, that's complete bullshit and I have no patience for that. I didn't sign up BECAUSE they always send emails for the collections a day or two after they pop up and everything I wanted is already sold out.


Well-known member
Just called MAC, they said it will definatly be up at 6pm EST BUT unless you signed up for that little heart shaped email notice that was on MAC front page for a while then supposably you wont be able to check out till midnight because that was the waiting list...
That makes sense now, because when I asked on livechat when the launch date was (this was last week I think) she told me to sign the waitlist on the front page. I thought she must have been misinformed when she said waitlist, but I guess that's what it was for (although it didn't say that on the actual page).


Well-known member
How was the heart a waiting list? We didn't get any type of code to buy things first. I think they are just making crap up!
MAC good grief give us break!


Well-known member
RIGHT! Never has a collection been like this. I was fuming mad because i though the heart thing was just a reminder and i figured id be stalking already so i really wouldnt need it
really that is so stupid, I'm already on their mailing list so why would I sign up again? I'll rage if this is true!
All it does is send you an email to remind you of when it launches, incase you forget it's gonna launch. If you already get the emails, then it's pointless. And does anyone else thing it's stupid how mac has it set up on the site? The entire collection is divided into two groups, but they categorize it into 3 (excluding the accessories). Makes no sense.