MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Left specktra for a lil bit and came back to 17 more pages to the thread LOL Anyway, I placed my order....Mall Madness and VGN2 ls & lg. that is all


Well-known member
O! M! G! i don't check this board for a couple days and now i have over 3,000 unread messages! I got my e-mail from MAC about an hour ago and i placed my small order - Boyfriend Stealer lipstick, Mall Madness and Feelin' So Good glosses. I want the two Betty pigments, but i'm trying to be circumspect - probably a mistake :) Also, i have been meaning to share some swatches i made a few days ago. The colors aren't quite 100%, but i hope they're helpful. PIGMENTS TOP: Cheers My Dear - Light Lavender-pink BOTTOM: Lucky in Love - Shimmering Light Blue Green (aqua) I tried to correct this, but... the pigments are a tiny bit bluer than they appear - the pink is a bit more lilac.
LIPSTICK COMPARISONS I've made this bluer than the original photo, but it still reads rather yellow. I'm between 15-20, neutral. LIPSTICKS AND GLOSSES and a little comparison This is uncorrected - my arm looks about normal, but lips products are a bit too pink...
O.O my God does cheers my dear look gorgeous!!! But i read somewhere it was pretty close to pink pearl which i own but rarely touch :/


Well-known member
Does anyone think pink pearl is a close dupe for cheers my dear? Im not sure if i should place my for it since i dont touch pink pearl too often.


My god. I placed my order a minute after it went online (went psyco crazy fast), I did it so fast that I forgot to upgrade the shipping... grrrrrr. Does anyone know how long it will take to get my stuff, who has previously ordered from them online?

First time I ordered online. Makes me so mad. I want it before I go on vacation (Feb. 9th evening). I live in Wisconsin if that can help someone with their judgement. Thanks!
It's shipping from Kentucky so it won't take too long! I'm in Chicago and i usually get it within 4 days with standard shipping. hopefully the crazy weather we've had won't interfere!


Well-known member
I think Im skipping. Theres nothing that is pulling me to buy, but I feel like I must get something while its available
I skipped this whole collection. Not as hard as I thought it would be, but it is doing my wallet good!

I love reading this thread though to see what everyone is hauling! Makes me happy that everyone is getting their goodies!!
Can't wait to see FOTDs!


Well-known member
O! M! G! i don't check this board for a couple days and now i have over 3,000 unread messages! I got my e-mail from MAC about an hour ago and i placed my small order - Boyfriend Stealer lipstick, Mall Madness and Feelin' So Good glosses. I want the two Betty pigments, but i'm trying to be circumspect - probably a mistake :) Also, i have been meaning to share some swatches i made a few days ago. The colors aren't quite 100%, but i hope they're helpful. PIGMENTS TOP: Cheers My Dear - Light Lavender-pink BOTTOM: Lucky in Love - Shimmering Light Blue Green (aqua) I tried to correct this, but... the pigments are a tiny bit bluer than they appear - the pink is a bit more lilac.
LIPSTICK COMPARISONS I've made this bluer than the original photo, but it still reads rather yellow. I'm between 15-20, neutral. LIPSTICKS AND GLOSSES and a little comparison This is uncorrected - my arm looks about normal, but lips products are a bit too pink...
Thanks for this doll! I placed a second order for LIL. Wanted CMD, but i rarely (almost never) wear light pinks, plus i put transferred two vials of a pigment into an old big jar, and cant remember if it was CMD or quietly. Due to the fact that i didn't transfer over a name label (which came on the CMD vial), I'm assuming it's quietly (vial had name printed) and not CMD.


Well-known member
If your items have not shipped maybe you could call CS and they could add the pearlmattes to your order
I DID do THISSS!!! Thanks for reminding me! I know people have done it in the past, but I never think to! It was too late to add to my order from this morning... BUT she rang up the PM I wanted and sent it FREE shipping! It was sent standard shipping even though my first order was 2nd day... but I'm not complaining!


Well-known member
Does anyone think pink pearl is a close dupe for cheers my dear? Im not sure if i should place my for it since i dont touch pink pearl too often.
Oh no no no no! :nope: Pink pearl is a pink purple duochrome. Almost the exact same as stars n rockets. Nowhere near each other.