MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Trying to catch up but u all are moving too fast! lol I see everything online still, i hope that is a good sign that i will be able to get what i want at the party on the 5th!!
I thought of u 2day when I realized u were temporily MIA!!!


Well-known member
wait what happened. did you have an auto back up payment method on paypal if that happens. Because the same thing happened to me and i called CSR and she assured me that the order gets suspended untill you fix the payment method not cancelled
Yup, it first would take from my balance or use my credit card. I called MAC and they said it was something on PayPals end. I called them and they are closed. I didn't think their customer service department closed. I run a business online and use PayPal to receive my payments and they have gotten several hundreds off me from fees and now for the first time something like this happens? I have been stalking 3 days straight. If they answered the phone god they would get a mouthful!

So now I am just placing my orders from my CC but missed out on DLG and can't get as much because I was keeping my funds from my online business in PayPal (and not spend it if in my bank acct) so I could use it towards this collection. I see it still all sitting there in my balance. UGGGGGH


Well-known member
If you knew my feelings on repetive questions...
Oh yeah, that reminds SP the base for the AG FM p/m?

Carolina Marie

Well-known member
same here! I hope nordies gets this collection soon, so I don't have to miss out on DLG completely :(
me too! the guy told me to call on the 6th to put stuff on hold but i as soon as i got the text i was like forget that! haha i wanted to get as much as i could online just incase so im just going to be calling for DLG


Well-known member
They could of chose any redhead except him.... And they could not find one they could of asked Channing Tatum to go red for the cause *licks lips*


OMG I just got the text @ 6:33 pm Mountain time. I'm glad I stalked this collection since it is so nostalgic for me.

Oh yeah, and I'm new here. Hi Guys!


Well-known member
Betty Bright is sold out now too. I guess I just wasn't meant to get anything from this collection. I guess I will just be transferring all my money from PayPal and trying to get this stuff at one of the stores on the 7th. So pissed at PayPal. They will be feeling my wrath tomorrow for sure.


Well-known member
LOL! Girl, have you seen him in The Vow? He stole my heart....especially in the shirtless scenes. 
Hunny that man can wear trash on his sleeve and I would get weak in the knees!! Lol! The vow was a really good movie! It took awhile to pick up but it was good