MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


New member
So I missed out on DLG and BB !!! Ahh does anyone know when NS will have the Collection up? I must start stalking


Well-known member
Okay i know that everyone is doing their happy happy joy joy dance but can someone discuss along with me how creepy and wack the model Archie looks??? man Archie was FINE in the comics....he didn't look like this dude....who is this Opie? yuck.
I agree! He looks like a creepy nerd! They could have found someone much cuter!


Well-known member
I guess no one was excited about caramel sundae quad
I really like caramel sundae! Its in my cart :) im debating between ordering online or waiting until the launch...I just dont want everything to be sold out in store, although I messed up by not placing my order this morning when dlg was still available!


Well-known member
I guess no one was excited about caramel sundae quad
im on a no-shadow buy im almost filling up all of my palettes so im just being really selective now. i think i have enough shadows to last me forever since i barely use them


Well-known member
i ordered cream soda, dlg and ronnie red. i decided to save prom princess for in store...hopefully they'll still have it when i go!
i checked out at break neck speed...i'm surprised i didn't end up with some kinda randomness in my cart!

i also received a little flyer in the mail today from the bay to advertise this collection. thankfully it had the comic graphic, not that hideous photo with the live models. i'm sorry if i offend anyone, but the promo photos for this campaign are my least. favourite. ever.


Well-known member
What did that come up to? like $2000? Lol
No, not that bad...but bad enough! You crack me up.:) I seem to have the hardest time peeling myself away from the MAC website. I hate to admit it, but I did end up ordering both of the Betty pigments, too. So, let's see what all this adds up to. Here are the totals: $40.50, $159.17, $176.22, $64.92 and $288.27. Yikes!!! Do you know what this reminds me of? It's like opening a bag of chips or a box of your favorite chocolates... one piece is never enough .... a little bite here and there. Before you know it, you've had the whole thing!!!!
Maybe a MAC support group is in order :)


Well-known member
does anyone know about how long it takes to get your order? i've never ordered from the mac website before so i was just wondering :)
It depends what kind of shipping you choose. Standard shipping is processed within 1 to 2 business days, there's also second day shipping and overnight..


Well-known member
So I missed out on DLG and BB !!! Ahh does anyone know when NS will have the Collection up? I must start stalking
lol... I ended up ordering it and then I remembered that I was not crazy about it in the store when I got to swatch it.


Well-known member
I have ordered Mall Madness l/g just now and cannot wait to get it! I also pre-ordered Strawberry Malt l/g, Kiss & Don't Tell l/g and Girl Next Door l/s.

honey on boost

Well-known member
So glad that everything lasted a little longer this time! My first order shipped already it should be here Friday
with standard shipping.