I'll have to look again! You know I'm EXACTLY the same as you about these sorta things! I did notice my Theodora Palette doesn't snap closed like the Glinda one. It closes but kind of falls open... So I'm going to call UD first thing Mon for an exchange.Update on my post above:
Went to Sephora to exchange my palette.
Looked at about 6 palettes and most are like that, at least one or two shadows don't sit in the wells properly.
FINALLY found a good one, and switched mine out. My OCD rests now! Hahahaha!!!
Shellcat, I have had my palettes for about a week now, but I had to go back and take a close look to see if I saw the problem you mentioned. Mine are fine and so are the 2 that I ordered for a friend. Maybe I was lucky...I ordered from UD but I did notice that PixieDancer mentioned an issue with her Theodora palette not snapping closed like the Glinda one she has (I assume she ordered from UD since she said she would be contacting UD). I haven't heard anyone else mentioning an issue so far...so hopefully it's not a widespread issue.
Yes I agree, I have the same problem but it's still ok, I mean I won't return it at Sephora it's a slight problem in fact. But I know what you mean.I'll have to look again! You know I'm EXACTLY the same as you about these sorta things! I did notice my Theodora Palette doesn't snap closed like the Glinda one. It closes but kind of falls open... So I'm going to call UD first thing Mon for an exchange.
Other than the palette problems... do you like the colors?
HA!!!!!!!!Elegant One made me do it.
I'm crossing my fingers you get a good one! I cannot decide which one of these I like better! The Theodora is what I typically would gravitate to, but I can't take my eyes off the Glinda! Let us know what you think of Theodora!!Hey cutie! No...I just ordered the Theodora. Darn thing better not be defective! The colors look divine.
HA!!!!!!!!Your whole post made me laugh!