Either MAC or UPS has lost my package.
I ordered as soon as it came online and got shipping confirmation on the 31st. I looked at the tracking just to see my delivery date which was supposed to be yesterday the 4th. I didn't get my package so today I called UPS and they told me to immediately contact the sender because there had been no scans or movement on my package, the info I was seeing goes in automatically from the sender it was just showing in transit with the order processed and the origin scan.
I called MAC CS and she said sometimes mistakes happen but they cannot open the investigation until 10 business days have passed.
I asked her to just be honest and let me know if I should be looking for this package or if I need to go the store on Thursday to get my stuff. She was kind enough to say she doubted I would get my order and if I purchase in the store let them know so they can credit my card.
She also told me if I wait the 10 days and don't get my lipsticks they would send them to me 2nd day air.
I asked how that would be possible as these things are selling out like crazy and she said they are obligated to fulfill my order and I would get my products. Maybe all the small restocks come from a stash of products they hold in case of emergency and once deliveries are confirmed they make that stock available. Sorry for the long rant I just needed to vent but I'm enjoying reading all the posts and seeing all the great pics.