MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
oh wow that looks so pretty on you! does putting it over lip balm help lighten the brightness of the color?
All you ladies look great with your Archie goodies!

Wearing Betty Bright (I applied burt's bee's lip balm under it as it it is REALLY drying by itself).. Also wearing cream soda lightly.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I've been traveling on business, so I wasn't home to try out my goodies until today. I only bought myself two items - Oh Oh Oh and Flatter Me. I freaking ADORE FM. I really like PMs because I prefer their more subtle sheen to most MSFs. This works as a barely there blush for me. I know I can't possibly resist the BAking Beauties PM that is likely a near dupe, but I have to stop buying powders/highlighters. I've gone crazy since Christmas (Stereo Rose, Redhead, DIor Amber Glow, Benefits Watt's Up, Shell Pearl and now Flatter Me). It's ridiculous - what's wrong with me?! I like Oh Oh Oh a lot although I'm not usually a lustre fan. I also picked up stuff at Sephora's in the US? That's it - no buy for mr for awhile!


Well-known member
Betty Bright Looks gorgeous on you sephoraholic! I wish I could get it to look, as good as it looks on you!
All you ladies look great with your Archie goodies!

Wearing Betty Bright (I applied burt's bee's lip balm under it as it it is REALLY drying by itself).. Also wearing cream soda lightly.


Well-known member
That would be me! Not sure if I was the first to say it, but I'm definitely one of the people who said it, lol. BB is lip-flake city. I'm going to exfoliate morning and night for a couple more days before even attempting that lippie again. Such a shame too because the color itself is quite pretty!
I'm having the same problem! I love the color but, it makes my lips look like I dragged it over a cheese grater! LOL!! I need some serious exfoliating and moisture to pull this color


Well-known member
i received my goodies last night and sad to say i dont think betty bright works on my skin tone at all!
and also my veronica lipstick daddys little girl was missing in my box. But i called MAC early today to let them know and the girl from CS said they'd be shipping me a one! so hopefully this is true. anybody ever experienced a LE out of stock item not included in your order and later receiving one? kinda worried there!


Well-known member
I am going to the counter to get boyfriend stealer and vaguely remember another specktrette recommending a lip pencil. Magenta maybe? Help! I don't want to go more than once.


Well-known member
Well ill be at store early in morning! Wished I was thi motivated to go to work everyday I missed online sale but im determined DLG Ronnie red an brush set... wish me luck


Well-known member
got through the day's posts! phew!
Yeah, NOPE! This kitty always, always has to be in the middle of whatever I'm doing. I kept moving him down the towel but he won't budge anymore. That was my cue to stop for now :)

what a cutie! love his ears! i think if that were my cats i'd be worried they'd want to play and chew on my brushes...i'm not sure how to train them not to!

elegant-one - thanks for the thorough breakdown on powders. i definitely need a silk stocking for my face...i was just thinking that this morning. sadly i have a LOT of setting powder, in tinted and translucent, pressed and loose varieties... can i justify another? (i chuckled when i read someone (kimibos?) was going to start caking the mac p+p one on....eeexxxxxcellent idea!)

btw, is sheer mystery powder available in different shades, or is it a translucent type of thing?


Well-known member
I found that if you exfoliate and apply a lip balm, then blot the lip balm with a tissue and put BB over it, it helps a lot with the dryness. It's a lot of work, but it's such a lovely color, it's worth a shot!
O.k. Not a fan of BB. Who said it needs exfoliation.oh boy it needs a lot of that. Satins do not give me this problem but this one does. Not so sure that I needed a BU of it which I ordered from nordies,but at least nordies has free shipping returns. Will try it again tomorrow after I prep my lips today. Even the first candy yum yum did not give me that


Well-known member
I've been a very bad girl... I've ordered something from the collection every day this week so far.

I've got Ronnie Red and Kiss & Don't Tell coming on Friday, Betty Bright x 2, Oh, Oh, Oh, and Flatter Me coming on Monday, and Daddy's Little Girl coming who knows when (it just shipped today so they haven't updated the tracking yet!). And I still want Cream Soda, Mall Madness, and Strawberry Malt. My poor bank account.


Well-known member
My box finally arrived today! I'll post swatches tomorrow for all the NC 15 ladies/anyone else interested... going to pick up Ronnie Red and caramel sundae quad at my MAC store before though


Well-known member
Is anyone able to still get the shipping code to work? I think I missed it by a couple of minutes. Grrrr!
Anyway, been trying to work with Betty, but she is brrrrr-IIIIIIIIght! It pulls a cool light pink with white undertones on me. Doesn't look like the tube at all.
I was hoping for more peach/coral. My lips were all kinds of ratty with her so I'm hearing y'all on the complaints. I'm gonna give her one more shot if I can get a new liner shortly then I'm done. I don't think pastels suit my coloring.

btw - Brush Tree? Wha wha wha wha whaaaat? I suspect this item could end up in my house in 2013.