Slightly off-topic, but just had to toss in that I've never understood why so many people get milk when a storm is coming. Bread I understand. But milk? If the storm is that bad, power outages are probably likely, and milk won't last long in a blackout! The only thing I can figure is that they're planning to be stuck at home for a few days (not giving a thought to the possibility of outages), and they want their milk so they don't have to go to the store when they're all snowed in?
Back on topic, I witnessed the glory of victory and the devastation of defeat at the MAC counter today. A woman asked for RR and got THE last one. She was soooo happy because she said it was sold out everyplace else she went today. Not 5 minutes after she left, a woman came up with her two kids and asked for RR. She said another counter in the same mall had called over to see if it was in stock. Well, it was in stock when she called, but by the time she got there from the other counter... well, I already told you someone got the last one. The disbelief and frustration was just heartbreaking to see!