MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I have discovered Specktra makes hard to stay within your list/budget. I think I always end up with 2 or 3 or 6 more things than I originally planned. I have discovered I'm not a Fall Makeup person so I was able to skip a few collections without any remorse which my wallet needed.
Yes, I should have stayed out of this thread from the beginning, but oh, curiosity killed the cat!


Well-known member
I have discovered Specktra makes hard to stay within your list/budget. I think I always end up with 2 or 3 or 6 more things than I originally planned. I have discovered I'm not a Fall Makeup person so I was able to skip a few collections without any remorse which my wallet needed.
Seriously! All I was planning on getting was Betty Bright, but since I started frequenting this forum, I've ordered Kiss & Don't Tell, Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl, Oh Oh Oh, and Flatter Me. And I still want to pick up Mall Madness, Strawberry Malt, Cream Soda, and the brush set. My poor bank account.


Well-known member
So the bf finally clued in...
Him: "Why is there an Archie comics pin on the table?"
Me: "It came with my MAC order!"
Him: "You ordered from them... again?"
*runs and grabs pearlmatte and lipstick*
Me: "Yes! Look! Hearts and Archie and Ronnie and Betty on the packaging!!!"
Him: "Oh... How cute"

And that was the end of that conversation! LOL


Well-known member
I would go for Caramel Sundae and either Oh, Oh, Oh or Betty Bright patted on the lip lightly. You want to look polished but not too trendy or fashionable. (Except if you are interviewing for a creative industry - then you have a bit more freedom) You want them to remember you...not your fabulous lipstick. :wink: Good luck, girl! I hope you get it!
What industry?  Depends, but to be safe I would go soft w/Caramel Sundae & GND, lightly.  Good luck w/the interview!!
It's a job for a company that makes dirtbike and bike gear and apparel. Definitely a company that drums to their own beat, artistic and creative and very well respected within their industry. They probably wouldn't mind something bright but I will stick to Caramel Sundae and either Oh Oh Oh or GND to be safe with some Cream Soda. :) Ack so nervous! Been 6 years since I last went on an interview.


Well-known member
I received my small haul yesterday, girl next door and boyfriend stealer lipsticks. I'm loving both. GND is excellent for baby girl kind of look or with smoky eyes, although it a blue pink it doesn't look bad on my NC15(now) complexion..)) And boyfriend stealer is amazing, I'm really feeling vampy lips these days!! I wish I could haul more from collection.. ))


Well-known member
It's a job for a company that makes dirtbike and bike gear and apparel. Definitely a company that drums to their own beat, artistic and creative and very well respected within their industry. They probably wouldn't mind something bright but I will stick to Caramel Sundae and either Oh Oh Oh or GND to be safe with some Cream Soda. :) Ack so nervous! Been 6 years since I last went on an interview.
Sounds like an amazing opportunity! I'll be sending you good vibes, lady!


Well-known member

I love these two! Summer Sweetheart lipglass and the Caramel Sundae Palette. Wore the yellow all over the lid and then the second darkest shade in the crease and it looked so nice!


Well-known member

I love these two! Summer Sweetheart lipglass and the Caramel Sundae Palette. Wore the yellow all over the lid and then the second darkest shade in the crease and it looked so nice!
Oh wow, your swatches are gorgeous.

I don't need Caramel Sundae, I don't need Caramel Sundae, I don't need Caramel Sundae... Oh, who am I kidding? It's going on the wishlist!


Well-known member
Cream Soda and Prom Princess look beautiful mixed together! I wore this combo with BB and with
RR, and it looked great with both!


Well-known member
Slightly off-topic, but just had to toss in that I've never understood why so many people get milk when a storm is coming.  Bread I understand.  But milk?  If the storm is that bad, power outages are probably likely, and milk won't last long in a blackout!  The only thing I can figure is that they're planning to be stuck at home for a few days (not giving a thought to the possibility of outages), and they want their milk so they don't have to go to the store when they're all snowed in?   :shrugs: Back on topic, I witnessed the glory of victory and the devastation of defeat at the MAC counter today.  A woman asked for RR and got THE last one.  She was soooo happy because she said it was sold out everyplace else she went today.  Not 5 minutes after she left, a woman came up with her two kids and asked for RR.  She said another counter in the same mall had called over to see if it was in stock.  Well, it was in stock when she called, but by the time she got there from the other counter... well, I already told you someone got the last one.  The disbelief and frustration was just heartbreaking to see! 
I think they grab milk for cereal a quick easy vitamin fortified meal. I don't drink milk nor eat bread. So I'm lucky I don't have to get caught up in that aisle. I went to the store yesterday and grabbed some apples, oranges, bananas and salad greens. No one looks for those during a storm, but they should, they keep well for days and are better for you.


Well-known member

I love these two! Summer Sweetheart lipglass and the Caramel Sundae Palette. Wore the yellow all over the lid and then the second darkest shade in the crease and it looked so nice!
I'm so excited for the quad - I can't wait til AG comes out here properly and I can grab it!


Well-known member
Slightly off-topic, but just had to toss in that I've never understood why so many people get milk when a storm is coming. Bread I understand. But milk? If the storm is that bad, power outages are probably likely, and milk won't last long in a blackout! The only thing I can figure is that they're planning to be stuck at home for a few days (not giving a thought to the possibility of outages), and they want their milk so they don't have to go to the store when they're all snowed in?

Back on topic, I witnessed the glory of victory and the devastation of defeat at the MAC counter today. A woman asked for RR and got THE last one. She was soooo happy because she said it was sold out everyplace else she went today. Not 5 minutes after she left, a woman came up with her two kids and asked for RR. She said another counter in the same mall had called over to see if it was in stock. Well, it was in stock when she called, but by the time she got there from the other counter... well, I already told you someone got the last one. The disbelief and frustration was just heartbreaking to see!
well we don't fear a power outage we fear no driving for a few days until roads are clear. Where I live we ice up at a few inches and we are now expecting up to 20".

you need milk for the children and the babies :) they don't care if there is a storm or not. they want and need their milk LOL Especially toddlers, they depend upon it :)
I still have tons of dry food from the hurricane leftover so I just got fruit, milk, bread, water and hot chocolate. gotta have the hot chocolate!!

adding in: also if there is an outage, milk survives fine in snow outside :)


Well-known member
My nostalgia and love of pretty combinations is making me want even more stuff. That and a stressful week, 3 doctors visits, getting accepted to my university of choice (I'm going back to school in the Fall), and getting paid this morning. Are there any dupes for the pink in Caramel Sundae, Kiss and don't tell, or Feeling Good?


Well-known member
That's the truth---today was painful. I wanted to be home trying out my lipsticks, but I had to go to the dentist and the grocery store. Don't know which I hate more. Fortunately, I went earlier in the day & avoided any crowds.
I went while my son was in school so no crowds for me either but my sister in law couldn't find anything after work, shelves were bare. I had her kids while she went to try and get gas and stuff. She was taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and all i thought was please come and pick up the kids so i can play with my new makeup LOL


Well-known member
That feeling you get when you receive your Archie's package, 8 days later, open it up and soon realize that it's not your order inside

I've already made one Customer Service call, but I'm about to go in for Round 2
...hopefully you'll just get your order but if not...

I have a few MAC stores and a some department stores near me I can try to track down some stuff for you :) and a few items I'm unsure myself if I want to keep that you are welcomed too.

**had to edit cause of stupid cell phone kept clicking me off grrrr and again