MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Active member
I can't believe my Prom Princess blush hasn't arrived yet! Got shipping notice email on Sunday around noon. Checked the this morning. Nothing. My tracking still says 'Electronic Shipping Info Received' dated Feb. 3. Uggghh!!! I figured it should've at least arrived this past Wednesday or Thursday.
The same thing happened to me, and from what I've been reading in the thread, a few other people. I called UPS and they told me the package never made it to their truck and I should contact the sender asap. I called MAC and they told me I would have to wait 10 business days and call back to open an investigation. The CS did tell me that usually results in the products being resent by next day air. Sadly, I think the employees at the fulfillment center have gotten wise to the value of limited edition items and are taking things to sell on Ebay, I hate to think this way but so many issues on this forum alone, imagine how many "mistakes" of this type have been made overall. I hope you get your order very soon, it takes away from the excitement of the launch but I'm still very excited for everyone that got their goodies.


Well-known member
Regarding the previous posts about Marilyn lippies - looks like there's another Marilyn Monroe collection coming out in the fall!

EDIT: Here's the link to the thread Mac-Guy posted.
BE STILL MY HEART!!!!!! are you serious!
i was on a cruise and misssed out on it
GAWD i was killin myself over not being able to get those


Well-known member
The same thing happened to me, and from what I've been reading in the thread, a few other people. I called UPS and they told me the package never made it to their truck and I should contact the sender asap. I called MAC and they told me I would have to wait 10 business days and call back to open an investigation. The CS did tell me that usually results in the products being resent by next day air. Sadly, I think the employees at the fulfillment center have gotten wise to the value of limited edition items and are taking things to sell on Ebay, I hate to think this way but so many issues on this forum alone, imagine how many "mistakes" of this type have been made overall. I hope you get your order very soon, it takes away from the excitement of the launch but I'm still very excited for everyone that got their goodies.
Wowwww. I went USPS to my post office instead of UPS but I'm gonna get on the phone soon with somebody.
Last time I kind of jumped the gun with a Sephora order that said my order was shipped and when I checked the tracking it said it was delivered....... to ANOTHER STATE. Delivered! I got on the phone and the lady sent me out a replacement order only to have my original order arrive to me the very next day. Uggh. USPS Priority is not supposed to take this long. I'll see what's up.


Well-known member
LOL, I was wondering where you were.

I've changed my mind. The pink in Caramel Sundae is atrocious on me. Very chalky and ashy. BOOOO!!! LOL However, it could be my lack of primer and I do see it has a slightly purple sheen to it.
What is your skintone again? I'm an NC 35 and I really like "Da Bling", it's a nice satin pigmented wearable pink. I would try it next time your at MAC :)


Well-known member
Seriously! All I was planning on getting was Betty Bright, but since I started frequenting this forum, I've ordered Kiss & Don't Tell, Ronnie Red, Daddy's Little Girl, Oh Oh Oh, and Flatter Me. And I still want to pick up Mall Madness, Strawberry Malt, Cream Soda, and the brush set. My poor bank account.

I added OH3 too. The only thing I have been able to stick too is no blushes. I'm trying not to end up with cream soda in my cart. HA!
Quote: Originally Posted by VampyCouture
Yes, I should have stayed out of this thread from the beginning, but oh, curiosity killed the cat!
I know! I have learned to stay out of threads I don't think fit me very well but that doesn't always work. Thankfully this is a collection that works for me.


Well-known member
NC 44 although, i have to admit. pinks aren't my best color on my eyes.
My mistake, I just double checked and it's a veluxe pearl not satin. I felt the same about pinks until the mac girl suggested da bling to me last summer, it has a warmness to it but the paintpots also do wonders for eyeshadows, i know you mentioned checking those out:)


Well-known member
The same thing happened to me, and from what I've been reading in the thread, a few other people. I called UPS and they told me the package never made it to their truck and I should contact the sender asap. I called MAC and they told me I would have to wait 10 business days and call back to open an investigation. The CS did tell me that usually results in the products being resent by next day air. Sadly, I think the employees at the fulfillment center have gotten wise to the value of limited edition items and are taking things to sell on Ebay, I hate to think this way but so many issues on this forum alone, imagine how many "mistakes" of this type have been made overall. I hope you get your order very soon, it takes away from the excitement of the launch but I'm still very excited for everyone that got their goodies.
I had a similar problem with a chanel order from their website (also UPS). It turned out that the label was printed off-center, so the address and bar code scan wasn't working. It was sort of a nightmare to straighten out--eventually, had to work with UPS but I had to really push it all the way to chanel corporate to get it done. because it was an automated labeler happened to a lot of people, I was seeing similar problems on the message boards. I have no idea what's going on here, but sometimes it's the way that the shipper packed or labeled it maybe not theft (I hope not anyway)


Well-known member
I added OH3 too. The only thing I have been able to stick too is no blushes. I'm trying not to end up with cream soda in my cart. HA!
I know! I have learned to stay out of threads I don't think fit me very well but that doesn't always work. Thankfully this is a collection that works for me.
Its really nice how spectra-ites help us out esp the ones that know the line well or get their things early or get to events, previews somehow. But yet it is enabling. I got to see the collection at a store yesterday but found that I had already ordered enough based on the information on this thread. No more Archie for me, thanks to all for everything you post. So helpful


Well-known member
Feeling So Good is much darker and more brown based compared to Flight of Fancy. I don't own FSG but from store swatches and T review that's my impression. I do prefer FoF . It is more purple plummish in color
Thanks for this! Makes me feel better about getting FoF and passing on FSG


Well-known member
Thks Copperhead. LC swatches of the pigments is what initially piqued my interest. I don't think I own the 239 brush. I will check tho and look into getting one since it seems I am going to be adding pigments to my routine. I love CMD piggie!!!!
i bought blue brown pigment yesterday with my archie haul
this is only my second one (tan my first)
i used a lil fix + and it last ALLL DAYYY no primer
why am i so late to the piggie party


Well-known member

Best of luck on the interview, kirsten!! Go in there wearing whatever makes you feel confident and I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park!

Okay, so it seems the reason is mostly related to being stuck inside for a few days. I still think it's a gamble to buy milk if power outages are expected, but I like the idea of putting it out in the snow!!! I guess my thinking will get more creative with things like that once I start having kids, haha. And Starlight, you'd better believe I already got hot chocolate and a bag of mini marshmallows!!
well as a mom it's a big concern. I think pretty much everyone in my area has a generator now since Hurricane Sandy (we were hit kinda hard) but snow is an awesome way to keep stuff cold. As for me... I need to find entertainment for my son and make sure he is fed well so I can play with makeup LOL

don't forget the whipped cream!!!


Well-known member
well as a mom it's a big concern. I think pretty much everyone in my area has a generator now since Hurricane Sandy (we were hit kinda hard) but snow is an awesome way to keep stuff cold. As for me... I need to find entertainment for my son and make sure he is fed well so I can play with makeup LOL

don't forget the whipped cream!!!
Oh yeah, generators sold out like crazy after Sandy! I live in an apartment so no generator purchasing for me. I feel like I live in a little protective bubble where I am because within a mile or two radius of where I live, there didn't seem to be much damage from Sandy, but go past that and there were trees down, power out, and flooding! Sandy only knocked out our power for a few hours, and it was during the day so it wasn't bad. We'll see how my area fares with this blizzard though!

Whipped cream!!! I did forget that! Looks like hubby's making a stop on his way home from work

Hope you get time to yourself to play with your goodies!


Active member
i bought blue brown pigment yesterday with my archie haul
this is only my second one (tan my first)
i used a lil fix + and it last ALLL DAYYY no primer
why am i so late to the piggie party
I really love pigments, but I only buy when someone wants to half with me. They last forever, if MAC would make them half the size and maybe charge 11 or 12 dollars I bet they would fly off the shelves.


Well-known member
I really love pigments, but I only buy when someone wants to half with me. They last forever, if MAC would make them half the size and maybe charge 11 or 12 dollars I bet they would fly off the shelves.
a smaller sized would be great for the casual makeup buyer (like me) NO WAY ill ever use this up
i might only do my face up three times a week for work..never fridays or saturdays.


Well-known member
That's why I didn't get it. It's nice, but didn't make me weak in the knees. If it's only going to serve as a highlighter and for the $30 price tag, I need it to be more than just nice.
Feeling So Good is much darker and more brown based compared to Flight of Fancy. I don't own FSG but from store swatches and T review that's my impression. I do prefer FoF . It is more purple plummish in color Tried Black Poodle sample today with Shell CCB as a light base. I placed a bit in cap and sprayed Fix Plus on 286 brush. It was just plain black, no purple shimmer seen. I had to blend it out with Rich Core to make it wearable (with MM). Am I doing something wrong? I am just getting into pigments
Later, which is similar to Black Poodle looks like that on me sometimes. I make sure I use a white or purple primer (mac Chromaline white or MUFE #26) to make the purple pop


Well-known member
LOL, I was wondering where you were.

I've changed my mind. The pink in Caramel Sundae is atrocious on me. Very chalky and ashy. BOOOO!!! LOL However, it could be my lack of primer and I do see it has a slightly purple sheen to it.
i didn't like it at first either but i used let's skate paint pot under it and now i love it!