MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
They looks great on you! I also love your coloured glasses!
Thank you! I got them two years ago on and I think with shipping and everything it was $25. I always recommend that site to people, since I don't want to pay $500 for a pair of glasses!


Well-known member
Thank you! I got them two years ago on and I think with shipping and everything it was $25. I always recommend that site to people, since I don't want to pay $500 for a pair of glasses!
I almost ordered from there until I heard horror stories that ppls prescriptions were wrong. How was your experience? I already bought mine and spent an arm and a leg (but I love them) I wouldn't mind buying moe from them.


Well-known member
Thank you! I got them two years ago on and I think with shipping and everything it was $25. I always recommend that site to people, since I don't want to pay $500 for a pair of glasses!
I use 39$ since I mostly wear contacts and glasses for a bit before I go to bed


Well-known member
I ended up with a lot more than I expected from this collection...I was looking at my old 'maybe' list (there was no definites list), and it was just the spoiled rich quad and prom princess blush. In the end, I got those two, as well as cream soda, flatter me, ronnie red and daddy's little girl. Love em all. Last night I had my makeup done at my local store, and the mua did a beautiful take on the main veronica look (adapted to my eye shape). She used frozen violet as the base, which I'm not keen on buying (too many open paint pots!), and focused the purple on the outside corner and crease. I asked her not to do the red lip becasue I somehow usually end up with red lips at these makeup sessions, so she paired it up with Oh, oh, oh. Very pretty...but going by other members' comments how it is similar to glamour daze I decided to skip it. I was so happy with the results - hope I can duplicate it at home!


Well-known member
Pretty packages - I think someone mentioned there are some dupes for SP in the shop cook quad...and one of the colour forecast?


Well-known member
someone posted they skipped spoiled rich for another quad. I tried searching, but does anyone remember?
The other violet/purple one out there right now is Guerlain Atrape Couer for Spring '13. It's got a more pearly, shimmery texture and no black. It has a crazy rich violet color that's really pretty but its $59.


Well-known member
I almost ordered from there until I heard horror stories that ppls prescriptions were wrong. How was your experience? I already bought mine and spent an arm and a leg (but I love them) I wouldn't mind buying moe from them.
Mine turned out fine. There is some chipping on the frames now after two years, but that's the only issue I've noticed. I just ordered a new pair from and I got the first pair free (I paid $30 total for shipping and the lens thinning) so I'll let you know how that goes when it gets here.


Well-known member
Last night I had my makeup done at my local store, and the mua did a beautiful take on the main veronica look (adapted to my eye shape). She used frozen violet as the base, which I'm not keen on buying (too many open paint pots!), and focused the purple on the outside corner and crease. I asked her not to do the red lip becasue I somehow usually end up with red lips at these makeup sessions, so she paired it up with Oh, oh, oh. Very pretty...but going by other members' comments how it is similar to glamour daze I decided to skip it. I was so happy with the results - hope I can duplicate it at home!
My glamour daze lipstick is still in the box. I don't think I ever opened it, orr looked at it after getting it out of the black MAC shipping box. I forgot I even had it before your post. Need to cut down on impulse buys and stick to sure-hit colors in a collection. I've started doing that since I skipped both AG quads for the reason that I have dupes of almost all of the colors in my MAC palette.


Well-known member
I use 39$ since I mostly wear contacts and glasses for a bit before I go to bed
Yeah, I wore only contacts for 10 years or so, but my allergies have gotten worse and any time I wear contacts my eyes water like crazy. I've been doing mainly glasses since then since it's cheaper and I don't have to worry about my makeup going everywhere.


Well-known member
if i remember correctly it was a bare minerals quad with similiar colors for $30
That might have been me, but it was for the Caramel Sundae quad. Bare minerals "The Next Big Thing" not for the Spoiled Rich

Temptalia compared "dreammaker" in the Caramel Sundae quad to "rising star" in the Bare Minerals. Here's the link. (credit to :


Well-known member
I'm also NC 44 & I LOVE pink eyeshadow on me. Perhaps you haven't met the right pink? Here are my favs:
Pink Freeze, Swish, DaBling, Girlie, Expensive Pink, Sweet Lust, Sushi Flower, Passionate, Miss Piggie Pink, Paradise Island (LE) Defiance, Vapor & Endless Passion....all MAC.
There is a Pink e/s in the Chanel Harmonie Du Soir quad that is just lovely.
------Music starts, cue John & Yoko----All we are saying is GIVE PINK A CHANCE
the Chanel Harmonie Du Soir quad is by far my most favorite quad ever and that pink is the best pink i own!! I do really like the caramel sundae quad too now at least i have something to switch off with until summer. i'm so glad i got it...

thank you to all of you with your beautiful pictures of it.


Well-known member
if i remember correctly it was a bare minerals quad with similiar colors for $30

Actually, here is also a Bare Minerals quad that she compares some colors in the Spoiled Rich palette too

hope this helps!?


Well-known member
I am under 30 inches of snow and all i thought about was... how many people are going to be so mad that the malls and MAC stores are closed due to weather. the big event was for last night and today so that means half the people didn't go yet.. oh my. i'd be so upset.


Well-known member
Last night I had my makeup done at my local store, and the mua did a beautiful take on the main veronica look (adapted to my eye shape). She used frozen violet as the base, which I'm not keen on buying (too many open paint pots!), and focused the purple on the outside corner and crease. I asked her not to do the red lip becasue I somehow usually end up with red lips at these makeup sessions, so she paired it up with Oh, oh, oh. Very pretty...but going by other members' comments how it is similar to glamour daze I decided to skip it. I was so happy with the results - hope I can duplicate it at home!
So you liked Cream Soda on you? Maybe I should try it.

I got Mall Madness yesterday. It puts me in the mind of Narcissus. No, I know it's not the same. Mall Madness is a bit lighter but it's similar in feel.