MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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I missed the restock today and I blame my 18 month old because he's sick lol someday when he wants limited Jordan's I'm going to remember this day lol jk I could have bought pink pigeon but skipped it I'd look crazy with that color


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The school called me right when I pulled up and right away I asked oh lord what happened to Isaac, my poor little guy....just read about your yorkie
I can't imagine not having my baby... They're such a joy to watch, he always tilts his head in pics by

YES!!! I so agree with you, kids are such a handful but such a blessing at the same time, I tell my son he's gonna give me gray hair. When he was younger he always got into things but it got somewhat easier now that he's older, how old is your little one
that's Isaac with the HUGE bump on his head, that's at the end of the night lol but as you can see he's his happy little self big bump and all.
You two look so cute! Hope the bump on his forehead will go away soon.
Beautiful picture, hwdsprincess! Thank you!


Well-known member
He's ADORABLE!! omg that bump!! poor thing. i already have grays due to my boy, he is 4. He is a really good boy I'm very lucky but do 'accidents' find him LOL. just today he took done a display at MAC on his head, he walked into a display peg.. you know those metal things you hang socks & gloves on and fell getting out of car when we got home :( Nothing is on purpose, he just gets excited and doesn't pay attention
lmao I just read that haha boys will def be boys. In preschool he would explain all his battle wounds (scars) to all the kids... They tell me he has ADD but I know he's just a kid in LOVE with what life throws at him, accidents and all


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I guess its ok, I'm already in their 2 day ship area. Ooh, glad you love it. I hope it show up on my lips :)
it should. I'm NC15 and my lips are very pigmented and it shows well.

So I bought the Nars reflecting powder, the caramel sundae quad and oz palette all due to your reviews on them. i need to stop reading your posts until after all my bills are paid (jk)

...thank you for them. They are very helpful.


Well-known member
They must have, because now it's showing as sold out again.
If they did restock then it sold out in a matter of seconds because one minute it was saying coming soon and the next minute it said sold out . . .. the same thing happened with the BB lippie. I guess I will continue to watch and wait. I guess if I miss out again, I will just look forward to the lippies in the fashion sets..


Well-known member
thank you
. he's already over it, it's def going down...I was suppose to take their pics tomorrow, I do yearly pics and I swear the day I make the appt I always call back and cancel because he does something to his face that will show on the picture like suck on his bottom lip and leave that mark on him or gets hurt...I don't know how it always happens and this time the bf was like you're right picture time always gets rescheduled. I don't even mention to him that we have picture plans or else...but this time it was like omg really???


Well-known member
I ended up getting the Girl Next Door and Ronnie Red today. I'm crazy and had the page on my iphone so I wouldn't forget to check it on my lunch break!
I checked and they had them on there, but it wouldn't let me add them to my cart. Figuring they were sold out for sure, I checked again after work and they amazingly still had them. It appears that they also restocked the blushes, the pearl powders and a bunch of other products.

My pearl powders came in from Nordies today too! So I'm excited.


Well-known member
I'm going to an Archie's girls event this Sunday, not sure why I'm going lol as I already got what I wanted. I guess I'll just see what's sold out, I'm eyeing the brushes so hopefully they have them if not oh well...My friend was the one who invited me so hopefully they have stuff for her. Hearing so many things about the lipgloss but I don't even wear them so I shouldn't even think of them...


Active member

I went to the Archie's event tonight in Calgary!! I finally finished up my haul!! The event was so fun, the Archie was so nice and cute and all of my fav artists were working!!!


Well-known member
lmao I just read that haha boys will def be boys. In preschool he would explain all his battle wounds (scars) to all the kids... They tell me he has ADD but I know he's just a kid in LOVE with what life throws at him, accidents and all
they always try to label kids ADD. no idea why. explaining his battle wounds, LOL sooooo funny. kids really do say and do the funniest things.

My guy is just hyper all the time. Not in a 'concerning' way but he never stops. From 6:30am-9pm he is full force energy. All the ladies at MAC thought he was adorable because he was 'swatching like mommy' and he'd come running over "mommy mommy this color is beautiful for you". than he told the girl "my mommy loves pink so give her all the pink stuff please" so cute.


Well-known member
wow, I did not think RR would last this long, it's still on the site, I feel kind of bad for oh oh oh. it has never hit the sold out lol poor little lipstick no one loves it.


Well-known member
they always try to label kids ADD. no idea why. explaining his battle wounds, LOL sooooo funny. kids really do say and do the funniest things.

My guy is just hyper all the time. Not in a 'concerning' way but he never stops. From 6:30am-9pm he is full force energy. All the ladies at MAC thought he was adorable because he was 'swatching like mommy' and he'd come running over "mommy mommy this color is beautiful for you". than he told the girl "my mommy loves pink so give her all the pink stuff please" so cute.
SOOOO cute lol! hehe so funny but yet so sweet. He's going to be such the gentleman when he grows up so watch out for more gray in your hair!!! My daughter is the complete opposite she's so calm but she can be a little diva, I see a Mac girl in my future, she's 9 but already wants lipglosses and nails painted..... My in law use to be like don't let him nap it'll just chage his energy battery.they are so funny all the kids love him hes an entertainer and loves it..can be annoying at times when I'm in a rush and he's there literally saying bye to everyone by their name indivdually


Well-known member
wow, I did not think RR would last this long, it's still on the site, I feel kind of bad for oh oh oh. it has never hit the sold out lol poor little lipstick no one loves it.
Same here. I was shocked it was still up this late! I thought for sure it would be gone in 5 mins.
The Oh Oh color looks nice, but I'm so pale that anything in that shade range just looks odd on me. Same with the other dark purple color in the Veronica collection.


Well-known member
wow, I did not think RR would last this long, it's still on the site, I feel kind of bad for oh oh oh. it has never hit the sold out lol poor little lipstick no one loves it.
I know! I've been waiting and waiting for the restock of RR and now that I finally ordered it, it's still available on the MAC sight. And I LOVE Oh Oh Oh lipstick! It's such a
pretty plummy color on my lips. SUPER flattering for my NW15 skintone! I'm thinking of getting a backup actually...LOL!


Well-known member
What lip liner do y'all recommend wearing with Betty Bright? Or, no lip liner? Also, is there a dupe for Mall Madness? Thanks!


Well-known member
I know! I've been waiting and waiting for the restock of RR and now that I finally ordered it, it's still available on the MAC sight. And I LOVE Oh Oh Oh lipstick! It's such a
pretty plummy color on my lips. SUPER flattering for my NW15 skintone! I'm thinking of getting a backup actually...LOL!
I wasn't even going to get RR but then I got it since macys luckily for once didn't cancel i was like ok perfect and I actually like it but i said no back ups...