MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
:( Aw man... I don't like the shipping costs on the Mac website... You already pay almost 20 euros for a lipstick over here in Europe, I think it's ridic. But thanks to Fatifleur I want Betty Bright and Ronnie Red too now hahah... -__- Too bad I don't have the funds for that!

Have you ever tried asking them to set stuff apart, Corally?


Well-known member
:( Aw man... I don't like the shipping costs on the Mac website... You already pay almost 20 euros for a lipstick over here in Europe, I think it's ridic. But thanks to Fatifleur I want Betty Bright and Ronnie Red too now hahah... -__- Too bad I don't have the funds for that! Have you ever tried asking them to set stuff apart, Corally?
You can order it on the Douglas website? I always do that. I haven't tried it but other Dutchies have.


Well-known member
Oh, I've never ordered through the Douglas website! Thanks for the tip! :) Will they sell this collection on there as well?


Well-known member
I think it depends on how well they know you. Officially they are not allowed to do that. 99% of the time they won't. But if you are a regular custumer and the MUA's know you there is a slight chance. If you don't visit the counter or store on a regular bases I say, forget it. They probably won't set it aside for you...


Well-known member
Thanks! They don't know my name and I don't know the MUA's name that I usually deal with, so I don't think I can expect that kind of treatment, haha
They do recognize my face, but it's so hard to transfer your face through your phone. ;)
True. That'll be difficult...


Well-known member
Crazy, downright crazy... Pure amateurism or am I being too harsh on MAC right now? Geezzz...........
I am glad I ordered from the UK this time...

Yesterday I used Veronica's Blush swiped on with the 167SH and then layered Prom Princess for the extra pop of colour. Gorgeous... I also used the Spoiled Rich quad (wow, good pigmentation!) and Daddy's Little Girl. DLG is pretty but I am not head over heels. It doesn't seem like a truly unique colour to me. It's pretty though...

I only swatched FM on the back of my hand and I can imagine it looking really flattering

However, Yesterday I received Exhibit A, Desire and Zen blushes from NARS and I felt compelled to try the famous Exhibit A today. It is
Today I´ll get Taj Mahal, Amour, Mata Hari and Cactus Flower, so I am going to have to divide my love for these babies. Looking forward to trying FM though (and Taj Mahal).
Me too! I have learnt my lesson already. Though, I got only one PM.


Well-known member
To the Dutch Specktrettes can we alert each other via PM as soon as Archie is up= I am keeping my eye on the Douglas site especially, but I have some other things to do too and I am afraid I´ll miss out.


Well-known member
Or a post in here? Since PM'ing every Dutchie interested would be a bit tough I think!

Oh, and is there an advantage to having a Douglas Card? I barely shop at the Douglas so I guess there wouldn't be any for me hehe


Well-known member
Or a post in here? Since PM'ing every Dutchie interested would be a bit tough I think!
My take on that is that there are many people reading along with us. We do it via PM so that we actually stand a chance of getting the products we want. There are only a handful of Dutch Specktrettes that I alert and those I the ones I meet on the forums I am on too.
Plus: a simple message saying IT IS UP is sent quickly when selecting that handful lovely Specktrettes.


Well-known member
To the Dutchies,
I called Mac to ask if they had the Pearl Matte Facepowders in stock and guess what they did not (Bijenkorf Arnhem and Douglas Utrecht) also they did not receive any of the nailpolish. Something went wrong with the order codes so they had to re-order. However they will arrive about a week later. So call your local mac counter te ask if they will call you when the products are available. I do not know about the douglas/bijenkorf website maybe they have everything in stock!


Well-known member
Damnit, really twiddling my thumbs over whether I should be getting Betty Bright! I have the feeling it looks a lot like the new Essence matte lip thing I got for €2 (!) which stays on super well.

I almost wanted to order through the Bijenkorf, since I'll be going there anyway on Monday so I could pick it up, but when will the packages arrive?
"Let op: u krijgt een e-mail op de dag dat uw pakket in het filiaal is gearriveerd. U kunt het pakket daarna pas ophalen."

If it's not there yet I'm screwed...

Edit: Ah nevermind, I'm going to Amsterdam again on Friday. Woop! Ordered Daddy's Little Girl.
Thanks to Pinkdollface for letting me know about this lipcolour!

Still debating Betty Bright... I'm not a fan of coral on me, it just isn't my thing, but pink does look great on me in my opinion. Graaaaaaaaah. Haha okay, I'm gonna stop enabling myself, I prefer Betty Bright whenever puts something else on top of it, so it's not my colour. XD


Well-known member
Ok i m officially on a no buy till baking beauties...

Birthday prezzies from bf (He asked me what I wanted for my birthday prezzie and I told him i wanted him to buy me the face products from archie girls)
1. Cream soda blush
2. Prom Princess blush
3. Flatter me pearlmatte powder
4. Veronica's blush pearlmatte powder

What I bought myself:
1. Comic cute nail polish
2. Lucky in love pigment
3. Girl next door lipstick
4. Daddy's little girl lipstick
5. Ronnie red lipstick
6. Betty bright lipstick
7. Mall madness lipglass
8. Kiss and don't tell lipglass
9. Strawberry malt lipglass
10. Caramel sunday eye palette
11. Spoiled rich eye palette

I also bought myself 2 of the mineralized lipsticks. Thank goodness those are permanent so i can take my time to buy the mineralized lipsticks.

This is a wonderful spring collection put up by MAC which I have not seen in a long long time. <3 <3 Not buying any back ups as I have never ever finished any of my stuff other than base products.


Well-known member
....awesome haul, geeko!


Ok i m officially on a no buy till baking beauties...

Birthday prezzies from bf (He asked me what I wanted for my birthday prezzie and I told him i wanted him to buy me the face products from archie girls)
1. Cream soda blush
2. Prom Princess blush
3. Flatter me pearlmatte powder
4. Veronica's blush pearlmatte powder

What I bought myself:
1. Comic cute nail polish
2. Lucky in love pigment
3. Girl next door lipstick
4. Daddy's little girl lipstick
5. Ronnie red lipstick
6. Betty bright lipstick
7. Mall madness lipglass
8. Kiss and don't tell lipglass
9. Strawberry malt lipglass
10. Caramel sunday eye palette
11. Spoiled rich eye palette

I also bought myself 2 of the mineralized lipsticks. Thank goodness those are permanent so i can take my time to buy the mineralized lipsticks.

This is a wonderful spring collection put up by MAC which I have not seen in a long long time. <3 <3 Not buying any back ups as I have never ever finished any of my stuff other than base products.


Well-known member
Thank u MACina, in fact the collection was launched over here exactly 2 days before my birthday, so it was sorta like a birthday present for me. I looove loove this collection so much. Now i am thinking whether should i buy the betty light pink lipglass and the peach one as well :X


Well-known member
Perfect....couldn' t be better

Thank u MACina, in fact the collection was launched over here exactly 2 days before my birthday, so it was sorta like a birthday present for me. I looove loove this collection so much. Now i am thinking whether should i buy the betty light pink lipglass and the peach one as well :X


Well-known member
I'm wearing limecrimes Geradium on my lips I was going back and forth with that and Betty Bright
First, you look RADIANT! The colors all look great on you - and nice match with your shirt!

I never planned to get Betty Bright because it's too orange for me. But Geradium looks like a nice coral pink. Any idea how it compares to MAC Force of Love lipstick, which i do have? Anyone?