MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


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I hate spiders so much!  I can't even touch pictures of spiders.  When I lived in Hawaii, we always had wolf spiders in our apartment which freaked me the hell out!  My childhood friend's father liked to keep them in his car.  That was the first AND the last time I rode in that car.  *shudder* Now I always have a can of Raid at the ready. 
My grandpa used to print out pictures of spiders and stick them under the glass on the computer desk to keep me from going on the computer.
I had my own spidy scare today. It's not easy sitting on the toilet with you legs up on the counter (half bath) screaming for someone to come kill the ginormous spider that just crawled passed you!
Eeek! My grandma once called me a sissy because I had to have her "take care" of a spider in the bathroom so I could safely take a shower.


Well-known member
Eeek! My grandma once called me a sissy because I had to have her "take care" of a spider in the bathroom so I could safely take a shower.
I prefer being called a sissy over having to slap a big spider, hearing it crack and watch all kinds of slimey fluids come out of it any day.


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article about makeup and perception...
That's very interesting! Will have to keep that in mind about the darker lippies making you seem more in control and lighter like you're friendly! :) I immediately posted it to my Facebook going YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, hehe


Well-known member
That's very interesting! Will have to keep that in mind about the darker lippies making you seem more in control and lighter like you're friendly! :) I immediately posted it to my Facebook going YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, hehe
I like to be in charge no wonder why I'm gravitating towards deeper lip colours recently :D


Well-known member
I usually don't like drawing much attention to myself, so no dark or red lippies for me... But I do wear purple lipstick and parade around in high heels and short dresses.
I don't think I quite understand myself...


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martiangurl: nope, i was wearing a no brand aqua e/s in that pic XD,

Buick: Do give StG another try with other eye colors, I used to hate that color, but now it's one of my fav pinks from MAC
Well, I loved that color and your look inspired me to do a similar eye today. But I used the CMP from Surf Baby that is aqua b/c I am still in the looking but not touching yet phase on the teal Betty pigment (I think its called Lucky In Love?) but I am such a dork I can't always remember product names


Well-known member
I'm not afraid of spiders but my Dad and two of my brothers are. It cracks me up. When I was a teenager we went to see the movie Arachnaphobia and my OLDER brother jumped so high he was sitting on the back of the chair.


Well-known member
Question: Is there anyone who has a BU of the Flatter me beautypowder and is willing to sell it to me? Unfortunately my order at the mac counter did not go as it should they have kept me waiting for 2 weeks I called... they said I needed to wait some more....and ofcourse nothing arrived. I don't have access to the clearance bin yet so that's why I put my question down here. Help very much appreciated!


Well-known member
Question: Is there anyone who has a BU of the Flatter me beautypowder and is willing to sell it to me? Unfortunately my order at the mac counter did not go as it should they have kept me waiting for 2 weeks I called... they said I needed to wait some more....and ofcourse nothing arrived. I don't have access to the clearance bin yet so that's why I put my question down here. Help very much appreciated!
My order also didn't go through:( The pearlmattes only arrived in Groningen but are already sold out there from what I understood. I'm already looking through the clearance bin for me and my friend, but there are not many there or the people ask too much I think. I hope you can get your hands on one.


Well-known member
My order also didn't go through:( The pearlmattes only arrived in Groningen but are already sold out there from what I understood. I'm already looking through the clearance bin for me and my friend, but there are not many there or the people ask too much I think. I hope you can get your hands on one.
Ah so I am (again) not the only one! What is it with mac in holland or europe I should say? England seems to be the only country that has no trouble with the logistics. TIP for mac change logistic partner!?! And for the people who ask too much - well I think that's not very nice or friendly to your fellow specktra friends!


Well-known member
If I saw a spider as big as the one on this thread I would seriously consider moving!! I live near the forest so I get lots of little ones! Yuck! Nothing like waking up to use the bathroom and there is a spider dangling right in fron of the toilet!! So gross!! Or that sudden spider sense you get and you look to the right and BAM spider lol


Well-known member
MACerette, were you the one who started all this spider talk??? Good job giving everyone nightmares!!! Lol, just kidding. Actually, I'm about to contribute! Apologies to all of those afraid of spiders in this thread, but I've gotta jump on board and share my scary spider picture too!

This huge sucker surprised me one day last September! Dropped down on a thread of webbing and stopped right at eye level! It COMPLETELY freaked me out. I waited for hubby to come home to kill it, and even he was pretty freaked out. Rather than his usual squishing method, he just sprayed it over and over with some sort of household cleaner (Windex, maybe?) until its nervous system went to hell and it started twitching and fell down. I would CRY if I ever had one of these actually on me!!!


Well-known member
Enough with the spiders already.
I'm a wuss---yeah that's right!
. Please start an arachnid thread and stop posting those gross photos. My daughter loves bugs and treats them like precious gems. Since she was 3 years old I've had to tell her that she wasn't allowed to bring anything in the house that she couldn't eat!!!
Cause Mommy's a wuss!


Well-known member
Enough with the spiders already.
I'm a wuss---yeah that's right!
. Please start an arachnid thread and stop posting those gross photos. My daughter loves bugs and treats them like precious gems. Since she was 3 years old I've had to tell her that she wasn't allowed to bring anything in the house that she couldn't eat!!!
Cause Mommy's a wuss!

i use to be afraid of flipping pages in 'national geographic' magazine when i was a kid, because i was so creeped out about touching a picture of gross creatures...i use to flip the pages by only touching the the very edge of the paper. i kind of felt the internet equivalent as i was scrolling through this thread....eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew


Well-known member
There have actually been serious scientific studies done - IIRC they were in the US and the UK. Bosses would say they preferred "all natural". Then, when shown pictures of women in no makeup, "natural" makeup, professional office makeup, and night-out makeup - which women do you think they thought were more competent? The ones in make up. They even preferred the ones in more glamorous makeup over the "natural" makeup - and that was for office work...

I don't know if it's the same in the Netherlands, but...
Cutting in but I loved that you mentioned this. I both read the article and looked at photos from the study to make sure night-out makeup was REALLY night-out makeup. I wear fairly dramatic stuff in the day and I've seen and heard women gasp at false lashes and liquid liner (all very natural and simple, much like geeko's pics as being too dramatic and for 'nights out') Thankfully the makeup was close to what I'd wear daily so I knew the results were pretty accurate.

I have to admit I'm a bit guilty of this feeling, though I don't look down on people who don't wear makeup or who wear more natural looks. Maybe its because I wear and love the stuff so much myself, but when I see someone and their application is really skilled I always feel that touch of extra respect and competency. I'd be curious if they'd repeat the study and ask the people (especially men who claim they prefer natural looks ::insert eyeroll::) what they see in women wearing that makeup that they don't see in the women without it.


Well-known member
[COLOR=008000]Enough with the spiders already. [/COLOR]:dunno: [COLOR=008000] I'm a wuss---yeah that's right!  [/COLOR][COLOR=008000]:haha: [/COLOR][COLOR=008000].  Please start an arachnid thread and stop posting those gross photos.  My daughter loves bugs and treats them like precious gems.  Since she was 3 years old I've had to tell her that she wasn't allowed to bring anything in the house that she couldn't eat!!!  [/COLOR][COLOR=008000]:shock: [/COLOR] [COLOR=008000]Cause Mommy's a wuss![/COLOR]
Well theoretically.. you can eat them.. brrr. :barf:


Well-known member
When it comes to men I've adopted two mindsets about them.

1. A man will give you all the rules of things he likes and swear up and down about them like they're the Ten Commandments. "I don't like girls with short hair blah blah blah." and if Halle Berry walked into the room with a teeny pixie he'd fling you into Rush Hour traffic like a bag of 10 day old garbage to get to her. Be yourself, men go for hotness period. If you're comfortable and happy you're more likely to be hot than if you're trying to be something you're not and miserable.

2. Something Dita Von Teese said about her unique look and how that factors into dating. This isn't a verbatim quote but she essentially said she simply stays true to herself and she finds that the men she would be interested in anyway are the ones who ask her out. Sounds smart to me.