MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
Maybe it is also the fact that it is not exact the same LW.....many people might be disappointed

Oh yeah. Way longer than Heroine. I think right now though Heroine might have a bigger following. Not sure though. People seem to be loving any and everything purple/lavender/lilac right now. It's crazy. LOL.


Well-known member
Does anyone know when it will be up on Macy's or Nordstroms website? I was at a family dinner & missed LW so I only managed to get PD and RS


Well-known member
Maybe it is also the fact that it is not exact the same LW.....many people might be disappointed
Could be. You think a lot of people know it's different? Probably so but I'm thinking there are still a lot of people out there that all they know is Lavender Whip is returning and they want to get it. Probably didn't look for swatches or anything. LOL! A lot of people may have gotten accustomed to collections being put up in the wee morning hours and will be surprised to go look and find out it's already gone.


Well-known member
Not sure....that was just thought.But you are probably right that a lot of people don' t know about the difference and grabbed it
just because it is called LW.And it is still pretty IMO.I really like the "new" LW too.Even though I would have prefered an even more
lavender would have been great if MAC had made this LW even more lavender instaed of more pink wouldn' t it?
Could be. You think a lot of people know it's different? Probably so but I'm thinking there are still a lot of people out there that all they know is Lavender Whip is returning and they want to get it. Probably didn't look for swatches or anything. LOL! A lot of people may have gotten accustomed to collections being put up in the wee morning hours and will be surprised to go look and find out it's already gone.


Well-known member
T says the 129 is scratchy? :( I've always heard nothing but good things about it. Hope I won't regret getting it as its $35!


Well-known member
T says the 129 is scratchy?
I've always heard nothing but good things about it. Hope I won't regret getting it as its $35!
I love my 129 and use it daily. Perhaps my standards are low - I haven't got any other Mac face brushes to compare, and was using cheap drugstore brushes before - but I don't find it scratchy at all.


Well-known member
The 129SE looks like a holiday set one to me. I've looked up a couple of pics of the full sized and permanent SH 129 and it looks very different to me. (full sized and permanent SH) (full sized)

Pics of 129SE from BB:

Pics of 129SE from holiday set:

The 129 in the holiday sets always have a lot less rounded tip and that's how the BB 129SE looks like to me.


I'm new here (well, i'm always reading but never dare to write lol ) but you sincerely got me with this comment
, switching the lipstick bullet? I've tried to look here, on youtube for that DIY but cannot find it :( I guess you are talking about erine1881, right? I guess what i'm trying to say is
would you please, please, please share the video? I feel just like you about temperature rising, and the idea of the bullet would be what actually moves me to get something from the collection; it's such a great idea!!!
Hope you have a great day!! ^^

I'm inclined to skip temperature rising too! but i'm actually just getting a random lipstick for the packaging and switching one of my favorite lipstick bullet into the bronze packaging (idea from erine's shared how-to video). lipglass maybe the neutral pink , but again also for the packaging. blush i'm not sure might pass.


Well-known member
I'm new here (well, i'm always reading but never dare to write lol ) but you sincerely got me with this comment
, switching the lipstick bullet? I've tried to look here, on youtube for that DIY but cannot find it :( I guess you are talking about erine1881, right? I guess what i'm trying to say is
would you please, please, please share the video? I feel just like you about temperature rising, and the idea of the bullet would be what actually moves me to get something from the collection; it's such a great idea!!!
Hope you have a great day!! ^^
Here is the vid:)

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