My Definitely Defined has what I thought was a fingerprint, but I think it's really just a defect in the product. However, the other two have two clear finger smudges on them, I showed my boyfriend the photos and he says they look like fingerprints to him too. I emailed Macy's customer service but haven't heard back. I ended up tweeting them my complaint and they gave me an email to use to send them my experience, so I sent my thoughts and photos to them. We'll see what they do. Here's the photos of my products: The Def. Def. looks like it could be the defect:
Double Def. Looks like fingerprints on the lighter part again to me.
Shape the Future: This is the one that completely looks like fingerprint marks on it to me, and it's missing a chip out of it as well.
I ordered another set from Nordstroms, just in case Macy's ran out of stock/couldn't exchange them for me. I haven't heard back from them on what they plan on doing to help me though.