MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
i'm being lazy & posting the screenshot to my YouTube video (sorry!), but I wanted to share bc I'm wearing Royal Sunset blush & Flamingo lipstick.. I'm in love, I wasn't sure how well Royal Sunset would show up on my NC40 skintone so I took a risk & it's really pigmented & pretty.. this is just one layer! Also I'm obsessed with how Sushi Kiss looks on since seeing it back on camera, I'm definitely backing up a few of SK, Flamingo & SS on Thurs when I pick up Razzledazzler.
Exactly! The nerve of people...
Someone left me a lovely comment today, she told me that Flamingo looks much better on me than some of the other colorful lipsticks I wear, especially the oranges. I wanna slap her in the face, I love my orange lippies. :pooh:
I hate when someone does that...cloaks a jab with a "compliment" lol. Makes you want to say "thank you" while doing this
...with a smile!
Pretty! Definitely warms you up!
Sushi Kiss on the lips with Ripe for Love blush. This lipstick is amazing. So pretty for the summer and it brightens up the face.
Just me and Flamingo (no liner) today.


Well-known member
Would that work on me too? Honestly, I have never filled in my brows before, no idea where to start LOL, i have it waxed once a month, thats it, I don't even tweeze in between appointments, im too chicken
I just started tweezing on my own and love it. Is your hair dark brown? I'm trying to tell from your pic but maybe the Deep brunette veluxe brow pencil? That one has the brow spoolie on the end already for you since you've never filled in on your own. Or if your hair is black the Deep dark brunette veluxe brow pencil should work.


Well-known member
Finally caught up with this thread. I got a cp for RS, HJ, SK and T&T. The collection turned out to be available online here so I couldn't resist and got S&S and a BU of SK. I wore Reel Sexy again and I love it more than I did last year. Since SK is close I'm sure I'll love it too. I got a BU of Betty Bright and that's very pretty too, but sometimes too pink. In my head it was ok to BU SK, because I'll probably like it better than BB and I have a BU of that too. See how easy it is to justify BU's
I can't wait to get my goodies!

Ow and all you ladies that posted pics are gorgeous! There are so many new pics, so I won't quote them all cause this post would get ridiculously long.
PDF---great haul. I'm looking forward to your pics!! ENJOY!


Well-known member
Argh Sweet and Sour is doing the thing that some pale cremesheens do where it goes on all clingy to dry bits on my lips . Even when they're exfoliated! What am I supposed to do? Maybe a lip liner?


Well-known member
Does anyone have any thoughts about how Honey Jasmine would look on very pale skin (I'm about NW13)? I'm far more drawn to it than to Royal Sunset, but I think it might be too yellow-toned to look good.