RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
:grouphug: [COLOR=6666FF]A great big 'ol hug to everyone on this forum, both oldies and newbies (& inbetweenies lol). Let's all try to get along. This is for our[/COLOR] [COLOR=6666FF]addiction & love of all things makeup. I, personally, have loved every minute being on this site since joining and everyone has always been so thoughtful, helpful, funny, etc to one another. I have met some wonderful people whom I consider friends/family. I don't feel like a "fool" for having an addiction to makeup as my other friends always made me feel like. Because here, we all share the same addiction(s).[/COLOR]
I agree.all this disagreements is giving me a headache I will be back when it calms down.group hug


Well-known member
Yes to the first one. And yes and no to the second one. RiRi Woo isn't nearly as drying as Ruby Woo even though they are both retro-matte's.

...and it also depends how sensitive you are to the dryness of lipsticks like ruby/riri woo.... i find them to be dry, but not necessarily dry-ing. might be worth trying them out before these ones release?


Well-known member
...on my computer (macbook pro), i sadly can't click on anything in the gallery anymore because it makes my browser crash big time... i don't know if it's a mac vs pc issue, but it's a bit crap. i can only look at the 5-6 thumbnails that appear on the side of the page at any given time, so i kind of have to go back through the pages manually :(
On the computer: My iMAC crashes if I click on anything in the photo gallery too. I don't know if it's browser incompatibility or not, but I
now avoid the photo gallery altogether.

the search function on specktra is not always very helpful -- sometimes i can't find posts i KNOW i've seen before with my own eyes. and if the thread happens to be a popular one with hundreds of pages of history, who wants to go back and read all those posts, which to a newbie, contain somewhat irrelevant conversations?

it doesn't help that there is conflicting information surrounding these collections, from release dates, to colour stories, availability...everything's a big questions mark it seems with some collections!

i've been one of those people who ask something that's already been asked...when i first joined, reading an entire thread felt like sifting through heavy sand...it's only when you become familiar with other users, form friendships and join discussions that reading the threads stops being completely disorienting.

specktra is the only forum i'm part of and i've basically learned 'forum etiquette' on here as i go. i don't think it's fair to expect new members or infrequent users to know the etiquette off the bat. and i think some members are nicer than others in letting people know about their faux-pas...

that said, i completely understand the frustration of members who are extremely helpful, go out of their way to make info available to everyone, and end up consistently fielding the exact same questions repeatedly. i often feel frustrated on their behalf, so i can only imagine how they keep up with it!


Well-known member
1) That new members have the audacity to come into a forum and clamor about all sort of information without truly getting a feel for said forum (i.e. reading, seeing how members interact with each other, etc.) is absurd. YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER IN AN ESTABLISHED PLACE. People think, "Oh, it's just the internet", except we all know that is an understatement; community members frequently mimic social interactions online, which is why there are inside jokes between friends. This is an set practice. Older members have no idea who you are! This goes both ways! I'm a new member and I get ignored all the time. If Specktra is more negative than positive experiences, why would you still post here? I'd get the hell out of dodge.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I will be at a conference that day. Poops and ladders!!!!!!
2) Poops and ladders is the cutest and funniest thing I have ever read. I nearly did a spit take with my coffee.
3) I'm so glad this was pushed back, TBH. Gives me more time. Thank you, Based Herpes Scare 2013.


Well-known member
When I was new on here, not that long ago, the "gang" everyone is talking about was nothing but nice and helpful. I feel people may take things the wrong way/too personally over the internet. We can't tell other's intentions nor can we sense their tone. This is by far the best makeup/beauty forum out there. Let's hug it out, y'all!
yea when i joined i had no problems. so thats why im not understanding what is going on really lmao and the time ive defended Erine when someone said she said something nasty I really thought to myself I shouldn't be feeding feul to the fire but like cmon everyone is different, every one speaks differently but it doesnt mean they're really being mean.

To add an example of how great this forum is.. since the first day I've joined, not ONCE have i seen a negative comment posted towards someone who posted a picture of themselves. If we were truly bullies and a bad forum I think it would have been a different story.


Well-known member
Urgh, crap.

Was completely going to pass... the lipsticks have caught my eye.

Will have to see.

They're all retro-matte right? That means more drying than regular mattes or am I incorrect on this info?
I find that my RiRi Woo feels dry but it doesn't dry my lips out, the same goes with my other regular ol' mattes.


Well-known member
I find that my RiRi Woo feels dry but it doesn't dry my lips out, the same goes with my other regular ol' mattes.
i love how riri woo is. i wore it to work and not once did i feel that uncomfortable dry feeling. after a few hours though i saw that it bled but i didnt use any primer so its my fault lol


Well-known member
I'm a newbie and IMO I like that the swatches and discussion are in one place. The way I see it, if someone had a question about the swacthes it can be answered within the discussion and everyone can see the answer, making it less likely to be asked again. And having a single thread per collection makes everything less redundant, again less of the same questions.
The discussion post would still have swatches like it does now, none of that would change. The reasoning I think behind having the swatch thread is to make finding swatches easier for members and lurkers. At one point we didn't have the gallery in the discussion thread so having the swatch thread made it easier to find. So none of it would be redundant or answering the same questions, all the questions would be for the discussion thread only.


Well-known member
I don't know why all these posts have made me think of that ancient Coca-Cola commercial where everyone is singing "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony..." Or of the teletubby that used to say, "Big hug!" I can go on with these happy, fuzzy references! But back to MAC...who's re energized by this collection after being disappointed by the delay? ME!!!


Well-known member
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I will be at a conference that day. Poops and ladders!!!!!!

2) Poops and ladders is the cutest and funniest thing I have ever read. I nearly did a spit take with my coffee.
3) I'm so glad this was pushed back, TBH. Gives me more time. Thank you, Based Herpes Scare 2013.
There.. I'm not ignoring you.


Well-known member
To add an example of how great this forum is.. since the first day I've joined, not ONCE have i seen a negative comment posted towards someone who posted a picture of themselves. If we were truly bullies and a bad forum I think it would have been a different story.
Seriously!! One of the hair forums I pay to be on would have chewed up and spit out some of the pictures we post! Thank goodness that doesn't happen here.


Well-known member
yea when i joined i had no problems. so thats why im not understanding what is going on really lmao and the time ive defended Erine when someone said she said something nasty I really thought to myself I shouldn't be feeding feul to the fire but like cmon everyone is different, every one speaks differently but it doesnt mean they're really being mean.

To add an example of how great this forum is.. since the first day I've joined, not ONCE have i seen a negative comment posted towards someone who posted a picture of themselves. If we were truly bullies and a bad forum I think it would have been a different story.
I've not been a member for too long, but I've never felt bullied or seen anything going on that I considered to be bullying. I love this forum and the people in it are not only knowledgable but helpful and friendly. Everyone has always been quick to compliment others when they post pics and I have never seen a negative comment about anyone's appearance. To me that would be bullying not a few jokes made between two people or a comment or two that may or may not of been snarky after answering the same question over and over again.


Well-known member
1) That new members have the audacity to come into a forum and clamor about all sort of information without truly getting a feel for said forum (i.e. reading, seeing how members interact with each other, etc.) is absurd. YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER IN AN ESTABLISHED PLACE. People think, "Oh, it's just the internet", except we all know that is an understatement; community members frequently mimic social interactions online, which is why there are inside jokes between friends. This is an set practice. Older members have no idea who you are! This goes both ways! I'm a new member and I get ignored all the time. If Specktra is more negative than positive experiences, why would you still post here? I'd get the hell out of dodge.

2) Poops and ladders is the cutest and funniest thing I have ever read. I nearly did a spit take with my coffee.
3) I'm so glad this was pushed back, TBH. Gives me more time. Thank you, Based Herpes Scare 2013.
Absolutely agree with everything here! Speaking from experience, it's easy to take offense to something if you don't know someone's personality. And it's also easy to make assumptions about a user's experience (I had no idea you couldn't view the gallery by mobile). I don't think any meanness is intentional. People are genuinely nice and funny, and want to be helpful.

Getting back on topic, I'm relieved that this has been delayed. I am not planning to buy any MAC until August so it will be nice to stretch this out a bit longer.


Well-known member

Has anyone's sources confirmed yet if heaux is going to be like rebel? I know that's everyones theory. Im not to sure about these copy I mean inspired colors of permanent colors. Though I was happy with riri woo since I don't have ruby. I was never crazy for UTA
I don't think so, I'm hoping since it was pushed back a bit further we'll start to maybe see some swatches soon.


Well-known member
Erine if you're reading this, don't stop giving us information. You're kinda like my MAC informant...and I know insider trading is bad but I won't tell if you don't... With that said, lets just talk makeup and have a good time!


Well-known member
Listen, I've been a member here for a long, long time. There has been a shift in the way things are handled here as members come and go, people have their days and so on. That's neither here nor there. I've had a handful of misunderstanding with people. I think we all know tone is hard to establish over the internet whether it's with a stranger or someone you "know". I always find that explaining diffuses a situation. Example, when one member said she bought 3 RRW's, somehow she took my comment of "damn" with a laughing face as a judgement on her. I simply explained I wasn't judging and the situation was over. It doesn't matter if you have 1 post or 1,000 under your belt. If you feel like you've been disrespected or see something you don't like, you should be allowed to say so respectfully. If cooler heads prevail, and bullying or ridiculing was not the intention then the situation will be over. No one likes to be lectured, no one likes to be disrespected, no one likes to see the same question asked a million times or answer the same question a million times. So, let's just breathe and handle situations as they come.

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