RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I hope they have a "buy all" button like they did for the Hayley collection. Because I am for sure BUYING ALL!
I agree!!! I would LOVE to have a "Buy All" button.

then when I'm drinking my wine & shopping I only need to find ONE button


Well-known member
...on my computer (macbook pro), i sadly can't click on anything in the gallery anymore because it makes my browser crash big time... i don't know if it's a mac vs pc issue, but it's a bit crap. i can only look at the 5-6 thumbnails that appear on the side of the page at any given time, so i kind of have to go back through the pages manually :(

the search function on specktra is not always very helpful -- sometimes i can't find posts i KNOW i've seen before with my own eyes. and if the thread happens to be a popular one with hundreds of pages of history, who wants to go back and read all those posts, which to a newbie, contain somewhat irrelevant conversations?

it doesn't help that there is conflicting information surrounding these collections, from release dates, to colour stories, availability...everything's a big questions mark it seems with some collections!

i've been one of those people who ask something that's already been asked...when i first joined, reading an entire thread felt like sifting through heavy sand...it's only when you become familiar with other users, form friendships and join discussions that reading the threads stops being completely disorienting.

specktra is the only forum i'm part of and i've basically learned 'forum etiquette' on here as i go. i don't think it's fair to expect new members or infrequent users to know the etiquette off the bat. and i think some members are nicer than others in letting people know about their faux-pas...

that said, i completely understand the frustration of members who are extremely helpful, go out of their way to make info available to everyone, and end up consistently fielding the exact same questions repeatedly. i often feel frustrated on their behalf, so i can only imagine how they keep up with it!
I have a Macbook pro and have had the same problem for several months. But the last few days I haven't had any problems with clicking on the gallery. Knock on wood.


Well-known member
PLEASE FORGIVE MY TYPOS, MY LAPTOP is acting up. I can't backspace, delete, repeat leters and etc. THANK YOU if you got through this post, I know typos are annoying to read.
I just recently joined Specktra to feed my MAC addiction, but I just want to say that I have never felt that anyone was being rude to me, and Erine is seriously like a goddess lol. She provides so much information, and I incredibly grateful for all her help, because she definitely contributes greatly to the site. We love you Erine!
~flips hair over the shoulder and sticks nose in the air~ she a'ite!


Well-known member
THIS! I'll be with my friends and be talking about lipsticks and I feel like they just think I'm so materialistic etc (this probably isn't true, however I'm sure they think I'm more materialistic than most of them, which may or may not be true).

It's nice to come here and talk about makeup without feeling like you sound like a tween girl!

Erine, you've answered many of my personal questions and you are like our Specktra-Momma (full of knowledge)! Most of us appreciate what you do for us and all the information you provide, it would be a shame for you to feel unappreciated/unwanted here :)

As for riri collection, it's going to take a lot of me to resist riri boy and heaux if they indeed are the same shades, but to buy the same shade with a different formula (especially since I'm fine with the other formulas) I can't justify for myself :(


Well-known member
PLEASE FORGIVE MY TYPOS, MY LAPTOP is acting up. I can't backspace, delete, repeat leters and etc. THANK YOU if you got through this post, I know typos are annoying to read. Quote: GIRL! I think I do too.  Just don't want to admit it. LOL Oh babe, I know you are playing, but real anxiety is no joke. I hope we don't ever get that over these releases. I get anxious trying to get my order in, but after experiencing real anxiety on my job (to the point I'm shaking when I get 6 minutes away)  I quit if it gets that bad. The lovely EO responded to one of my post! (yes I'm jealous of the way you, shontay, and medgal fawn over each other) LOL   Ok, I almost spit on my phone, I'm putting you two in the corner. I'm not gona lie I skim these threads a lot. Most of the time, I have 5+ windows open trying to get caught up on the forum, and reading over 6 pages each is NOT gona happen. But I have to agre with the oldies LOL. It is annoying watching the same members answering the same questions over and over. I first noticed it in the archie thread. there was a huge influx of newbies tht I had to stop reading it. I wanted to ofer another perspective as to why it is so frustrating. Instead of people coming to be part of the board, they bust in asking their 50+ questions then leave. It's like they want to take what they want and then leave. Not saying everyone is like that, but it was enough that I ran from the Archies thread.  Plus there is a general forum etiquette over the internet, you can just join and ask your question, you have to read the rules and search and se if your question has already been answered, or you will be ignored.   NOt trying to stir the pot but I was reading this on the train and wanted to leave another perspective. I felt like I got ignored a lot, and stil do. Except for a few members I've developed a bond with. BUT something about being able to post my thoughts "out loud" keps me or kept me coming back. At least they were out of head. ya know. I think we should have both and please don't get ride of the gallery to the right. IKR! I thought the same! OMG, I LOL'd for real! ~flips hair over the shoulder and sticks nose in the air~ she a'ite!
Girl i spent most of my childhood in a timeout! And see, you and i had a lil misunderstanding, but now we cool. We tight and shit! And thanks ladies! Your rock my lil makeup world!


Well-known member

here....everythings better

I'm a real old timer here & its been a hoot. I know & love Erine & Richelle. I love information & playful snarkiness. I get it.

I'm nice to old & new a like, but I LOVE the snarky, teasing & fun. I do not think we act like a crew or club....we help everyone. I love everyone (almost).

I also have spent endless hours swatching, posting pictures (none of which were nudes thank god) answering questions etc. etc. I have also been highly annoyed that I will post photos & very detailed descriptions of colors just to have someone on the next page or just a few posts later ask about the color that I just posted about

I really love erines snarky comments...it entertaines me & unfortunately irritates others
I keep thinking of Jim Carrey in the Mask, saying She loves me....she really loves me

No idea why that played in my head though lol


Active member
Hi Everyone!

I've been following this site for awhile already and decided what the hell?! I might as well join!
Just like everyone else here, I'm supeeeeeer excited about the collection, but a thumbs down for that delay in the release

On the topic of it releasing late, I was on Ebay earlier and it seems as if someone already got a hold of the products even before the actual launch date?! She "claims" it was purchased on the mac site, but obviously we all know there wasn't ANYTHING THERE!!
Not to mention she's selling all three lippies (RRW, Heaux, and RRB) for $150!
Not sure if she was part of Rih's crew but seems as though it was put up for sale even before people started posting pictures of the actual products!



Well-known member
(On mobile so forgive me if the quoting is off)
You guys are like high school bullies... Is it that serious?! I understand its "annoying" that someone asks a question already answered but in the grand scheme of things.. Is it really that big of a deal?! I mean why not have a standard answer like "please refer to first post". If someone is new to the site or forums in general, is that the kind of welcome you want to give them???? Erine1881 - you answer a lot of questions and you're super helpful but over the last year or so I've realized you're also incredibly snarky and you're the kind of "Mac girl" that people complain are bitchy when they go to the store. Just relax everyone, honestly. It's not that serious that someone asks a question, that's why the forums are here. Maybe no one cares about my opinion but I was under the impression that the point of Specktra wasn't trying to join this elusive, private community but being able to come and share your love of makeup! I'm so over the mean and sarcastic comments to people!!!
loooooooooove this ! seriously took the words right outta my mouth !
Yess!!! I'm new n already feel like this forum is just like the rest of sites filled with smart comments when it isn't necessary. I know a few times I didn't even want to ask a question because I know I'm get smart comment back. Smhhh
Sorry i couldn't respond sooner, as i was out doing CPs for fellow members, you know, being helpful and whatnot. You're not telling me anything that i don't already know. I've admitted that at times I can be snarky. But for the most part, i answer every question that i can, honestly and to the best of my ability. I now have a mental note of who apparently doesn't appreciate my answers, either helpful or snarky. And i have absolutely no problem NOT answering questions, nor do i have a problem NOT posting collection info or swatches. So as you browse thru these threads of upcoming fall collections (and past collections as well) take note of who provided a lot of the initial collection information. Now I'm not saying it all came from me, and that no one else has provided new and helpful information as well, but the upcoming fall collection names and product information released so far, guess where that came from? And guess who has swatch photos of all those collections as well? So, please, keep allowing yourself to vent your frustration by telling me i can't vent mine because people fail to read even 5 posts above their repetitive questions. I advise you to take your own suggestions and ignore what irritates you, because it's obviously easy for you to advise that of me. I never knew so many people were so sensitive to jokes and strong personalities such as mine. Since so many of my posts are taken the wrong way, I'll just keep my suggestions, information and swatches to myself. :peace:
Let's be real: several people join Specktra, come into a forum and their *very first post* is a question that has been asked a million times already in that very forum. This only shows that the person didn't bother to try to read any of the previous posts and came in seeking an instant answer. We realize that the number of postings in any one thread can be overwhelming but, geez, take the time to investigate and use the search before asking.
Smiles are good, extra ?!?!?! also works. Sometimes it does get rather annoying to see the same questions being asked over and over. I get it is easier to just post a question and come back and read a response later on. Some people have been ignored all together because it was literally asked and answered either on that very page or the one before. I left Specktra a while for school, came back and watched Erine post over and over again the same thing. Kept thinking why, just let them participate and read the thread like the rest of us. Then I got back into again and started doing what she was doing and got irritated. Specktra is a nice friendly place compared to some of the other boards I pay to be on. This is a great free forum.  Just my 2 cents.
I suggest using the search feature then. Search "release date" or something like that. The thing is, if the thread is 55 pages deep or 100 pages deep, then one must know the chances are likely quite high that they aren't the first ones asking that particular question. Either people don't really know how to use a forum or they just don't care to learn how to use it. Some are like "huff huff puff puff, I'm not reading through all of that! I have a question and I want it answered right now!"  Take re-stocks for instance. When I notice a restock is done, I come to see if anyone has posted about it before I post about it because chances are, someone has seen the restock and posted about it before I do.  Most people peruse forums on their leisure time. Leisure time means you have time on your hands. If you have time on your hands, use it to read and peruse a little bit. An awful lot can be learned and found out that way. 
I'm just going to throw in my two cents. I'm still relatively new here, so take it with a grain of salt, so we can eventually start talking about happy stuff or not so happy stuff like how I would be waiting impationately for 8:45 (PST) to roll around and get my stuff if there wasn't a stupid delay. Any who, I just want to point out, that the complaints aren't about questions previously answered 50 pages prior, it's about the questions that were just answered within the past few hours or even a day or so prior. They are questions where the answer can be found on the previous page or even that same page. It wouldn't hurt for some to just skim through the first few pages. I feel that it's part of universal Forum Etiquette. There are tools to go huntin' for an answer and I personally try to be proactive enough to use them, but at the very least I try to skim through to see if my question is lurking around because mostly likely it's been answered.
And i completely understand that not everyone can read every single post, but i do. And if people could read every post, they'd see just how many times the same questions are asked over and over. And what shows complete disregard to everyone is when someone posts "I'm sure this has already been posted, but i don't feel like searching for it..."
With all do respect I have not @Richelle83. That was the perception, not the reality! And the manner in which folks chose to articulate their concern was nothing short of bullying. Totally unneccessary and alientating to say the least.To question a persons integrity without any concrete evidence and to do so as part of a group is what should be deemed as questionable. Furthermore I have oberved several other members who are part of the "crew" post "questionable things" and there was no objection just a discussion. Hyprocrisy? I'd say so..... Just my take....
I don't know who the "crew" is that you speak of, but do note that not once did i ever make any response to your posts along the lines of what you're referring to. In fact, i don't think I've even seen questions or information posted by you at all (other than the ebay posts), if if there has been, i don't recall. But it's obviously quite easy for you join in, when i never did that towards you. So keep that in mind next time.
Thank You!! I wish i can have riri woo lol
Well you still have 3 chances to get it, so don't give up!
Nooooo!!! Erin don't go! You told me you wouldn't.. *cries hysterically*
I'm a newbie and IMO I like that the swatches and discussion are in one place. The way I see it, if someone had a question about the swacthes it can be answered within the discussion and everyone can see the answer, making it less likely to be asked again. And having a single thread per collection makes everything less redundant, again less of the same questions.
The discussion post would still have swatches like it does now, none of that would change. The reasoning I think behind having the swatch thread is to make finding swatches easier for members and lurkers. At one point we didn't have the gallery in the discussion thread so having the swatch thread made it easier to find. So none of it would be redundant or answering the same questions, all the questions would be for the discussion thread only.
Oh, I see!
Listen, I've been a member here for a long, long time. There has been a shift in the way things are handled here as members come and go, people have their days and so on. That's neither here nor there. I've had a handful of misunderstanding with people. I think we all know tone is hard to establish over the internet whether it's with a stranger or someone you "know". I always find that explaining diffuses a situation. Example, when one member said she bought 3 RRW's, somehow she took my comment of "damn" with a laughing face as a judgement on her. I simply explained I wasn't judging and the situation was over. It doesn't matter if you have 1 post or 1,000 under your belt. If you feel like you've been disrespected or see something you don't like, you should be allowed to say so respectfully. If cooler heads prevail, and bullying or ridiculing was not the intention then the situation will be over. No one likes to be lectured, no one likes to be disrespected, no one likes to see the same question asked a million times or answer the same question a million times. So, let's just breathe and handle situations as they come.
Well said Shontay! P.S. that's my middle name. *smiles*
I just recently joined Specktra to feed my MAC addiction, but I just want to say that I have never felt that anyone was being rude to me, and Erine is seriously like a goddess lol. She provides so much information, and I incredibly grateful for all her help, because she definitely contributes greatly to the site. We love you Erine! 
I know right, She looks so good.
shontay i love your new avi :)
I agree! Hot mama!


Active member

Immediately noticed the wallpaper and thought, hmmm this looks awfully familiar!!
Thank you for welcoming me Richelle83!
Have you bought from this person before?! Seems like she's been aiming for extremely high prices, double or triple the price of a regular mac lipstick!