Eh some ppl are just more sensitive than others, personally when I dont like something I just keep scrolling...simple as that. I understand some of the frustration as well, I've only been here since Feb but I try to keep up with all the posts even when I fall behind and yes it can get really annoying when ppl ask the same questions over and over again.... and I would probably be 10 times more annoyed if I was Erine and had already answered them 20 times before. I remember answering questions to ppl and then being completely ignored while they kept asking the same question over and over again and ive also been ignored neither of which I take personally..its just makeup. It's understandable when the member is new but I've noticed that not all that ask are, some are just too lazy to look. I say its up to us newer members to help direct the new ones and ignore those who know better but refuse to put in the work (something I'd like to call negative reinforcement)