Oceanic Lily
Well-known member
Girls- Imagine the absolute ARMAGEDDON going on over at MAC headquarters! If this didn't pose the insomina-maniacal threat that it is fast becoming - this would be hysterical! MAC muckymuks must be turning shades of HEAUX at the thought the kajillions in revenue being lost!!!!!
I'm on the WEST COAST and have been feeling everyone's palpable anxiety in storm driven waves- Ladies the anxiety has gotta to be mitigated by the fact MAC "ITs "
must be dropping like flies in an effort to restore the site back up & running!
Wouldn't it be Loverlee if MAC- out of deference to a monstrously supportive clientele- sent us a RIRI treat each for our loyal patronage, mobilizing frenzy and rabid fandom???? Now- there's a MAC CAMPAIGN I could REALLY get behind!

I'm on the WEST COAST and have been feeling everyone's palpable anxiety in storm driven waves- Ladies the anxiety has gotta to be mitigated by the fact MAC "ITs "

Wouldn't it be Loverlee if MAC- out of deference to a monstrously supportive clientele- sent us a RIRI treat each for our loyal patronage, mobilizing frenzy and rabid fandom???? Now- there's a MAC CAMPAIGN I could REALLY get behind!